Chapter 24 - Misunderstanding

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Outside of Jessica’s house,

Jessica’s POV

I really don’t know what’s going on between Yuri and me. When she suggested that we start all over again as being simple friends, I also thought it was the best idea. Being friends is way better than being all weird around each other like we were after the break up. Then, why am I feeling this way?

The other day, I called her in the morning because I wanted to see her. Its vacation and I wanted us to hang out since we are friends…and friends hang out with each other, right? But when we were talking on the phone, I heard a girl’s voice. I know it wasn’t Yoona since I actually recognized the voice. It was Gyuri. When I realized she wasn’t alone, I felt stupid. I was so confident before calling her, I knew for sure that she wouldn’t reject me…but that was before I knew about her and Gyuri.

I was very angry that she was spending time with Gyuri, off all the people, why her? The next day, I got a phone call from Yuri and though I didn’t want to answer, I did anyway. I did my best to not sound weird or frustrated on the phone and it wasn’t that hard since she called me because of the issue with Taeyeon. Then the conversation switched and she asked me out. In my head, I really wanted to reject her but then, she might have gone out with Gyuri instead and I didn’t want to let it happen.

Though we didn’t do anything special at all, I really had a great day with Yuri. I forgot how funny and entertaining she was. We haven’t hang out together for quite a while now but there was no real awkwardness. I felt comfortable with her and there was not even a second where I felt bored. I don’t know why but as the date was coming to an end, I felt a little nervous…especially when we were saying goodbye to each other. I didn’t know how to act in this situation. Should we simply say goodbye to each other or should I give her a kiss?

I chose the latter, simply because I didn’t dare to. But once again, Yuri surprised me. When I was going to leave the car, she held me back and kissed me. And I kissed her back. Why did I do that? I don’t know…I just…I feel good with her. And, I noticed how I don’t have to worry about anything when I’m with her.

When I think about it, Yuri is indeed the perfect girl. She is sweet, funny and generous…but I realized it way too late…because now, there is Gyuri in the picture.

The day could have been wonderful if something unexpected didn’t happen. I was walking in my house when someone called me.

“Hey Jessica!”

I turned around and saw Donghae coming out from his car. I wondered what he was doing there and if he saw me with Yuri.

“I was waiting for you” he told me.

In the past, I would have been so happy if he had waited for me. I would have jumped around and smiled like an idiot because whenever he was in front of me, I lost control of myself. But tonight, looking at him and hearing his sweet talking have no effect on me. I feel nothing.

“I’m sorry Donghae but it is late. I have to go home” I tried to end our little meeting.

“Please Jessica, I really want to talk to you” he insisted.

II didn’t feel like talking to him or even seeing him but I suddenly felt the need to make a decision. This is about time I make things clear and move on with my feelings.

“Actually, I also have something to tell you”

“You wanna go first?” he asked.

“I guess that we will save us time” I started. “Listen Donghae, I know that recently we’ve been in touch with each other again but now I think we should go back to being strangers”

Donghae was quite surprised by my words. “What are you talking about Jessica?”

“I think we should stop seeing each other from now on”

“Why? I thought we were getting better?”

“I admit that it was a good thing…seeing you again. It helped me to understand certain things”

“And now you want to kick me away?”

“I admit that when you contacted me few weeks ago, I felt something. I hated you for so long…but then you came back to me, apologizing and asking for a second chance, a part of me thought it wasn’t too late to get the perfect ending with you…”

“Then what went wrong?”

“I do want a perfect ending…but not with you”

He looked at me with such a sad face that for a second, I felt like the bad girl.

“Don’t tell me you’re doing this because of Kwon Yuri”

“I hurt her so much, just because I couldn’t move on from my feelings for you and our history. But after seeing you again, I realized that you and me…it’s in the past. I was a naïve girl and you took advantage of that”

“But I thought you forgave me?”

“I do…I do forgive you Donghae, but not because I think you have changed…but because it doesn’t hurt me anymore. What happened between us, I’m ready to let it go“

“Don’t tell me you don’t feel anything for me anymore. I won’t believe you” he said with a pinch of arrogance.

“You still look like the perfect guy, but I don’t feel anything looking at you anymore. I’m ready to move on and I think that indirectly, you helped me. “

“If I helped you then come back to me Jessica. Remember how we were good together”

“No…you don’t understand. You helped me because if it wasn’t for what you did, I wouldn’t have changed school and ended up meeting Yuri. That’s why in a way, I should thank you”

“You’re not serious, are you? You really think that I will let you dump me like that?”

