Chapter 22B - What Have I Done?

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TaeNy’s Apartment,

Tiffany’s POV

What have I done? I stood in front of the opened door like a statue and kept on asking myself why? Why did I do that? Why did I lie to her? She was so angry…and the look in her eyes…she was so hurt. I’ve always wondered why Taeyeon’s eyes were so sad and I promised to myself that I’ll be the one easing her pain, but tonight…I was the one hurting her.

I caused her eyes to be full of pain again and I would never forgive myself for what I have done.

Outside in Seoul,

Taeyeon’s POV

I’ve never been so angry in my life…I’ve never felt so betrayed…how could she do that to me? When she lied to me the first time, I thought that maybe she was confused and didn’t know how to tell me she was out with Sungmin…but the second time? There is no excuse for that.

When she came back, she was acting like nothing happened and was all smiling and cute…showing right to my face her happiness after spending time with that idiot. I was so close to smash something in the apartment…but I controlled myself.

Instead of being cozy at home, I was driving around the city without a destination. My mind was filled with images of Fany and Sungmin together, real ones and some from my own imagination.

Without realizing it, I was driving at an unreasonable speed. But it didn’t last long. At a crossroad, I nearly crashed into a car. But luckily, I put on the brakes before there was a collision. I should be completely freaked out; breathless and afraid of what nearly happened…I could have gotten in that car accident and probably end up in the hospital…and yet, all I’m thinking about is Tiffany and Sungmin together.

Without even thinking about what had just happened, I was going to start the engine and drive away when someone angrily hit my car. I realized that it was the guy that I nearly crashed into. I annoyingly got off of my car to face that idiot.

“HEY YOU! Look what you did at my car!” the boy was screaming.

I took a look at his car and saw that he lightly crashed against a streetlight…probably when he tried to avoid my car.

“How much?” I asked him before opening my car and looking for my bag.

“What?” The guy was surprised at my question.

“Listen, this is really not the day so just tell me how much you want for your car” I said annoyed.

“Are you kidding me? YOU drove like a mad girl and now you want to throw some money at me to forget about it? Who do you think you are?” he continued.

I let him talked while I looked for my checkbook. When I found it, I took out one and wrote a random amount before throwing it at him. “Here, 5000$ should be enough to repair this trash can of yours” I said before getting on my car.

“YA! YOU! COME HERE!” he screamed again and stood in front of my car.

I felt my anger rising slowly. Nothing is really stopping me from running over that guy. I pulled down my window and warned him. “Get away. Believe me…I won’t have any trouble running over you”

The guy looked at me as if he was studying my face. “OH…I know who you are! You’re Kim Taeyeon! That rich arrogant kid” he said proudly. Like he was going to win something for recognizing me.

“Another reason to get off my way” I warned him again.

But he went on. “I heard some rumors about you, people say you became more human since you got yourself a girlfriend. That girl must be stupid and blind to stay with someone like you…”

This was it. It took me 2 or 3 seconds to decide whether to start the engine and run over him or get off my car. Fortunately, I wasn’t completely out of my mind and chose the second option.

“What did you say?” I asked while walking toward him.

“Stop acting like some gangster, not everyone is scared of you”

“So repeat what you said”

“I said your girlfriend should dump your arrogant ass before she regrets it! I’m sure she can find someone much better than you…”

It’s been a long time since I got into a fight. Actually all those rumors about me fighting all the time are untrue. It started when I was in middle school and until now, it is still spreading everywhere.

I’m the first to admit that I have a huge problem when it comes to anger. There are moments when I can’t control my anger, and sadly, violence seems to be the only way to express myself. My parents are not aware of it since those rumors are mostly spread among the students. As for the teachers…well…it’s all about money.

Sometimes, I scared myself though…I really don’t know where all the anger comes from. It’s like…it’s like inside of me, there is a stock of anger waiting to be unleash. And the problem is…up until now, violence is the only way for me to get it out.

