A Magic Meeting

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The dragons shielded their riders as Anna grabbed Elsa's sword and held it out in front ready to fight.

She ran at a bush and sliced through it, with Stormfly trying to stop her.

Behind the bush was a group of people holding spears, Anna edged back with Stormfly pulling her.

The Northuldra walked forward as others jumped down from the trees pushing the intruders into a corner.

" Lower your weapons." A woman told Anna and Hiccup, while looking warily at the dragons.

" You lower yours." A soldier commanded from the other side of the clearing.

" Arrendallian soldiers?" Anna looked shocked to see the men and woman in the forest.

" Threatening my people lieutenant?" An elder Northuldra held her spear to the man's neck.

" Invading my dance space, Yilana?" The Lieutenant asked while glaring.

" Why do those two soldiers look so familiar?" Anna asked while pointing at the lieutenant and the man beside him.

" Lieutenant, Captain!" A soldier shouted.

" Get the swords!" the men commanded as the rushed the group.

Elsa and Hiccup saw this wasn't going anywhere, the Prince stamped his foot on the ground making the dirt uneven and Elsa thrust her hands down forming ice across the ground.

The Northuldra slipped and the shoulders landed in a pile, both groups gapping.

" That was magic, did you see that?" The lieutenant asked while sitting up and looking at Hiccup and Elsa.

" Of course I saw it," Yilana answered while grabbing her staff.

" Matiass, do you mind getting off me?" The captain asked from under his older brother.

" Oh, sorry Krogan." Matiess got off his brother and sat next to him.

" Well, they chose a nice uneven and cold welcome," Anna whispered to Elsa and Hiccup.

" So, they've been trapped here this whole time?" Kristoph asked edging closer to Hookfang, who was growling.

" What do we do now?" Elsa questioned as Hiccup held her hand.

" I suppose we say hi." Hiccup dryly comments and the others glare at him.

" I got this, hi I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs." Olaf jumped out the front of the group and waved.

One of the Northuldra men hid behind a girl out the front, the dragons growled.

" Oh yeah, sorry I just find clothes restricting." Olaf covered his body as he explained.

" Bet your wondering who we are and why we're here, Dart, Ruffrunner, Pouncer, would you mind helping me." The Night Lights padded over growling at anyone who moved.

" It began with two sisters and a brother, the eldest siblings born with magical powers the youngest born powerless." Anna looked at Olaf weirdly and Hiccup chuckled.

" Anna no to high, Hiccup are you ok, blast Oh!" Olaf acted out how Anna got her white streak and Dart was playing as Hiccup.

" Mama, Papa help, slam doors shutting everywhere and Hiccup is taken to live with the dragons, sisters torn apart!" Pouncer picked Dart up as Olaf clapped his hands together.

" Well, at least they have their parents, their parents are dead." Olaf and Ruffrunner stand in the corner bowing their heads.

" Yeah, I'm the Dragon Prince and I'm going to Arrendale!" Olaf sat of Dart's back acting Hiccup out.

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