Shipwrecks and Letting Go

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Bruni sat on a rock waiting for Elsa, Hiccup, Anna, Olaf, and the dragons to catch up.

" Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Elsa sang out into the wilderness hoping for the voice to answer back.

" Arh!" Hiccup roared trying to receive a call from his grandfather.

" Ah, ooh, ah, ooh!" Olaf called out after the couple, Anna, Bruni, and the dragons jumped at the sudden burst of sound.

" Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Elsa called out and Hiccup roared again.

" Ah, ooh, ah, ooh!" Olaf replied the dragons and Bruni grumbled.

" Ah, Olaf maybe just do it quietly," Anna suggested as the dragons nodded.

" I agree Hiccup hasn't got the right pitch," Olaf whispered back to her and the dragons shook their heads.

Gale flew past them and twinkled, the dragons crooned in response.

" Hey, Gale's back." Olaf happily announced as the wind spirit circles them.

Gale flew over to Hiccup and Elsa twirling around the two magical beings, she flew over to a hill making a flag attached to a mast flap.

Elsa and Anna ran up the hill, Hiccup, Olaf, and the dragons following close behind.

When they reached the top the sisters stopped and gasped, there laying tipped over was an Arrendallian ship.

Hiccup and Olaf came up behind them, looking down on the wreckage Hiccup exactly whose ship it was.

" What is it?" Olaf asked looking confused.

" Our parent's ship," Anna exclaimed still gripping Elsa's arm.

" How, this isn't the southern sea." Hiccup pointed out as Liry stood next to Elsa.

" No, it isn't," Anna stated as Elsa ran down the hill towards the ship.

" Ah, wait!" Hiccup called after them, they continued running.

" Oh yeah, we should definitely go check out the abandoned shipwreck." Hiccup deadpanned to himself while walking down the hill with the dragons and Olaf.

The girls walked into the ship and looked around at the scatted wood, silt from the sea not far away was beginning to swallow the sulking hull.

Hiccup and Olaf sauntered in behind the girls, the craftsmanship was incredible.

" Why is their ship here, how is it here?" Elsa asked moving a plank of wood.

" It must have been washed in from the dark sea," Anna answered back rummaging through a trunk with Stormfly.

" What we're they doing in the dark sea?" Elsa questioned while her and Hiccup looked through a set of shelves.

" I don't know," Anna replied as she pulled back a curtain.

" How did the ship get through the mist, I thought only we could, unless no one was on it," Olaf stated while looking at the hole in the ships hull.

" There's got to be something here to tell us why they were in the dark sea," Hiccup announced while holding Elsa.

" Wait, look around, every Arrendallian ship has a compartment that's waterproof." Anna began checking the walls and every shelf.

" That's very clever," Olaf stated while picking a few things up.

" Then why don't they just make the whole ship waterproof?" Hiccup queried, he was pressing his fingers against the walls.

Anna began pushing a cupboard and Elsa was checking a set of shelves, Hiccup ran his fingers across the side of a bench and a flap opened carrying a long metal cylinder.

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