Chap 6: YulSic Mission!!!

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TaeNy’s Apartment,

Tiffany’s POV

It had been a month since I got Taeyeon to be my tutor. Since then, she would help me review what we learned the day in class and also kept an eye on me while I was doing my homework. Asking Taeyeon to help me was a smart decision but I didn’t expect her to be so serious about it.

She was quite scary as a teacher. It was another side of her that I discovered during the past weeks. Sometimes, she would threaten to not let me have dinner if I didn’t finish my homework or if I couldn’t solve a problem that she gave. Her harsh tutoring was having good result though; I could tell that I got much better in this subject.

The only downside was; no more leisure time. I could also tell that my friends were growing suspicious because I would always disappear right after school.

“Hey! Are you done yet?” her cold voice asked me. “Stop dreaming if you’re not done. Its dinner time soon so if you want to eat…” she threatened me.

I couldn’t help but screamed at her. “YA KIM TAEYEON! I’ve been working hard for 1 month now!!! Can’t you go easy on me???”

“I’m working hard as well…be quiet and study” she said, her eyes glued on her Nintendo DS. Yes, that’s what my tutor always did while I had to do my homework…She played games.

“Taeyeon-ah…can we do something fun during next week vacation?” I asked her. I know that Sooyoung and Hyoyeon are out of town with their families. Only Jessica and I didn’t have any plans for now.


“Taeyeon-ah!!!” I called her while bouncing on my chair.

She sighed. “Be quiet, you’re annoying me” she said.

I pouted. “Taeyeon babo!”

For the past weeks, our relationship consisted of few exchanges. Whenever we talked was because I was complaining to her. Even though we haven’t become best friends or friends, things were definitely getting better, which made me really happy.

S1 High School,

Jessica’s POV

I could sense that Tiffany was hiding something from me. Every day, she would sneak out after class is over and then disappeared somewhere. Sooyoung and Hyoyeon didn’t notice antything about it but I knew Tiffany too well. She wouldn’t be so crazy about her studies and rushed back home to study, there had to be something. So today after class, I had to follow her.

As expected, as soon as the bell rang, Tiffany picked her bag and stormed out of the class. I, for once, put some effort into my running. Fany wanted to leave so quickly that it wasn’t hard to follow her without being noticed. As I was running after her, I bumped into someone. The shock knocked both of us to the ground.

I didn’t even need to look up to see who it was; her voice was more than familiar. “Oh Jessica!!! I’m so sorry, are you okay?” she said while pulling me up, and when I said pulled me up, it means grabbing me and putting me on my foot, likes with a child.

“Yah! Can’t you look at where you are going?” I scolded her before remembering my mission. “NO! Where is she??? I lost her because of you!!!” I scolded her again.

“Huh? Who?” she asked confused.

“Tiffany!!!” I started to walk toward the school’s gate but Fany was nowhere to be seen. “Aish~ even my running was good today” I complained.

“You were following Tiffany? How weird! I was following Taeyeon!” she blurted out.

I looked at her. “Why were you following Taeyeon?”

Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