“I’m not dumping you. We’re not even together!”

“You don’t seem to understand Jessica. No one…NO ONE has ever EVER rejected me. And you won’t be the first one” he said.

Then out of nowhere, he grabbed my arms and leaned in to kiss me. Obviously, I wasn’t expecting it and my reaction time was kind of slow. But when I realized what was happening, I pushed him away with all my strength.

“What the hell are you doing?” I scolded him.

Donghae looked at me and smirked. “Don’t tell me you didn’t like it”

“You are disgusting”

“Yes I am and you loved it in the past”

“Just leave me alone. I don’t want to see you again” I said before walking to my house.

“Let me tell you something Jessica. This is not the end. You will pay the consequences for what you did tonight” he threatened me, the smirk still on his face.

I looked at him one last time before entering my house. How could such a beautiful day ended up so badly? Once I reached my room, I thought about something that could cheer me up. Yuri. I looked for my phone because I was sure she would have texted me but I couldn’t find my cellphone anywhere.

“I probably lost it in her car” I spoke to myself.

I took my home phone and tried to call Yuri to ask her if she had my phone but I couldn’t reach her. I even called at her home but no one picked up. That’s when I started to feel that something was wrong. I didn’t know why but I had this weird feeling that made me really uncomfortable.

That night, I went to sleep with a lot of thoughts in my head. Thoughts about what Yuri was doing, thoughts about what Donghae is going to do and thoughts about what I was going to do…what am I supposed to do with Yuri? Should I make the first step so we could start our relationship over? That is kind of embarrassing though. I broke up with her a few weeks ago and now, I want her back.

What kind of person am I?

Outside in Seoul,

Yuri’s POV

I was driving calmly around the city, rethinking about today. How the day went so well because of Jessica and how it ended so badly because of Jessica. I wish my mood wasn’t connected to her actions. It seems like I cannot be happy if she is not with me. And how I can be happy now that she is getting back with Donghae?

Surprisingly, I wasn’t that mad. Maybe that’s because I have been hurt so many times that…I got used to the pain. I was in total control of the situation. I’m just going to…drive around to change my mind and I will go home once I feel better.

Jessica has tried calling me phew times tonight but I didn’t pick it up. I was too afraid of what she wanted to tell me. The last hope that I had tonight was completely crushed by Jessica, and at this point, I wonder if it isn’t the right time for me to move on as well. Or at least try to.

Right when I was thinking about seeing other people, my phone rang. It was my one and only stalker. Park Gyuri.

“Yes?” I reluctantly answered the call.

“Yuri! Wanna hang out?”

Before answering her, I looked at the clock. 10.25pm. What does she want to do at this time? “Huh it’s not early Gyuri”

“But it’s vacation! Come on, let’s go somewhere and have fun!” she said excitedly.

“I’m not in a good mood Gyuri”

“That’s another good reason to hang out with me. Where are you now?”


“Let’s meet in 20 minutes then”

“Sorry but I’ll go home now”

“Please Yuri!!! I’m begging you”

“No” I said annoyed.

“I’ll be waiting for you in front of the Sushi restaurant. You have to come, it’s late and I saw some creepy guys earlier”

“What the…Just go home!”

“You have to come” she said in a very serious but creepy tone before hanging up.

This girl is seriously out of her mind. I was going to ignore her and headed home when my conscience kicked in. It was kind of late for a young girl to walk around by herself and since she called me, if anything happen to her then I will feel really guilty. I let out an annoyed sigh and drove to the place she mentioned.

Once I got there, I saw Gyuri. She was sitting on the stairs by herself. “Hey Gyuri” I called her.

She looked up to me and smiled. “YURI! You came!!!” she ran and threw herself in my arms.

“Aish…stop it” I pushed her away. “I can see that you’re fine so please go home now”

“So you do care about me”


“Well you were afraid that something will happen so you came to make sure I was fine” she explained.

“Huh no. It just happens that I have a conscience” I made things clear. “Now, will you please go home?”

“I don’t have a car!” she said with a smile.

“I’ll call you a taxi then”

“OR you can drive me home”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because you have a conscience?”

I really didn’t want to do it but since I was probably not going to sleep yet, I guess I have some time to kill before going home.