So that’s why I’m here hitting that guy like there is no tomorrow. The words that he dared to say…the lie that Fany came up with…the image of her with Sungmin…everything went through my mind again and again…so I hit him again and again…

Usually, Yuri is the one who calms me down…the one who pulls me away and tells me to get my act together. But tonight, she is not there. I know someone else who has a good effect on me…a girl who soften my heart and made me realize that even I can have feelings...until she betrayed me.

This time, I don’t know what stopped me. I suddenly came to my sense and stopped the damage. I stood up and took a few steps back before falling on the ground, breathless. Like after every fight, my breathing was heavy and my sight blur.

I was staring at my bloody hand when a couple walked by. “Hey is everything okay?” the guy asked while approaching. He hasn’t seen the other guy lying on the ground yet…

I immediately stood up at their presence. “Call an ambulance” I told him while walking away.

“Oh my god! What happened?” the stranger exclaimed when he noticed the body lying unconsciously on the floor. He ran to the injured guy and checked his pulse. “HEY YOU! STAY HERE!” he screamed at me…but it was too late.

I got in my car and drove away. Once again, I was driving without any destination and now with an injured hand. Tonight, I nearly crashed into a car, nearly kill a guy, injured my hand…but none of these is painful…only the image of Tiffany with Sungmin hurt me more than anything else.

After driving around for about an hour, I parked my car along the street and stayed there. My mind was completely blank. That’s when my cell phone vibrated and I got a new text message. I didn’t want to look at it, especially if it was from Fany, but I still did…and it wasn’t her. It was Sunye…

<<My flight is in 2 hours…I hope to see you before I leave Taeyeon-ah…>>

I knew she was leaving…she texted me earlier today but I decided to ignore it. Sitting there alone made me think again…what if she doesn’t come back? Maybe that will be the last time that I see her.

So I drove to the airport…with the excuse that I might not see her again and to say a final goodbye…but the truth is…a part of me wanted to hurt Tiffany.

At the Airport,

When I arrived at the airport, I called Sunye to see where she was. It didn’t take me long to spot her though. She was already done with the checking and was about to go through the customs.

“Sunye…” I called her softly…not sure that I wanted her to see me anymore.

Sunye turned around and smiled when she saw me. I tried to put my problems aside and put on a smile.

“I knew you would come” she said with her usual soft voice. “I’m really happy to see again Taeyeon.” Then she noticed my hand. “What happened to you? Are you hurt?” she asked while checking my hand.

When she touched my hand, it made me feel uncomfortable and guilty…like I was doing something wrong. I know I was.

“I’m fine, don’t worry” I put away my hand, breaking our physical contact. Then I changed the conversation. “Is everything okay? Why are you leaving so suddenly?” I asked worried.

She smiled at me again. “Don’t worry, everything is fine. I just wanted to go back and be with my parents…”

“I see”

“Besides…nothing is keeping me here, right?” her question was harsh and made me really uncomfortable…but I guess I deserved it.

“Well, I have to go now…” she said while looking at her watch. “Thanks for coming Taeyeon” she thanked me.

“Have a safe trip Sun…”

I couldn’t finish my sentence because Sunye did something unexpected. She pulled me in for a hug. When I knew what was happening, I didn’t move. I admit that I came to see her because I was angry with Tiffany, but now that Sunye is hugging me, I know this was a mistake.

I stood there and waited for Sunye to release me. I couldn’t push her away, she is my friend after all…and I’ve hurt her enough. When Sunye finally pulled away, she smiled at me. “See you next time Taeyeon. Bye” she said before walking through the customs.

I looked at her walking away while regretting what happened. My thought went back to Tiffany…I shouldn’t have come here…I really shouldn’t have.

Kwon Residence,

Yuri’s POV

I finally took a decision about Jessica. I told her we could be friends for now. Of course I didn’t mean it completely. The only thing I can do is to act like her friend and do my best to not reveal my feelings although she knows them already.

