Chapter 34 - A New Scandal?

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TaeNy’s Apartment,

Tiffany’s POV

I almost forgot how it feels sleeping in Taeyeon’s arms. It is warm and cozy. I always feel like the world belongs to me when she hugs me, when I can feel her heart beats against her chest.

Somehow, even asleep, I can feel whether she is sleeping next to me or not, that is probably the reason why I woke up so early this morning, when I didn’t need to.

I could feel something was missing and I was right. When I opened my eyes, the spot next to me was empty. “Taeng?” I called out, expecting her to pop out from the bathroom.

But no response.

I stretched out and got off bed, half awake. “Taeyeon?” I called again.

Still nothing.

There was no reason Taeyeon would be out this morning, since she wasn’t working anymore. I wondered why she would be up so early and tried to remember whether she had noticed me she would be away this morning, but I was pretty sure Taeng had nothing to do today.

And even if she had to go somewhere, Taeyeon would always notify me so I wouldn’t worry. I was starting to worry that something might have happened again and rushed out of the room to check on my phone.

But as I stepped out of the room, the front door opened and Taeyeon entered, her hand holding some paper bag. I stood there and watched her. It was funny how she didn’t even notice me.

“Where were you?” I suddenly asked while she was taking out her shoes.

Taeng almost fell over by surprise. She let out a sigh before walking toward me. “Do you want to give me a heart attack so early in the morning?” she said with a smile.

“You scared me first!” I complained. “Why did you go out so early in the morning?” I asked again.

She gave me a kiss. “You’re so pretty when you’re worried” she smiled. Then she showed me the paper bag, I read the logo on it and recognized it. It was from a nearby bakery.

“I bought us some breakfast, of course” she said, before walking to the kitchen.

I knew there was no reason to doubt her, but I just felt like something was off with Taeyeon. Was she hiding something from me? Again?

Taeyeon’s POV

I didn’t expect Tiffany to be awake when I came back. She usually sleeps until noon when we don’t have school. I had to hide my surprise when I came back and saw her standing there, looking at me. Fortunately, I was well prepared as I stopped by the bakery and bought some croissants for breakfast.

“You woke up so early just to buy breakfast?” she didn’t look convinced.

“I couldn’t go back to sleep earlier so I took the opportunity to surprise my girlfriend with tasty food” I was definitely getting better at sweet talking, I even surprised myself sometimes.

“Yes right, you are the best Taeyeon” she gave me a huge peck before walking away. “I’m going to shower”

I felt bad for lying to her, but I just knew she would disapprove of my actions and would that lead to an argument, and I didn’t want that.

20 minutes later, Tiffany came out of the room all smiling. Clapping her hands enthusiastically, she sat down at the table. “What is our schedule for today?” she asked me, while taking a croissant.

“I don’t know, what do you want to do?” I poured her a glass of milk.

“Do you think we can go out without being chase after?”

Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