“Fine, let’s go” I said before heading back to my car.

Gyuri followed me excitedly. During the ride, she kept on talking and talking…and talking. I tried to be polite and talked to her as well but the truth is…I didn’t care. The situation was funny though, it reminds me of Jessica and me. I’m usually the one doing the talking and Sica only gives short answers. Obviously, Gyuri and Sica are completely different in every ways.

Finally, we reached her house. I was surprised to know that she was living in the same neighborhood as Taeng and me. I knew that she was from a healthy family, although I’ve never seen her or her parents at those dinners.

“Thank you so much Yuri” she said once we arrived in front of her house.

“That was my pleasure Gyuri” I said sarcastically.

“Can I see you tomorrow?” she asked with full of hope.

“Hmmm no?”

“Please!! I’d like to treat you for lunch…as a thank you for driving me home tonight”

“Believe me, you don’t need to”

“Just say yes Yuri or I won’t get out of your car”

“You kidding right?”

“Absolutely not” she said with confidence.

“You’re so annoying, you know that?” I said harshly. Sometimes I know that I shouldn’t be this mean with her, but I can’t help it.

“Someday, you will learn to appreciate me” she said seriously.

That sentence seemed familiar to me. I have never said it to Jessica but that was how I felt when we first met each other. And in a way, I was right. It took time but eventually, she got closer to me.

“Fine, I’ll see you tomorrow” I accepted her proposition.

“Really? Really???”

“Yeah…but please get out of here before I change my mind”

“I’ll call you tomorrow morning! Good night!” she quickly said.

Gyuri jumped out of my car and ran to her house. I wonder if that was a mistake to see her again tomorrow. I must admit that seeing Jessica and Donghae together played a role in my decision. If Jessica could give that idiot another chance then maybe, I could do the same with Gyuri.

Kyoto, Japan


Yoona and Seohyun were getting ready to go to the airport. They had spent their vacation in Japan and this was coming to an end. Yoona was packing in the room when Seohyun called her.

“YOONA!! Come here!”

“What’s going on?” Yoona rushed to the living room.

“They’re talking about Taeyeon unnie on the news!” Seohyun said while pointing on the TV.

She was watching the news channel and they were talking about the Taeyeon scandal. Yoona already knew about it since she read it in the newspapers a few days ago. The thing is, she didn’t want her girlfriend to worry about it so she didn’t say anything and made sure that the information doesn’t get to Seohyun.

“Why are they saying this? Taeyeon unnie would never do something like that” Seohyun commented.

Yoona felt really guilty for hiding the truth. “Actually, they’ve been talking about that issue for days now…I saw it in the newspaper” Yoona admitted to her girlfriend.

“You knew about it?”

“Yes and I’m sorry that I hide it from you. I didn’t want you to worry about it during our vacation. You were so happy and I didn’t want to ruin your mood” Yoona apologized.

“I’m not angry but I wished that you didn’t hide it from me”

“I know and I’m sorry” Yoona apologized once again before giving Seohyun a hug.

“Yoona…Taeyeon unnie didn’t do that right? You don’t believe that she did that, do you?”

“I really don’t know what happened. On this picture, it did look like her but we can’t be sure. The picture is too blurry” Yoona admitted.

“I’m so worried about Taeyeon unnie”

“Maybe she doesn’t know about it yet. After all she is still in Greece. We’ll see her soon, don’t worry” she gave her girlfriend a light kiss.

Seohyun turned off the TV and went back to packing silently. Yoona felt really bad for this little incident. They were leaving soon and she wanted Seohyun to be happy until they were back in Seoul. She knew that it would have been impossible to hide it from her once they are back in the country.

Last day in Athens, Greece

Tiffany’s POV

Last night, we fell asleep on the beach with Taeyeon. It was the second most beautiful night of my life. The first one being on our first date. Not only did we get a little closer through a conversation, but Taeyeon also said the most beautiful words for the first time. We finally said the 3 words to each other.

<<I love you>>

It was also the first time that I said it to her. I knew she had feelings for me but hearing her said she loved me; it made everything more…real.

But this morning, something funny happened. I was sleeping in Taeyeon’s arms when she suddenly jumped up…which awaked me at the same time.

“Ahh Taengoo…what are you doing?” I slowly opened my eyes to see what she was doing.