When I got back home earlier, I got scold by Yoona. She learned by my mother that I went to Sica’s place. I let her lecture me before telling her that I have actually listened to her advice. Yoong told me to be strong from now on and stopped acting like Jessica was the only good thing in my life. I hate to admit it but Yoona is right. I’m also starting to feel that I don’t deserve this treatment.

I was ready to go to bed when my cellphone rang. I knew it couldn’t be Jessica, she is probably asleep already. It was Tiffany. I don’t know but I knew something was wrong before I answered her call.

“Alo, Tiffany?”

As soon as she heard my voice, Fany started to speak very fast and by the sound of her voice, I knew she has been crying. I didn’t catch everything that she said but I understood that something went wrong with Taeng.

“Calm down Tiffany…speak slower, I don’t understand” I told her on the phone.

I heard her trying to breath deeply and slowly calming down. Then she spoke again. “Yuri…where is Taeyeon? Have you seen her? Did she call you? I can’t find her Yuri-ah!!!” she panicked again.

“Taeyeon? No…I haven’t heard of her the whole day. What happened? Is something wrong with Taeng?”


“Fany-ah…if you don’t tell me, I might not be able to help you”

“…I…this is my fault…all of this is my fault…” she was sobbing again.

“Where are you now? I’m coming”

“…Taeyeon…I want you to find Taeyeon…”

“Are you at home? Fany-ah” I felt like talking to a little child.


“Stay right there, I’ll be there shortly” I was already on my feet and ready to change clothes.

“…” Fany didn’t say anything and simply hung up the phone.

I quickly get dressed and ran out of my house. I wonder what happened between them…could it be…Taeyeon knows about Fany and Sungmin?

TaeNy’s Apartment,

Yuri’s POV

It was already close to midnight when I arrived to their apartment. I found Tiffany sitting on the couch like a lost girl. Since I met Tiffany, this was the first time that I saw her like this. She was a complete mess. How long has she been crying?

I slowly approached her and kneeled down in front of her. “Tiffany? Hey…are you okay?” I gently shook her arms.


“Fany-ah…please, tell me what happened. I promise you, I’ll find Taeyeon. Okay?”

“…Yuri…I…I…did something really bad…I shouldn’t have…”

“Is it about you and Sungmin?”

Tiffany became agitated when I mentioned Sungmin’s name. Obviously, Taeng found out about them. “Nothing nothing happened between us!! I didn’t want to go with him but he…he…”

“Fany calm down, just tell me what happened with you and Sungmin today”

“I…I went out with him to a coffee shop after school because…he wanted to talk to me about Taeyeon. I knew…I knew I shouldn’t have but…he was really convincing and it was about Taeng so I…I was really curious…BUT that’s all, we just sat down and talked for a few minutes…nothing else…Yuri! You have to believe me!!” she said as she held my hand, begging me to believe her.

“Of course I believe you.” I reassured her. “Did Taeng get mad because of this?”

“She saw us…and…I lied to her…I…I didn’t know that she saw us…she asked me where I was and I lied…”

“…” I was really getting worried about this matter. I know Taeng better than she knows herself and being betrayed is probably the worst thing someone can do to her…especially if it’s someone she trusts.

One reason why Taeng is not sociable and never speaks to other people is because she doesn’t trust anyone. She took so much time opening up to Fany so I can understand how hurt and angry she must be now.

“Okay…okay…what about you stay at home and I go search for Taeng?”

“I want to go with you!” she grabbed my arm tightly.

“What if she comes home while we’re away? You better stay here and wait for her, okay?”


“Don’t worry. If I find her, I’ll explain to her…try to get some sleep if you can…”

With those words, I stood up and made my way out of the apartment. I didn’t feel it was safe to let Fany by herself and if it wasn’t that late already, I would have called Jessica.

Once I got into my car, I tried to call Taeng but she didn’t pick up. Where did she go?

Somewhere in Seoul,

Taeyeon’s POV

I feel ashamed of myself right now…I shouldn’t have gone to the airport to see Sunye, even to say goodbye I shouldn’t have. Now that I have calmed down already, I should go home but I can’t…how am I going to face Tiffany?

