Weekend at Disneyland

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It was a beautiful evening in Tokyo as our lovely couples landed at Haneda Airport. All of them had a stressful week and decided to go on a last minute trip to Japan.

After going throw the customs easily, the small group of friends walked toward the baggage claim and waited for their luggage.

Taeyeon took off her jacket and threw it on the trolley behind her before fanning herself with her hand. “Why is it so hot?”

“It’s summer, what do you expect?” Yuri put her passport back into her bag before putting on the empty trolley.

“Don’t they have air conditioner though?” The short girl complained again.

“Stop complaining already. The one who suffered the most hasn’t said anything yet.” Yuri pointed to the blond girl sitting on a bench not far from them.

“Unnie, I think Sica-unnie passed out.” Seohyun looked back and forth between the blond and her unnies.

Jessica who had just dyed her hair blond before summer started was sitting on a bench, her head hanging down and her eyes closed. She was only wearing a thin shirt but her body was sweating like she was in a sauna.

Tiffany who was impatiently waiting for their luggage took a glance at her best friend, “Want me to check on her?”

Yuri shook her head, “Nah she is fine.”

“She is going to kill you for not caring about her.” Yoona butted in. “I’m gonna tell her that you didn’t care.” She grinned mischievously before her sister hit the back of her head, “OUCH!!!” She groaned and massaged the hurting spot.

“I don’t know why I let you come with us. It was a vacation for us adults.” The elder Kwon rolled her eyes regretting her decision.

“Yeah because adults spend their weekends at Disneyland.”

“Why are you with her?” Yuri ignored her sister and looked at the pure and angelic Seohyun. “Tell me and I will help you dump her.”

Seohyun laughed and stroked her girlfriend’s hair, “She is perfect to me.” The youngest girl smiled lovingly.

Yoona grinned and gave her sweet girlfriend a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

Both Taeyeon and Yuri turned away from the cheesy scene, “Eww tha’ts so...my fingers are curled up now.” Yuri shivered and looked back at the rolling carpet in front of her.

“They are so cute.” Tiffany cuddled against Taeyeon’s arm. “You should be cheesier you know.”

“What? Who said I was too cheesy last night?”

“No, last night was really too much. Your little speech gave me goose bumps!”

“That’s fine. I won’t make any more speeches.”

“Ah Taeyeon-ah don’t be sad. You know I love your cheesiness.” The taller girl kissed her girlfriend on the cheek.

“Where the hell is our luggage?” Yuri grew impatient.

“Ah! Mine is coming!” Tiffany jumped up excitedly as she pointed at the huge pink suitcase that was slowly making its way toward them.

Taeyeon waited for the suitcase to reach her before leaning down and grabbing it. “2 days and she packed the whole apartment in there.” Taeyeon stated after putting the heavy suitcase on the trolley.

“Your clothes are in there too!” Tiffany argued.

“You mean my two pants and two shirts?”

Seohyun laughed at her two arguing unnies before spotting her own suitcase. “Ah mine is coming too.”

Slowly, everyone’s luggage arrived and they picked them up on their trolleys before walking toward their friend who was sitting by herself.

“Sica-ah we can go.” Yuri stood behind her trolley and called her girlfriend.

“I think she really passed out.” Seohyun pointed out while Yoona was holding in her laughter.

“Sica.” Tiffany walked up to her friend and nudged her, “Sica-ah.” She leaned closer to check on the silent girl before turning back toward her friends. “I think she is asleep.”

Taeyeon made a weird face not really understanding how someone could fall asleep like that while Yuri shook her head slowly, “She is so unique that it scares me.” She walked closer to her girlfriend and held the sleeping girl in her arm.

“Are you going to carry her?”

“Put her on the trolley.” Taeyeon suggested for fun.

“Yeah that would be funny.” Yoona laughed.

“We are almost outside. I can carry her. She is as heavy as feathers.” Yuri pointed out.

“Aww that’s so nice! Last time Taeyeon had to carry me on her back she said she was going to die.” Tiffany hit her girlfriend on the arm as she remembered that day.

“You ate more than all of us that day!” Taeyeon argued back but got hit again.

“They are so fun.” Yoona pushed her trolley as she and Seohyun walked away from the group.

“Yah!” Yuri saw the youngest couple leave, “The kids are leaving without us.” She told the still arguing couple. “Let’s go.”

The group exited the airport and called for two taxis to drive them to their hotel.

“Oh my god! I’m so excited!!!” Tiffany clapped her hands happily as the car drove to its destination.

Taeyeon smiled and took a picture of her girlfriend with her phone. “What are you doing?”

“I’m taking pictures of you for my new folder.” She took another picture and checked it, “Ah you closed your eyes there. One more.” She pointed the phone at Tiffany. “Smile!”

The younger girl made a peace sign, “Which folder?”

“TaeNy at Disneyland.” Taeyeon grinned before leaning closer to her girlfriend to take a picture of them.

“Ah that’s my cheesy Taengoo.” Tiffany gave her a kiss before looking out of the window again.

By the time they reached Disneyland, Jessica was awake and grumpy which was the opposite of her best friend Tiffany who was like a little kid in a big candy store.

“Oh my god oh my god!” Tiffany exclaimed as their car made its way toward their hotel.

The famous Disney castle.

“It’s so beautiful!!! Like in the movies!” Tiffany exclaimed again as they got off the car.

Taeyeon could only smile seeing her girlfriend so happy. She paid the driver and took out their suitcase from the trunk.

“Wah nice!” Yoona looked at the big castle standing in front of her.

Yuri was pulling her and Jessica’s suitcase while the sleepy girl was dragging her feet behind. “Baby, are you okay?” The taller girl extended her hand for her girlfriend.

Jessica stayed quiet and held Yuri’s hand. “I need some strong coffee. We woke up too early this morning.”

“It was only 6.” She kissed the top of Jessica’s head.

They quickly checked in and a spread among the 7th floor. It was close to 8pm and they all agreed to go on their separate ways for the night.

Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