Taeyeon was standing and cleaning her face with the back of her hand. I was going to ask her what happened when something jumped on me and licked my face. I screamed for a second until I realized that it was only a little puppy. I can’t believe Taeyeon was scared of such a cute little dog.

The puppy’s owner quickly ran to us and apologized before taking the little dog away. I sat down and smiled at Taeng.

“What? Don’t make fun of me Tiffany!!”

“You’re so cute Taengoo”

“Yeah right…aish…I hate waking up like that” she complained.

“Aren’t you exaggerating? It’s the first time that a pet wake you up”

“First and last time!”

“Okay okay” I was still smiling at her.

“Why are you smiling like that?”

I showed her my puppy look and waited for her to understand what I was waiting for. “You forgot something” I gave her a hint.


“Its morning and we just woke up…didn’t you forget to do something?”

Taeng looked confused for a minute before smiling. She finally got it.

“Sorry” she said before kneeling in front of me.

“I’m waiting” I rushed her.

Taeyeon smiled shyly. “Good morning Tiffany” she said while giving me a morning kiss.

That’s how we usually wake up in the morning. It can’t be a good morning without my usual morning kiss.

“Should we go back to our hotel room?” she asked me.

Taeng helped me get back on my feet. “Yes, I also want to take a shower”

“Then let’s go back and change before we eat breakfast. I’m hungry”

Taeyeon and I headed back to our hotel to take a shower and changed clothes before eating breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant. Because it was already the last day in Athens, we went downtown to buy some souvenirs for our friends. We also ate our last Greek lunch before preparing for the next activity.

For our last day activity, we wanted to do something fun and unplanned so Taeng decided to rent a motorboat and ride it to a small and inhabited island. Yes…like in movies.

“It’s going to be soooo much fun Fany!” Taengoo was so excited, like a child.

“Don’t you think it is dangerous to be on our own?”

“Don’t worry so much…and by the way, I’m here to protect you”

“I totally trust you Taeng but if it is a lion then I don’t think you can do much”

“There is no lion”

“We never know!”

“If it happens then we’ll run”

“You kidding right?”

“Let’s go explore an island!!!” Taeng exclaimed.

I was afraid to go alone with Taeng but that was before knowing that she knows how to drive a boat. She even has a license for it. So Taeng and I happily rent a motor boat and went out on our first adventure.

There are some deserted islands near Greece and Taeng just picked the closer one. Before we left our hotel room, I packed some food and drinks just in case. I didn’t know it would be so useful later on. Taeyeon also brought her laptop with her even though I don’t know why she did it.

We reached the island just a little after 2pm and immediately, Taeng insisted that we climb a hill. It wasn’t that far from where we were and we didn’t need to go through some dense forest, so I followed her. From the beach, I thought it will take us about 10 or 20 minutes to reach the top of the hill but I was wrong. It took us 1 hour or maybe more before I could finally rest my tired legs.

Once we were up there, we both sat down and enjoyed the view. I totally love looking at the sea but looking at it from the top of a hill is completely different. It gives another kind of feeling.

“You really like those kinds of places, don’t you?” I asked Taeng.

She was looking deeply at the horizon and I noticed how relaxed she looks whenever we’re near water. It seems to have a really good effect on her.

“This is peaceful” she quietly said. “I don’t know why but I’m attracted to the ocean. It makes me feel good and relaxed but unfortunately, it also makes me think about all these things…”

“You look relaxed at first but then you always end up lost in your thoughts. Do you have so much things going on in your mind?”

“No…it’s just…”

“You know you can tell me anything Taeng. Don’t always keep your feelings for yourself, that’s not good”

“I’ll keep that in mind” she smiled.

I knew something was bothering her since she got that mysterious phone call. She is still smiling and laughing but I know there is something behind that smile. But I don’t want to force her. She will share with me when she is ready.

None of us spoke after this, Taeyeon lay down on the warm grass and closed her eyes. Naturally, I lay down next to her and she unconsciously took me in her arms. We both fell asleep and I’m thankful that we both put sun cream on before taking our afternoon nap.

We had a 2 hours nap and when I woke up, Taeyeon was sitting and looking at the sea once again. She was completely absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t even notice that I was observing her. Taeyeon looked really preoccupied by something, like she was waiting for a storm to come soon.

I didn’t dare to disturb her so I only watched her in silence. When I least expected it, Taeng spoke up.

“Tiffany…there is something I have to tell you” she said in her usual soft voice.