After I left the airport, I wandered around the city before coming here. Last time that I was here was with Tiffany, on our first date. We also had our first kiss on that beach. I sat down on the sand and looked at the ocean. It was completely dark but I wasn’t afraid. The soft noise of the waves was relaxing to me.

Now that I think about it, I probably overreacted with Tiffany. She lied to me but I didn’t give her time to explain why she did it and why she was with Sungmin. The thing is…I was so angry and it hurt so much that she could lie to me. Besides Yuri, she is the one I trust the most. I’m still angry at her…but maybe I went too far tonight.

I realized that my cell phone’s battery died as well…I ignored most of Fany’s calls earlier. She is probably really worried at the moment…but I’m not ready to face her yet. We both need time to think about what happened so instead of going at the apartment, I decided to go home.

Kim’s Residence,

Yuri’s POV

I searched everywhere for Taeng, I even went all the way to that hill she used to go with Sunye…but no one. The worse thing that can happen is her staying outside and sleeping in her car or going to a hotel, there is no way we can find her if she does that. After driving everywhere, I figured out that Taeng might come back home so I went to her house.

I’m lucky that Taeng never forgets to send me the new passwords for the house’s gate and keys since no one living in that house when her parents are away. The maids always come back one day before her parents arrive to clean up. And the passwords are changed every week.

I got inside the house and obviously, Taeng wasn’t there. I didn’t see her car parked and all the lights were turn off. It’s kind of freaky there…the house is so big and no one…I can understand why Taeng doesn’t want to live here alone.

I decided to wait in her room instead of the living room, it’s less scary and in case, I can fall asleep on her bed. Better than the couch. It’s been a while since I went into her room, most of the time; we hang up at my house. When I went in, I immediately noticed some changes. And obviously, Tiffany was the one behind them. The bed sheets, the pillow and the blankets were all pink. I laughed a little at this sight. Also, Taeng put some new pictures frame on her desk, some new pictures of Fany and herself. These two are too cute to be separated.

Why can’t Sica and I be the same? Have some misunderstanding but try to overcome them? I hate being confused and keep on wondering what her feelings are. At least, Fany and Taeyeon know each other feelings and no matter how unsure they are, they know that the other has some sort of feelings for them. But me? Even though she told me before that she has feelings for me, I still no nothing.

I was lost in my thoughts when the door to the room opened. It was Taeyeon. Compare to Tiffany, she looked fine…but then, she wasn’t the one crying all night. Immediately, I noticed her injured hand…I wouldn’t be surprised if she got into a fight or released her anger on a poor wall.

Taeyeon was quite surprised to see me in her room in the middle of the night. Can’t blame her. “I’ve been waiting for you” I said.

She looked at me with that expression, the one where she knows that I know something. That’s probably why she remained quiet, walked to her drawer, and took out new clothes before walking to the bathroom. I figured out myself that she was going to take a shower. A few moments later, Taeng came out changed and with a bandage on her hand.

“I could have done it for you” I said pointing at her injured hand.

Taeng walked to her bed and fell on it. She looked as exhausted as Tiffany. I waited a little for her to speak but she didn’t…so I spoke up first.

“Tiffany called me earlier…” I started.

“You know I’m not in the wrong, right?” she cut me off.

I let out a sigh before explaining to her what I thought. “This is not about who’s right or wrong Taeng. It’s about you two having a misunderstanding and you leaving instead of facing it”

“A misunderstanding? Are you kidding me? She lied to me Yuri!” she raised her voice.

“But instead of asking for a reasonable explanation, you ran away. If you don’t ask her why, you won’t know what really happened and why she lied to you. Not everyone put on a lie because they want to cheat on you. Sometimes, there is a good reason behind it”

“She was with Sungmin…I could have tolerated a lie but not when Sungmin is involved” Taeng sat up on her bed and faced me.

“See? That’s why she was scared to be honest with you. You always have exaggerated reaction when it comes to Sungmin, even when there is nothing you act like it’s a big issue”

“Isn’t it a big issue? Want me to make an example using you, Jessica and Donghae?” she asked me.

