The Return

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The tidal wave of water contained to flow down the channel and towards Arrendale.

As it neared the Kingdom, the water spirit galloped over the top, with Elsa riding him and Liry flying beside her.

The people and dragons of Arrendale looked down on their Kingdom as the wave drew closer.

The Nokk jumped down the wave as Elsa held on tight and ran out the front.

They sped-up trying to beat the wave to Arrendale, they turned to face the oncoming water.

Nokk stamped his feet, Elsa raised her hands, and Liry roared their combined powers stopping the wave.

The townspeople, dragons, and trolls looked on with amazement and astonishment.

The Nokk stamped his feet once more and Elsa turned her hands down, the water lit up and reversed back.

Everyone sighed in relief, Arrendale wasn't going to fall, Elsa and Liry turned to the people.

The water fell from the waterfall and rose from the fountains, the paths flattened and the fire within the lamps relit.

Everyone cheered as the dragons roared, the Bewilderbeast and Fire Queen looked down at Elsa with concern.

The Ice Queen gestured for them to follow and they did, the Bewilderbeast wadded into the water.

The mist at the entrance of the forest began to lift and the four stone pillars revealed themselves.

The Giants looked around them as the magical cloud dispersed and the sun shone on their ancient bodies.

Bruni waddled up a rock and smiled as Gale lifted him up into the air and spun his around.

The soldiers and Northuldra looked up at the sky as it came into view, Anna had her arms wrapped around her.

Kristoph and the dragons hung close to their friend as the mist fully dispersed.

" I'm sorry I left you behind, I was just so desperate to protect them," Anna confessed to Kristoph who looked down at her.

" I know, I know, it's ok, my love is not fragile." Kristoph pulled Anna into a hug as the dragons surrounded them.

Ryder took a few steps forward and looked up at the sky with wonder.

" Wow, look at the sky." He exclaimed as Honeymarron stood next to him.

" I just didn't release there was just so much of it." Honeymarron elbowed him and continued gaping at the huge expanse of blue.

Yilanna and Mathias took in deep breaths, their long await of escaping was here.

" 34 years," Mathias exclaimed.

" Five months," Yilanna replied.

" And 23 days." Matthias raised his arm for Yilanna to hold onto and the two of them walked out of the forest for the first time in years.

Sven excitedly ran out into the open field with the other reindeer following close behind.

Sven lead the heard into a circle, his face beaming with joy, Hookfang and Stormfly roared.

Anna watched as her boyfriend and the dragons walked out of the forest, she stood there at took in a deep breath.

Suddenly a flurry of snow sparkles and ice crystals circled around her and beckoned for her to follow.

Anna reached up as they flew down to the shore, she followed and wondered where they were leading her.

Anna ran to the cliff and looked out to sea, the sun glistened off the water making it impossible to see anything.

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