Destroying The Gift

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Anna held on tight to Stormfly's saddle as the Deadly Nadder flew above the forest, they were looking for something.

" Oh, there, Stormfly land." The design did as her rider commanded and descended down to a clearing, Anna jumped out of the saddle.

" WAKE UP!" Anna yelled at the top of her lungs, an earth giant was sleeping against a cliff.

" WAKE UP!!" Anna shouted drawing out the up, the giant opened his eyes angrily.

The giant stood up and rubbed its head in frustration, Stormfly and Anna looked up at the cranky spirit with fear.

The giant took a step forward, but tripped and landed on top of another giant.

The giant being squashed threw the other off him and it landed back on the ground, Anna watched with caution.

The giant spotted the Princess and dragon, he stood up ready to go after her.

" That's it, come and get us, come on." Anna jumped back on Stormfly and the two of them edged further away from the giants.

The giant reached to grab Stormfly, but the dragon jumped out of the way and flew up into the sky.

The giants rose above the trees glaring at the rider and dragon, their sleep had been disturbed and they were mad.

The largest giant growled and the sound created from it threw Stormfly a bit of in the air.

" Over here!" Anna yelled back while holding onto Stormfly's saddle tighter.

" That's right, keep coming!" She shouted at them, the giants struggled to grab Stormfly.

Anna banked right on Stormfly to avoid being grabbed by one of the giants, another grabbed a boulder and hurled it at the dragon.

Strongly avoided the incoming boulder and turned to look at the advancing spirits.

" That'll work, this way guys!" Anna yelled waving her arms and steering Stormfly back towards the dam.

The Giants grumbled and continued chasing after her, not too far Keistoph, Sven, and Hookfang were wandering around.

All three looked up and saw Stromfly beckoning the giants to follow and avoiding the occasional arm reaching for her.

Matthias and the other Arrendellian guards gathered atop a nearby hill, they spotted Anna atop Stormfly.

" What?" Matthias looked over at the dam then realised what she was trying to do.

" No, no, she's leading them to the dam!" Matthias ran down the hill hoping to stop Anna before she reached it.

The giants we're gaining on Stormfly who was getting stressed, one of the giants reached for her and clipped her wing causing her to cry in pain.

TheN adder and rider slowly floated to the ground and landed with a crash.

The lead giant raised his foot to squash the two of them, but Kristoph who was riding Hookfang flew down and grabbed Anna as Stormfly jumped out of the way.

" Kristoph?!" Anna held on to her Boyfriend in disbelief, he looked down at her.

" I'm here, what do you need?" He asked her steering Hookfang away from the giants.

" To get to the dam." She told him, while looking down at Stormfly who was running just in the tree line.

" You got it!" Kristoph urged Hookfang to fly faster and the dragon roared in agreement.

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