“…” I was taken aback by her question. For me, there is no comparison possible between these two love triangles.

“So now don’t tell me it’s not a big issue” she told me.

I tried to not get angry at her ignorance but it was too hard. “You’re an idiot and a crybaby” I said still looking at her.


“You get upset over the smallest thing because of your insecurity while there is nothing to be insecure about. Helloooo wake up! You got the girl Taeyeon!” I was standing now; my anger kept rising and rising. “You have Tiffany who is crazy in love with you and she always does her best to show you that she loves you. And me? What do I have? I’m in love with a girl who still has feelings for her ex-boyfriend and who broke up with me because she realized it after we got together. So no Taeyeon, we’re not in the same situation and you can’t compare with me. Try to do so and I’ll kick your ass.” I finished scolding her.

Taeng looked at me like she has finally understood her mistake. She then stood up and walked toward me. I knew what she was thinking about. I was supposed to be listening to Taeng’s thoughts and feelings but instead, I was the one showing my emotions. Before I knew it, Taeyeon was hugging me.

“I’m sorry…I’m such a bad friend Yuri-ah” she said while hugging me.

I don’t know but I felt myself on the verge of crying. It wasn’t supposed to be about me tonight...I shouldn’t get emotional.

“I’m sorry for not being there for you. I was selfish and I’m sorry. You’re my best friend, my sister and I didn’t support you enough” Taeyeon apologized.

That’s when I started crying…I don’t know why though…I just…I just let it out.

Taeyeon consoled me and told me that everything will be alright. I knew that she herself didn’t know if things will get better but her words still made a difference.

When I felt better, we lain on her bed holding hands and looking at the ceiling, like we used to do when we were young.

“Since when are we getting in trouble because of love?” I asked.

“I don’t know…things were so simple in the past…”

“Do you wish things were like before?”

“Does it mean not knowing Tiffany? You can’t miss something that you don’t have right? So a part of me thinks that it would be alright if I didn’t meet her…”

“And the other part?”

“…The other part likes the person that I have become...and the Taeyeon that you see now wouldn’t have existed if Tiffany wasn’t there…so…I’m gonna deal with the trouble of being in love with someone”

“What about me? Should I wish that Jessica was only a stranger to me?”

“Actually, that’s how I see this…were you truly happy before? Forget all the pain that she unconsciously inflicted on you and only think about her. Which Yuri was the happiest? The one that didn’t know a girl named Jessica or the one that does?”

“…I don’t know anymore...I don’t know which one would be happier. I only know that even though I was smiling constantly around her, deep inside, it was killing me. Of course, there was a time where I was truly happy, where we were both happy together but it didn’t last long.”

“It won’t last forever…your pain…it won’t last forever Yuri. At some point, she will only love you or you will forget about her but you’re not going to suffer forever. I won’t let it happen. I’m not going to let you hold onto something that will hurt you until the end.”

“How did you do with Tiffany? If only I could do the same…”

“Actually, I don’t think I deserve her as much as you deserve Jessica. Compare to you, I didn’t do anything and compare to you, I keep on hurting her…”

“Then do something about it…stop hurting her…stop doubting her feelings for you because Taeyeon, this girl only loves you. And about Sungmin, don’t react like he wants you to. He knows you’re impulsive and he’s going to play with that and you know it.”

“…maybe I should call her” Taeng finally came to her sense and I realized that I completely forget to tell Fany that I found Taeyeon.

“Aish…I should have called her earlier and tell her you were fine. She is waiting for you. Come on call her!!!” I urged her.

“What if she’s sleeping?”

“Believe me, she’s not…hmm…actually, you should go and find her. Don’t leave her alone anymore Taeyeon…she doesn’t deserve that” I said.

“What about you?” she asked looking at me.

“I’m fine…I haven’t given up on Jessica yet so…don’t worry about me” I assured her.

“Thank you” she said before running out of the room.

