Lost In Dancing Dreams

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Kristoph looked up at the sky with a weirded out look on his face, Hookfang and Sven weren't too far away laughing their heads.

" Am I supposed to feel this ridiculous?" Kristoph questioned Ryder, who was standing beside a reindeer petting it.

" Oh yeah, definitely." Ryder looked over at the dragon and stifled a laugh.

" Ok, everyone ready?" Kristoph asked while standing atop a rock made to look like a heart.

" Ready, ah I could use a rehearsal, I love love." Ryder imitated the thoughts of the reindeer while standing next to them.

" Wait, you talk for them too?" Kristin looked down at his new friend.

" I do," Ryder answered, not knowing where this was going.

" It's like you can hear what their thinking," Kristoph added while smiling.

" Yeah and then you just say it." Ryder stood next to one of the reindeer.

" And then you just say it, I mean
where I come from not a lot of people do it except Hiccup with the dragons." Kristoph pointed out while looking over at Hookfang.

" I think it's because he can understand them." Ryder nodded while holding a basket.

Suddenly a twig snapped in the distance and everyone looked at the path leading up to where they were.

" Oh, here she comes." Ryder opened the basket and purple butterflies flew out and circled Kristoph.

Sven stamped his hooves down on a plank of wood and a basket of leaves flew up into the air and fell over his friend, Hookfang blew into a pale of water and steam flew out.

" Princess Anna of Arrendale, my feisty, fearless, ginger sweet love, will you marry me!" Kristoph proclaimed, once he opened his eyes he saw Yilana standing in front of him.

" Um, no, the Princess left with the Queen and Prince." Yilana held her hands behind her back as she spoke to him.

" What wait, wait, what?!" Kristin jumped down from the rock he was standing on walked up to her.

" I wouldn't try to follow them, their long gone." Kristoph looked down at the ground as Hookfang came over.

" Long gone?" Hookfang crooned sadly for his friend.

" So, ah, were heading west to the lichen Meadows, you can come with us if you want." Yilana walked away and Kristoph stood there shocked.

" Hey, I'm really sorry," Ryder told Kristoph.

" No, it's fine." Kristoph quickly told him, lowering his head slightly.

" Yeah, I better go pack, you coming with?" Ryder pointed towards the village.

" I'll just meet you there." Kristoph started to scratch Hookfang as Sven walked over.

" You know where you're going right?" Ryder asked him with a smile.

" Yep, I know the woods." Kristoph turned back to his friend as Ryder left.

Keistoph sat down on a boulder and sighed, Sven came over plonking on the ground in front of him.

Sven and Hookfang whined at their friend trying to cheer him up, but Kristoph just sighed.

" Reindeer's are better than people, Sven why is love so hard?" Kristoph sang as the light changed and Sven smiled.

" You feel what, what you feel and those feeling are real." Sven sang to his friend, Kristoph looked at the reindeer weirdly.

" Come on Kristoph, let down your guard." Hookfanf sang to his friend while growing nodding.

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