But for some reason, the tone of her voice made me a little worried. I knew it wasn’t good news.


Yuri’s POV

I had an awful night. It took me hours before I finally fell asleep and even in my sleep, I dreamt of Jessica with Donghae. This is really going to haunt me forever. And in the morning, I got a call from Gyuri. She wanted to give me an appointment for lunch. I’m still wondering whether it was a good idea or not, to hang out with her again. Anyway, Gyuri told me to meet her downtown, exactly where I found her last night.

Before leaving the house, I thought one last time at what I was going to do. Going out with her, even for a quick lunch might give her the wrong idea and she might become even clingier than before. But after all, I have decided to give her a chance and maybe this will help me to stop thinking about Jessica…at least for a day.

So I met with Gyuri in front of that sushi restaurant. When I saw her, I immediately knew that she was taking this “date” a little too seriously. The girl was dressed like we were going to prom or something. It’s funny how I can admit that she is a pretty girl but when I look at her, her beauty doesn’t have any effect on me.

“Hello Gyuri” I greeted her nicely.

“I’m really happy that you came”

“I promised after all”

“That’s another thing that I like about you” she gave me a flirty smile.

I tried to ignore her comment and her smile. “So where do you want to go?”

“There is a nice restaurant near there so if you don’t mind, we can go there”

“Anything is fine” I assured her.

We went to the restaurant she recommended and I admit it was good. Gyuri was calmer than usual though, and I found her less creepy than before. Unfortunately, Jessica was still in my mind. No matter how funny or weird Gyuri was, I was only thinking about Jessica.

After lunch, we went for a walk since it wouldn’t have been polite to leave her right away. We were walking in the street and doing some windows shopping and that’s crazy how much she can talk. In those moments, I miss Jessica cold but funny attitude.

I was getting ready to tell Gyuri that our “date” was coming to an end when she suddenly stopped in front of a wedding dress shop. I was already ready to hear a long speech about wedding and dresses but instead, she questioned me about the subject.

“Do you want to get married Yuri?” the question was kind of unexpected.

“Huh…wait…are we really talking about marriage?”

“I really want to know if you think about those things”

I didn’t want to talk about that with her but I still gave her an honest answer. “I do”

Of course I do. I want to get married, I want to live forever and ever with the one I love. Right now, there is no one but Jessica who fit the criteria but she doesn’t feel the same way for me.

Gyuri turned to look at me. “I do too. I really wish that when that day comes, I will be the one standing next to you” she admitted.

Then, she did the thing that I was the most afraid of. She kissed me. I would be lying if I say that I didn’t expect it at all. After all, Gyuri was not afraid of coming to my house in the morning, so she probably wouldn’t mind kissing me as well. I swore that I didn’t want to kiss her back, but I didn’t push her away quickly enough.

*background noises*

“Hey watch where you are running girl!” I heard a guy scolding someone.

“I’m really sorry…”

The second voice was kind of familiar and before I turned around to take a look, I was already expecting the worse. And I was right.


There she was…standing at 12 feet away from me. The look on her face was a mixed of hurt and anger. We stood there looking at each other for what seemed like an eternity before Jessica turned around and ran away from me. There, I completely forgot about Gyuri and simply ran after Sica.

I knew this “date” could go wrong…I just didn’t expect it to end like this. This was like the worse scenario possible.

Last day in Athens, Greece,

Taeyeon’s POV

Our week in Greece is ending already and my fears are getting bigger and bigger. So much that I can’t stop thinking about tomorrow. Once we get back in Seoul, things will never be the same anymore.

That’s mostly the reason why I wanted to get away with Tiffany. From now on, there won’t be any day without worries and troubles so I wanted the two of us to spend our last day vacation completely alone. I especially chose a deserted place to update Tiffany on the recent events. At this point, there is nothing to hide anymore and I promised her that there won’t be any more secrets between us.

Earlier, Tiffany fell asleep in my arms and by watching her sleep so peacefully with a smile on her face made me feel so guilty. I said I will protect her but all I did until now was hurting the one I love the most. I hope Tiffany will stay by my side, I know we can go through it together but at the same time, I would totally understand if she doesn’t want to.

I watched her sleep for an hour or more before I couldn’t take it anymore. As the day was coming slowly to an end, I became more anxious. Staying quietly like this was killing me as I got used to release my anger and anxiety differently. I sat down near the edge of the hill and looked at the horizon, waiting for Fany to wake up.

