Anger and Water

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Anna and Olaf slid through the trees, as Stormfly and the Night Lights tried to catch up to them.

" No, no, Olaf help me stop," Anna asked the Snowman trying to grip onto something.

" Give me a hand!"Olaf tapped her on the shoulder and handed her one of his arms.

Anna held the snowman's arm and spotted a branch sticking out over the ice slide.

She held the arm up and the hand grasped the branch sending the boat of the slide and into the river.

" Wait, no, no, come on!" Anna screamed in frustration as the dragons glided above them.

The boat sailed downstream twisting around, the dragons tried to stop the boat.

" Anna this might sound crazy, but I'm sensing some rising anger," Olaf stated, the fireworms we're trying to avoid getting wet while clinging to Olaf's neck.

" Ah, I am angry Olaf, she promised Hiccup and me, we would do this together," Anna shouted at him while pulling twigs out of her hair.

" Yeah, but what I'm sensing is rising anger in me," Olaf answered back unsure of his emotions.

" Wait, you're angry?" Anna and the dragons looked at him with confusion.

" Ah, I think so, Elsa pushed me away to and didn't even say goodbye." Flicker and Flame nudged Olaf, hoping to make him feel better.

" And you have every right to be very, very, mad at her," Anna told him, while gripping the side of the boat.

" And you said something never change, but since then everything's done nothing but change," Olaf admitted to Anna.

" I know, but look I'm still here holding your hand." Anna held Olaf's hand up and the snowman smiled.

" Ah, yeah that's a good point, Anna," Olaf told her while his hand copied his movements.

" I feel better, your such a good listener." Before Olaf could finish Anna covered his mouth and told him to shush.

" Don't shush me that's rude." Olaf tried to remove her hands, but she turned his head to see why she was shushing him.

" Look." She whispered, there were several earth giants lounged out on the river bank.

The dragons tried to stay as quiet as possible as the boat continued to move amounts the sleeping rocks.

" Oh, the giants, they're huge," Olaf whispered back to Anna.

The Fireworms squeaked at him to be quiet.

The boat suddenly got caught in the air stream of one giant as it lay in the water, Anna and Olaf sat very still trying not to wake him.

The giant exhaled and the boat was pushed around his nose and towards a dead-end, Anna spotted another channel and paddled towards a cave.

" Hang on Olaf, guys your gonna have to go around." The dragons nodded and flew above the river.

The boat glided into the tunnel as Anna and Olaf looked back at the giants, Anna turned to see a waterfall.

" Try not to scream," Anna told Olaf as she gripped the edge of the boat.

Olaf turned to see what she mean and held his hand to his mouth as the Fireworms snuggled in tighter around his neck.

The boat went over the edge of the waterfall and the occupants held their screams in till the end.

                        ~ Line Break ~

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