Entering The Forest

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The dragons flew out of Arrendale, stocked with supplies and sitting atop them were their riders.

Hiccup and Toothless were out front leading the way, with Elsa and Liry right beside them and the others a few paces behind.

Hiccup was in his new upgraded dragon armour, but instead of the usual brown, it was a charcoal black and with a few of Toothless's scales stitched into the design.

Elsa was dressed in a light blue knee-length dress with a pair of matching boots, a set of Gronckle iron shoulder pads and a sword was strapped to her waist.

Olaf was sitting on Hookfang with Kristoph, who was carrying the sleigh below with the supplies and Sven sitting in it.

" Who's into trivia, I am," Olaf asked the riders and the dragons groaned, Olaf was possibly worse than Johan when it came to talking.

" Did you know that water has memory, true fact, it's disputed by many," Olaf told the group as they flew over a bridge.

" Did you know men are six times more likely to be struck by lightning," Olaf told Hiccup, Toothless laughed at the snowman's comment.

" What are you laughing at?" Toothless smirked, before looking away.

" Did you know that gorillas burp when they're happy." The young Furies tried to cover their ears, they were getting sick of Olaf's talking.

" Did you know that wombats poop squares." Hiccup and Elsa looked at the snowman weirdly.

" Did you sleeping quietly on long journeys cures insanity," Kristoph told Olaf, hoping he would shut up.

" Haha, yeah that's not true." Olaf laughed at his friend's joke.

" Oh no, it is." Hiccup backed Kristoph up while nodding.

" Oh, it is definitely, yep that's true." Anna and Elsa stated while nodding.
The dragons and Sven all agreed.

" Well that was unanimous, but I will look it up when we get home," Olaf stated while patting Flicker and Flame.

Kristoph and Anna hung back from the others, Olaf was down with Sven sleeping.

" Well, Olaf's asleep," Anna told Kristoph while Kristoph yawned.

" So what do you wanna do?" Anna asked her boyfriend while grinning.

" Hookfang keep it, steady boy," Hookfang growled in reply and winked at his rider.

" Anna remember our first trip like this when I said you would have to be crazy to marry a man you just met," Kristoph confessed to her when Anna looked at him weirdly.

" Wait, what, crazy, you didn't say I was crazy, you think I'm crazy?" Anna turned to Kristoph and asked him in a condescending tone.

" No, I did, you were not crazy completely." Kristoph saved what he could with the sentence.

" Just naive, not naive just new to love like I was and when you're new you are going to get it wrong." Kristoph stammered with his words and Hookfang grumbled at his attempt.

" So your saying I'm wrong for you?" Anna asked looking offended by his statement.

" What no I'm not saying that." Kristoph was trying to tell Anna he loved her but was failing miserably.

Hiccup was trying to concentrate on the task at hand, but he couldn't stop thinking about his relationship with Elsa.

" Hey, ah, Elsa." Hiccup flew closer to Liry.

" Yeah?" Elsa looked over at him and waited for him to reply.

" Ah, I, do you think when we get back that we could, I don't know." Hiccup pulled out the wooden box carrying the ring he made for her but stopped talking when the roar of his grandfather erupt in his ears.

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