Though I was lost in my thoughts, I was still aware of the girl behind me. Like no matter what happens around me, Tiffany will always remind my first priority. So I exactly knew when she woke up and I also knew she was observing me in silence. We remained like that until I decided it was time that I tell her the truth.

From now on, nothing will be the same.

“Tiffany…there is something I have to tell you” I said softly but loud enough for her to hear me.

I felt Tiffany moved away from her spot and I knew she was going to come and sit next to me. “Stay where you are Fany…it will be easier this way” I said, stopping her.

“You’re scaring me Taeyeon. What’s wrong?” her voice shook a bit, she was obviously worried.

“We promised each other that there won’t be any more lies and secret between us, so before we leave this place, I want to be honest and tell you the truth about what is happening right now back in Seoul”

That is weird but I felt like Fany was expecting my confession. She didn’t say a word and sat behind me. I could feel her stare on me and her curiosity rising up.

“I’m listening Taeng” she said, allowing me to continue.

“First, let me tell you that I didn’t want to hide it from you. Things happened at the wrong time and I didn’t want it to spoil our vacation together” I started. “You know…I’ve never been a good person. I hurt a lot of people, be it emotionally or physically. I’ve also had my share of mistakes, but all of them were swipe away discreetly. Maybe that’s why I was so arrogant and kept looking down on people…because I felt untouchable.”

“I’d be lying if I say that it wasn’t the way I perceived you before. You did give out that vibe”

“I didn’t only give out the vibe, I was really like that”

“But I don’t think that makes you a bad person though. You just had a bad character but you changed”

“Yeah…not that much actually” I added sadly.

“Taeng listen, I don’t think you’re a bad person no matter what you did in the past and nothing that you will say today will ever change what I think of you” she reassured me.

“You know about my tendency to turn violent, don’t you?”

“Well, I did witness some of your out-of-control moments” she admitted.

I thought about all the time that I used violence to express my anger. I’m not proud of it but there was no other way to get all the anger out. “It happened a few times in the past, maybe not as much as the rumor says but enough to get me in trouble. Have you ever wondered why I’ve never been sued before?”

“I did think it was weird that after a fight, no one ever talks about it anymore. Like it didn’t happen”

“That’s because behind the scene, an arrangement was made”

“…Do you mean that…” Fany’s voice was a little shaky, she has probably never thought about that.

“Yes, we paid for their silence” I confessed.

“…” Tiffany didn’t say anything. I knew this revelation might change the way she looks at me.

“With that, do you think I’m a bad person?”

“It’s like in movies…I’ve never thought that someone I know will do that”

“Will you believe me if I say that it wasn’t my idea? I don’t repair the damages, I provoked them and the smart people clean the mess. It has always been that way”

“But you didn’t think it was a bad thing to do?”

“I don’t have much say in this Tiffany, and I was only a rebelling kid who couldn’t care less about the consequences of my actions”

“I don’t think that was so serious. It was only a fight between teenagers no? They could have solved it differently. Your father agreed to do that?”

I laughed a bit when she mentioned my father. “There is something that you must know though. The most important thing for my father is not the kind of person I become, but the kind of image the company gives off. So yeah, he approved of it”

“I’m sorry to hear that”

“Anyway, I’m not blaming anyone for my actions and I’m telling you all this because…it happened again…not too long ago”

“You go into another fight???”

“That night, after our argument”

“When you went to meet Sunye?”

“Before the airport. That’s where my hand injury came from”

“I see…so…the company covered it up again?”

“This time is different. I got into a car accident then into a fight and the company did covered it up”

“YOU HAD A CAR ACCIDENT?” Tiffany suddenly raised her voice. “And you didn’t tell me about it?”

“I wasn’t injured, and at that time, there were more important things to worry about”

“What happened next?”

“Someone cleaned my mess and I thought it was done until recently” I paused, rethinking about my meeting with Sungmin. “I learned that someone took pictures and even video clips of the whole incident”

“Oh my god…are they blackmailing you?”

“I guess it’s better if you see for yourself” I said before getting my laptop.

Earlier today, when Fany was taking her shower, I downloaded some of the articles about the incident. I sat next to Tiffany and gave her the laptop. She read through the articles without saying a word. Once she was done, she closed the laptop and turned toward me.

I tried to avoid her gaze, it was really embarrassing and I was scared of her reaction. “I’m sorry for disappointing you again” I apologized.

