Happy Endings

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" Actually, there is one more thing." Hiccup and Kristoph both got down on one knee and faced their girlfriends.

Hiccup pulled out the wooden box holding his engagement ring for Elsa and Kristoph pulled out the ring for Anna.

" Anna, your the most extraordinary person I've ever know." Anna brought her hands to her face and began to cry.

" Elsa, from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew you were special." Elsa smiled down at Hiccup.

" I'll live you with all I am." Kristoph held his ring up towards Anna.

" I've been trying to do this the whole trip and I can't mess this up." Hiccup opened the wooden box to reveal his ring.

" Will you marry me?" Anna fanned her face and smiled.

" Elsa, Queen of Arrendale, will be my Queen of Dragons?" Elsa began to cry and surged forward.

" Yes!" Both girls hugged their boyfriends and the two men squeezed them tight.

Sven and the dragons all sniffed, as they watched their riders and friends hug.

Hiccup and Elsa shared a passionate kiss as Kristoph picked Anna up and twirled her around.

The onlookers couldn't take it, the ran at their riders and gave them a hug.

The sentinels and Giants slowly plodded over to the group, Elsa, Hiccup, and Anna walked over to them.

The largest giant leant down to the Queen, King, and Princess, with a smile on his face.

The sentinels surrounded them and bowed, the three of returned the favour.

The royals reached up and patted the giant on the nose, to say thank you.

Anna walked over to Matthias, Krogan was being pushed along by a very angry Hookfang.

~ Line Break ~

" Arrendale's ok," Anna told the lieutenant.

" What?" Matthias looked over at Krogan and scowled.

" You are in a lot of trouble when we get home." Krogan sighed as Hookfang continued pushing him along.

" Attahallan us beautiful." Elsa told Honeymarron and Yilanna, her engagement ring sparkling in the sun.

" So is the Foreverwing's cave." Hiccup added, standing beside his now fiance, Toothless, Liry, and the Night Lights behind them.

Bruni jumped up onto Elsa's hands and rolled over, Hiccup tickled his tummy.

" You know, you two being up here." Honey matron pointed out, Elsa looked up at Hiccup.

" I took an oath, to always do what's best for Arrendale." Elsa stroked Bruni and sighed.

" I promised I would protect the dragons, luckily I think I have an idea on how to do that." Hiccup and Elsa looked over at Anna and smiled.

" Well, I still don't know what transformation means, but I feel like this forest has really changed me." Olaf exclaimed as they walked out of the forest.

Anna looked over at Elsa and Hiccup, she walked over to them and gave them a hug.

~ Line Break ~

The sound of a crowd clapping and dragons roaring could be heard.

Arrendale was in full bloom, the Bewilderbeast was watching the crowd as a woman and man stepped out of a white tent.

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