I didn’t have time to tell her that she was in her pajamas but well, its way too late or too early for someone to see her. After all these emotions, I let myself fall asleep on Taeng’s bed.

TaeNy’s Apartment,

Tiffany’s POV

I looked at the clock. It was 3AM and still no news of Taeyeon. My body and my eyes were heavy and tired but I didn’t want to fall asleep, in case she comes back. I know I can trust Yuri…she will bring her back or at least find her.

I was sitting on the couch with my cell phone in hand. I have been trying to call Taeyeon every hour even though it seems like she turned her phone off. I really don’t know why we ended up like this. Everything was still perfect this morning.

I was about to call Yuri when the front door opened. Immediately, I stood up and ran to the hallway. My body froze when my eyes met Taeyeon’s. None of us moved at first and I was scared of how she would react next.

“Taeyeon…” I was able to whisper.

She then took a few steps toward me and that’s when I noticed her right hand. Automatically, I grabbed her hand and inspected it. “What happened to you? Does it hurt?” I asked worried.

To my disbelief, Taeyeon put on a reassuring smile. “That’s nothing, don’t worry about it” she said softly.

“Taeyeon I’m so sorry” I apologized with teary eyes again.

She gently patted my head before hugging me. “I should apologize too. I overreacted and didn’t give you the chance to explain”

I hugged Taeng like there was no tomorrow, I didn’t want to let go. Tonight, I realized that I can’t lose her. My worse fear is to see her walking away from me again.

“Tiffany…I can’t breathe…” she said jokingly.

“I don’t care…I won’t let you go…” I said, still hugging her tightly.

We stayed like this for a great amount of time before Taeyeon tried to pull away. “We should go to bed, don’t you think?” she asked me.

I slowly nodded at her proposition. I was really exhausted; it was surprising that I didn’t faint earlier. We both went to bed and Taeyeon hugged me like she always does. Then we talk.

“Aren’t you going to ask me why I was with Sungmin today?” I asked her, unsure of her reaction.

“I wanted to but didn’t know how to start” she admitted

“I didn’t want to lie to you…I really didn’t want to but I was afraid and I…I didn’t want to make things worse between you and Sungmin”

“Did he…did he bother you again?”

“I didn’t expect to see him today. He was waiting for me after school and told me that he needed to talk to me about you. He said it was important so I…I got curious and wanted to know so I went with him”

“You could have told me about this, don’t you think?”

“Taeyeon, I know what you think of him and how you react whenever his name is mentioned…I didn’t want to make it worse. I couldn’t tell you that he wanted to see me only to convince me that we shouldn’t stay together”


“I’m sorry”

“…Am I that scary? I mean…”

“You’re just impulsive and I don’t know what to do when you lose control”

“So I am scary” she stated herself.

“Taeyeon” I turned around to face her. “I’m not scared of you…I’m only scared of hurting you”

“Don’t be, I deserve it sometimes” she joked.

Taeng gently stroke my face with her injured hand. “How did you get hurt by the way?” I asked her curious.

It was obvious that she didn’t want to tell me truth. “I just hit something because I was angry” she said.


“Nothing that you know so don’t worry” she smiled innocently.

I looked at her suspiciously. “Hmm…can I ask you where you went tonight?”

Taeyeon suddenly looked uneasy, my question startled her. “I was driving around the city then later on, I went to the beach before going home where I met Yuri” she explained.

I felt quite relieved that Sunye’s house wasn’t a part of her excursion tonight. I must say that I was really afraid that she would run into Sunye’s arm after our argument. I’m happy that she didn’t, but there is something that bothers me…I have a strange feeling about this.

“We should skip school tomorrow” Taeng suddenly suggested.

“And why?”

“Because we deserve it and I don’t believe you can wake up tomorrow morning and go to school. Am I right?”

“You got a point there”

“Let’s just skip school and pack our luggage tomorrow”

“What? Huh What?”

“Didn’t I tell you?” she acted surprised.

“Tell me what?”

“We’re going on vacation this Saturday, for 2 weeks!” she announced.