Unexpectedly, Tiffany hugged me tightly. “Everything is going to be alright Taengoo” she tried to reassure me.

“I understand if you don’t want to stay with me during this period”


“It was my mistake and I have to face the consequences once I get back. They are going to be all over me, the reporters, the students, everyone. You don’t have to go through this”

“What kind of girlfriend am I if I leave you by yourself?” she said, still hugging me.

“And what kind of girlfriend am I for putting you through this?”

“I’m not approving everything that you did until now, and I’m certainly not approving your violent behavior. But I’m going to stick by you, and you know why?” she looked at me and smiled.

I couldn’t help but smile too. “Because you like bad girls?”

“Because I love you. And because I know you’re not a bad person” she gently touched my face.

“That’s it? That’s the way you react?” I said surprised.

“How do you want me to react?”

“I mean, you’re not angry or feel disappointed or think I’m like one of the worse human being on earth?”

“You should stop with the exaggeration Taengoo” she told me

“No really, your opinion hasn’t changed at all? Even after I told you that I hit a lot of people and covered it up later?”

“Well, I won’t mind if you don’t remind me of it every day” she laughed. “But this doesn’t change the fact that I love you and that I know what kind of person you are”


“Beside, this issue is killing you, I can see it”

“I admit it was hard to not think about it during this vacation but having you with me did help though”

“You should have told me, I feel bad for being all happy while you were struggling with it”

“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. This is our vacations together and I didn’t want to ruin them for you. All I wanted was to see you smile so don’t feel bad for making me happy Fany.”

“We will go through it together. I know we will” she assured me with a smile.

“I’m sorry for ruining our last day” I regretted sadly.

“You didn’t ruin anything. In fact, I’m extremely proud of you for being honest with me” she gave me a kiss. “And to perfectly finish the day, let’s not think about our worries”

How come such an angel fell in love with me? “And what do you suggest?” I smiled at her.

“Well, we aren’t going home now so let’s enjoy this beautiful beach while we can” she said before standing up.

I stood up and took our belongings before we went down the hill, hand in hand. I have made a lot of mistakes and took a lot of bad decisions until now, but I must say, being honest to Tiffany was the best thing I ever did. It was bad of me to doubt her though, I should have known she would stick by my side. I’m extremely afraid of tomorrow, but we can go through it…together.

Tiffany and I spent a few hours playing on the beach before we went back to our hotel. That night, I smiled wholeheartedly. I didn’t think about my worries, instead, I was just happy for having such an understanding and supportive girlfriend.

Tomorrow, things will get less happy and beautiful. But with Tiffany by my side, I’m not afraid anymore. Sungmin can take everything away from me, but not Tiffany.


Jessica’s POV

I have never run so much and so fast in my life. What was I running away from anyway? I mean…Yuri and I are not together anymore so she could date whoever she wants to. We are only friends now and I shouldn’t react this way. Seeing Yuri with another girl shouldn’t bother me this much. After all, I was the one who couldn’t decide…who didn’t know who my feelings were for. I should be happy that Yuri finally found someone who shares her love. I should be why…why does it hurt so much? Why does it make me so angry and why do I feel betrayed?

“JESSICA! JESSICA!” I heard Yuri calling me.

Why is she running after me? Why isn’t she staying with her new girlfriend? The last thing that I want right now is to face her. There is nothing to say anyway and I don’t want her to make an official announcement about her new relationship.

“JESSICA WAIT!” she shouted louder.

Unfortunately for me, Yuri is a fast runner. She caught up with me before I could cross the street. Yuri grabbed my wrist and stopped me from running away.

“Let go off me!!!!” I tried to get away from her grip.

“Not until you tell me why you are running away”

“I have nothing to tell you, go back to your girlfriend!”

“What are you talking about?” Yuri seemed surprised at my statement.

“Let go Yuri!!! I don’t want to talk to you!”

“Why are you so angry?” she asked confused.

I was already getting tired of fighting with her so I stood there in silence. She will eventually let me go if I don’t talk or react to her words.

“Is it because of Gyuri? If it is then that’s not what you think Jessica” she tried to excuse her actions.

“I don’t care about Gyuri and I don’t care that you kissed her. You can date whoever you like, that’s none of my business” I tried to walk away again.

But Yuri firmly held onto my wrist. “Then why are you running away? Are you jealous?”

