Show Yourself

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Hiccup and Toothless were thrown from the Sentinel's claws and down onto a hard stone path.

" Ah, hey!" Hiccup sat up and saw the Sentinels circle around him, bowing their heads.

" Ah, bud." Hiccup shook Toothless' shoulder as the Night Fury sat up.

" Well, that was a nice flight, why does this stuff always happen to us?" Toothless crumbled while checking to see if anything was broken.

" Toothless." Hiccup continued to shake the dragon's shoulder.

" Hiccup I am seriously regretting this whole trip in the first place." Toothless ignored Hiccup and continued ranting.

" I mean, why we're you just being called now and not before?" Toothless paced back and forth.

" Toothless would quit whining and look behind you!" Hiccup shouted at his brother, the Night Fury turned to see the Sentinels bowing.

" What are they doing?" Hiccup shook his head.

" That's what I was going to ask you." Hiccup picked up his sword and slid it back into the sheath.

" Do they want us to go somewhere." Toothless watched as the stone dragons flew away and landed on pedestals guarding the path.

" Ah, bud I think they want us to go that way." Toothless turned to see what Hiccup was pointing at.

Which happened to be the entrance to a cave digging down into a mountain.

There were a set of pillars with two dragon heads carved onto them sitting outside the entrance, the whole place was covered in overgrown plants.

Hiccup heard the call of the Forever wing and his eyes began to glow again.

" I can hear him, he's calling me." Hiccup started to walk towards the cave, but Toothless stopped him.

" Wait, are you sure you want to find out what's down there?" Toothless looked at his brother with a slight bit of fear.

" Toothless, if I can hear our Grandfather's call, then that is where we are to go." Hiccup pushed past him and walked into the cave.

" Plus, I thought you liked caves." Toothless glared at the Prince and followed after him.

Hiccup could feel his powers get stronger the further down they travelled, his markings tingled with his excitement.

" I can hear you grandfather and we're coming." Hiccup told the call as to roared again.

                       ~ Line Break ~

" Every inch of me is trembling but not from the cold." Elsa leaned forward and wiped her face.

" Something is familiar, like a dream I can reach but not quite hold." Elsa sang as icebergs reflected the light coming from Attahallan.

                        ~ Line Break ~

" I can sense you there, like a friend I've always know, I'm arriving and it feels like I am home." Hiccup sang as he descended the stairs.

Smiling at the dragon symbols on the walls, as they lit up when he touched them.

                       ~ Line Break ~

" I have always been a fortress, cold secrets deep inside." Elsa jumped of Nokk's back as Liry landed near her and the two of them looked up at the glacier.

" You have secrets to, but you don't have to hide." Hiccup and Toothless reached to the bottom of the stairs and looked down a tunnel.

At the end, a forest green light danced across the walls.

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