“It was a surprise and I planned on telling you tomorrow.”

I couldn’t believe it. How is that possible? Just an hour ago, I was still scared that she will never come back and that I have ruined our relationship and now? She is telling me that we are going to spend 2 entire weeks alone? Sometimes, I don’t understand how fast things can change.

We continued to talk about our upcoming vacation, what we were going to do and such until both of us fell asleep. Taeyeon was right; there is no way we would be able to go to school tomorrow.

S1 High School,

Jessica’s POV

Today is the first day since Yuri and I agreed to be only friends…at least for the time being. I know it isn’t easy for her and that all I’m doing right now is hurting her, but I can’t change it. I’m ashamed at myself for treating Yuri like I did. Up until now, she has done all she could to make me smile and happy. It worked really well for a while, until he appeared again.

For now, I can’t seem to choose between the two of them. I don’t know where my heart is. Yuri is perfect in every way and I know she would never hurt me, but I can’t seem to forget about Donghae.

This morning, I went to school by myself. Donghae called me and asked if I wanted him to drive me to school but I rejected his offer. The three of us are only friends. Right now, my feelings are confused and I don’t know where I’m heading to so the best I can do is to be fair to both of them.

Luckily, Donghae is in a different school if not that would be extremely hard and awkward for me…and for Yuri. Thinking about Yuri, she looked extremely sleepy this morning. I asked her what happened and she told me she didn’t have enough sleep. She didn’t explain why though.

I also got the feeling that Yuri was different. I don’t know why but it seemed like she has changed. She isn’t talkative and clingy as before. That’s weird when I think about it. I’m so used to the Yuri who keeps on bothering me, especially when we were friends.

Someone who hasn’t changed at all is Gyuri. This girl has no pride at all. She is continuously bothering Yuri and doesn’t back off even when Yul tells her to. Oddly enough, today Yuri seemed to go easy on her. She didn’t make an annoyed face or scolded her at all. I thought she was ignoring her completely but I saw them talking happily for a short period of time during class.

At some point, I even heard Gyuri asking Yuri out, but unfortunately, I didn’t hear Yuri’s response. After school, I was walking with Yuri when Gyuri came in between us.

“Yuri-ah, wanna hang out now?” she asked while grabbing Yuri’s hand.

I couldn’t help but get angry. But what made me even angrier was Yuri’s reaction. She didn’t push Gyuri away or tell her to leave. She acted like nothing was wrong with this girl holding onto her.

“I’m sorry Gyuri but I have other plans” Yuri nicely rejected the invitation.

Of course, this thick face girl had couldn’t give up. “Then tomorrow? Are you free tomorrow?”


Yuri’s failure at rejecting the girl got to me. “No she isn’t free tomorrow!” I said while grabbing Yul’s free hand. “Let’s go Yul” I was going to drag her away but Gyuri didn’t let go of Yuri’s other hand.

“Who do you think you are?” Gyuri asked me. “Yuri is not your propriety anymore. You guys broke up”

I felt my blood boiling up. Although it is true, I just hate the fact that she said it.

“Hmmm girls…” Yuri tried to calm us down but her attempt was too weak.

“We broke up but we’re still friends which is not your case so let her go!” I fought back.

“NO” she screamed.

Yuri was only standing there and that got me even angrier. “Why don’t you do something?” I scolded her before leaving.

Luckily for her, Yuri ran after me. I was ready to kill her if she chose Gyuri over me.

“Wait Jessica” she caught up with me.


“Why are you so angry?” she asked me.

Yeah…why am I so angry? I don’t care about Gyuri and we’re only friends with Yuri…she can hang out with whoever she wants to.

“I don’t like her” I simply said.

“Yeah she isn’t really normal but I don’t think she’s a bad girl”

“That’s what you think”

“Well she is better than…” she didn’t finish her sentence. I felt that she stopped herself before saying his name.

This little incident changed the atmosphere once again. I forgot about my anger and we were both uncomfortable again.