“Don’t make me laugh. I don’t care about you…” I said coldly, I knew my words will hurt her but I didn’t care.

“Do you really mean it?” Yuri’s voice was so sad that I felt guilty.

“Yes” I replied quickly.

Suddenly, she turned extremely serious. “Is that why you keep playing with my feelings?”

“Excuse me?”

“I know I can be clingy and annoying but I don’t think I deserve to be toy around. I also have feelings Jessica”

“What?” I didn’t understand why she was accusing me.

“I tried to understand when you dumped me. I thought that maybe you had some issues about Donghae that you have to solve before you can move on with your life and I agreed to just be friends because…even though it hurts, I still want you in my life. But after the other night, I thought that maybe…maybe you were ready to give us another chance, but then you went straight into his arms again! Why are you doing this? Is that funny to give me false hope?” she started to get emotional.

“What are you accusing me of?” I really didn’t understand what she was talking about.

“I saw you after our date…with Donghae. You were kissing him! 15 minutes after WE KISSED!” she raised her voice.

“Did you spy on me?”

“You forgot your cellphone in the car and I was bringing it back”

“I understand now…” I whispered.

Now this is clear. That’s why I couldn’t reach her after that night. She saw me with Donghae.

“What do you understand now? That you were playing with me again?” she went on.

“You saw me with Donghae and the first thing that you did was running to Gyuri?” It was my turn to be angry.

“Then what I should do? Wait forever for you? Act like you didn’t kiss him?”

I started to laugh sarcastically, because I can’t believe all of this happened after a stupid misunderstanding.

“And now you’re laughing…I can’t believe it…” she said frustrated.

“I didn’t kiss him…” I said calmly.

Now it was her turn to be confused. “Huh?”

“I didn’t kiss him…he tried to kiss me but I pushed him away…of course, you didn’t see that”


“Donghae went to my house right after you left. He wanted to see me and though I didn’t want to, I finally agreed to meet him because there was something I wanted to tell him as well” I explained.

Yuri finally released her grip. “And what was it?”

“That it was done. That I was done with him and with my feelings for him. I told him I didn’t want to see him again but he didn’t want to accept it and tried to kiss me”

“And you rejected him?”

“I pushed him away…but I guess you skipped that part” I said bitterly.

“Honestly, it was hard for me to not take it the wrong way though…”

“Who cares now…”

“If you are talking about Gyuri, there is nothing between us”

“Yeah…because you kiss people for fun?”

“I didn’t kiss her. She kissed me! I didn’t want to go out with her…but I was so angry after what I saw the other day…”

“So you are telling me that you get with her just because you thought I got back with Donghae?”

“Of course!”

I felt my anger raised again. “You are lying”

“No I’m not”

“You went on a date with her before and don’t dare to tell me that she wasn’t at your house the other morning when I called”

There was no way she could deny this. “Wait…yes…she was in my room BUT she came while I was sleeping. She is a freakin stalker!”

“A stalker you went on a date with and kissed on the street”

“I’ve never been on a date with her. We just had lunch today”

“Don’t try to deny it Yuri! I know you went on a date with her before my kiss with Donghae happened. Tiffany told me about it!”

The day after my date with Yuri and the incident with Donghae, I got a phone call from Tiffany. We talked a bit about our vacations and when I told her about Yuri, Fany told me what she knew. She told me that Gyuri called Yuri and asked her out…and Yuri accepted. At first, I thought it was nothing. I could understand that she had to meet other people since we weren’t together anymore but I didn’t expect them to really get into a relationship.

“You said you wouldn’t give up on me right? And yet, it didn’t bother you to go and date another girl so fast” now I could feel the tears in my eyes.

“I’m not dating her! I swear!”

“Then why were you kissing her? Why did you go on a date with her? Why Yuri? WHY?” I was getting really mad now.

“Sica, let me explain…”

“There is nothing to explain! You said I keep on playing with your feelings? I guess that’s exactly what you’re doing with me now” I said angrily.

I wanted to end this conversation so badly. I always thought that she would wait for me. It is unfair to think that but that’s the way I feel when it comes to Yuri. That no matter what I do, she will always come back to me. I guess that was too arrogant of me to think this way.

“I don’t want to see you again” I said harshly.

“Jessica” Yuri tried to hold my hand but I pushed her away.

“Go back to Gyuri” I said before running across the street.

Then it happens…

*Brake noises*


Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