“Do you want me to drive you home? Or we can go eat something?” she proposed.

I was going to reject her offer when I saw Gyuri looking at us. This girl is really creepy. There is no way I was going to let Yul alone with her.

“Yeah let’s go eat something, I’m quite angry.” I said while grabbing her arm and walking away.

I know it’s childish but I couldn’t help myself from looking right at Gyuri when I left with Yuri. Just to let her know that…even though we’re broken up now, I wasn’t going to let her have Yuri.

Saturday morning at Incheon Airport,

Tiffany’s POV

I can’t believe it. Taengoo and I are going to Greece together. And for 2 weeks!!!! It feels like we’re going on a honeymoon…that is so perfect. What a nice way to move on from our little fight the other day.

Of course, we had the same problem as last time, when we went to Bali. I packed 4 suitcases last night and Taeng forced me to unpack each of them and to only take clothes that I really need.

At first, I was whining at her for not letting me take more clothes than I wanted but then, it became fun. In order to choose which clothe I’ll bring with me; I tried them on and model in front of Taeng. The first hour was funny, Taeng played the game and actually gave me good critics…but then she got bored and was nodding at everything.

We arrived at the airport quite early because I was afraid we might miss the plane. We went to check in our suitcases and were about to go through the first security check when Taeng needed to go the restroom. So I waited for her.

After Taeng told me we were going to Greece, I bought myself a guide book. While waiting for Taeng to return, I looked at the pictures from the book. Everything looked so nice. I didn’t have any trouble picturing us walking in the beautiful city, hand in hand. I was completely focused on the picture that I didn’t notice that someone was standing in front of me.

“Hi Tiffany”

I looked up and saw the last person I wanted to see…Sungmin. What is he doing here? No…how did he know we were here?

“Sungmin…what…why are you here?” I asked him confused.

“I have something to tell you”

“You kidding right? If Taeng sees you here…” I warned him while looking around me, making sure Taeng wasn’t coming back now.

“Believe me…I’m the last thing you should worry about…” he said with confidence. I don’t know how he does that but…he always succeeds to make me curious.

Every time, I know I should tell him to leave but nonetheless, I always end up asking him more. “…What do you mean?”

“Do you remember when I said you should be careful with Taeng? That she is going to hurt you?”

“Don’t start again please…This is…” I started to say when he held out a magazine to me.

“What…” the cover immediately caught my attention. The girls on the cover were strangely familiar. I took the magazine from him and took a closer look.

“This is a gossip magazine and you’re looking at the next issue…to be release on Monday”

On the cover, there were 2 girls…hugging in an airport…the picture wasn’t even blurry…it was crystal clear. I could totally see her face…her baby face…

“Did…did Taeyeon tell you she went to the airport that night?” Sungmin’s voice was distant to me now.

It was like…the sky fell on me. I stared at the pictures, wishing the face that I was looking at will change its features and become someone else. Someone that I didn’t know…someone that I wasn’t in loves with…someone that didn’t lie to me…

How could she do that…Taeyeon…why?

Taeyeon’s POV

When I walked back to where Fany was waiting, I saw someone standing in front of her. Even though this person was not facing me, I immediately knew who it was. What the hell is he doing here?

I walked to them with heavy steps, ready to kick him out of the airport as quickly as possible. As I approached, I noticed that Tiffany was holding a magazine and her expression wasn’t bright anymore. I have a bad feeling about this…

“What the hell are you doing here Sungmin?” I asked when I got in between them.

I looked angrily at him, waiting for an answer when Tiffany spoke up. The tone in her voice…her question…I knew that my mistake caught up with me.

“Taeyeon…where were you that night…after our argument?” her voice was soft but strong at the same time.

My body froze and I felt my forehead getting sweaty. My heartbeat went faster and my throat was dry. I slowly turned around to face Tiffany. She was looking at the magazine’s cover but soon enough, her eyes were on me.

Her teary eyes were looking straight at me, waiting for an answer. I knew then, that no matter what I say...she was already hurt.


Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