Chapter 22C - What Have I Done?

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Incheon Airport,

Taeyeon’s POV

“Taeyeon…where were you that night…after our argument?” her voice was soft but strong at the same time.

My body froze and I felt my forehead getting sweaty. My heartbeat went faster and my throat was dry. I slowly turned around to face Tiffany. She was looking at the magazine’s cover but soon enough, her eyes were on me.

Her teary eyes were looking straight at me, waiting for an answer. I knew then, that no matter what I say, she was already hurt.

“T…Tiffany…” That was all I could say.

“I can’t believe you” she said while throwing the magazine at me. Then she left.

“Wait Tiffany!” I grabbed her hand.

She stopped and looked straight at me. Her teary eyes broke my heart and instantly, I released her hand.

“Leave me alone” she said before running out of the airport.

I stood there in shock until I realized that Sungmin was running after her…so I chased him. When I got outside, there was no Tiffany or Sungmin. That’s when my imagination went wild. They were probably together.

He set up everything and I screwed up big time. Before trying to find Tiffany, I proceeded to call Yuri and explained the whole situation to her.

Tiffany’s POV

What’s going on? Why everything is a nightmare all over again? I couldn’t believe what I saw on this cover magazine but it was real. Taeyeon was at the airport with Sunye, and they were hugging each other. It was real, it happened and she lied to me. How could she? After what happened between us, after what I did and the consequences…how could she?

I ran away from Taeyeon. I didn’t know how to face this…so I ran. I jumped on the first taxi that I saw and told him to drive away quickly. I can’t come back to the apartment because that’s the first place that Taeng will check…then she will call Jessica.

I knew Taeyeon will probably search there as well but I still decided to call Yuri. Her house is big so she can probably hide me there. On the phone, I only told Yuri that I needed a place to stay and she couldn’t tell Taeyeon.

The whole ride to Yuri’s house was confusing for me. I kept wondering again and again why Taeng was at the airport with Sunye but I couldn’t find any valuable reason. I found myself more angry than sad. The picture of Taeng and Sunye sure broke my heart but the fact that she lied to me hurt more than seeing her with Sunye. I surprised myself when I realized that my tears were dry. I didn’t cry as much as I expected to.

Soon, I reached Yuri’s house. I was surprised to see her waiting for me outside the house. She was probably afraid I’ll be a complete mess like last time.

When Yuri saw me, she immediately ran to me and checked if I was fine, before we went inside. I was also surprised to see Seohyun there, with Yoona. Both of them followed us in Yuri’s room. Then I told them what happened.

Surprisingly, Yuri told me that she knew already. Taeyeon called her before I did and explained it to her. She then explained to me what Taeng was doing at the airport, that she was saying goodbye to Sunye who went back to the US.

Did it make me feel better? Probably, but just a little bit. It doesn’t change the fact that she lied and that’s what makes me angry.

I made Yuri promised to not tell Taeng I was at her house and she kept her promise. But after Taeng called her for the hundredth time, Yuri felt guilty for hiding me.

“She is worried Tiffany and she’s been looking for you the whole day…Please, let me tell her you’re here.”

“I don’t want to see her today”

“I’ll just tell her that you are here and I’ll tell her to not come. She won’t stop searching until she knows you’re safe”

Then I started to feel bad as well. I remembered how worried I was when Taeng ran away.

“Fine but tell her I don’t want to see her tonight”

“Sure. Thanks”

Taeyeon’s POV

I’ve been driving around the city the whole day and still no sight of Fany. I went back to her old apartment as well but nothing. I looked for her everywhere while trying to reach her cell phone. I knew she wouldn’t pick up but I had to try.

I was still driving around when I got a phone call from Yuri. She was bringing some good news. Fany was at her house.

“I’m coming now” I told Yuri on the phone.

“Wait…Tae...” she started to say something but I hung up first.

I immediately drove to their house, full of hope. I have to solve this issue with Fany. Nothing is going to ruin our vacation together.

I arrived to the house pretty fast. I might get some speeding tickets by next week as well. I ran into the house and upstairs, to Yuri’s room. I literally busted into the room.

I was welcomed by Yuri, Yoona and Seohyun…but still no Fany.

“Where is she?” I asked them while catching my breath.

“You shouldn’t have come” Yuri told me.

“Just tell me where she is…”

“She doesn’t want to see you for now…”

“YURI!” I raised my voice.

“Unnie…you did something bad” Seohyun said when I started to get angry at them for hiding Tiffany.

Even my little cousin is scolding me. “…I’m sorry…” I apologized to them.

“Come take a seat” Yul pointed to the spot next to her.

I went and sat on the couch, between Yul and Seohyun. Everything is my fault; I shouldn’t be blaming my family for my mistake.

“How can I fix this Yuri?” I asked.

“Maybe you should give Fany some time…she’s still pretty upset you know”

“I know…I know how she is feeling right now…”

“You shouldn’t have lie Taeng. You knew too well what happened after Fany lied to you but you did the same”

“I know…It’s just…I…I couldn’t tell her I went to see Sunye…not after being angry at her for being with Sungmin…”

“But lying Taeng…” Yuri let out a sigh, disappointed at my behavior.

“What was I supposed to do? I couldn’t tell her I went to see Sunye and got a hug from her…that’s…”

“You went because Sunye was, is a friend of yours. You sent her off as a friend Taeng. There is nothing wrong with that” Yuri stated.

I kind of knew about that…I mean…I also thought that this wasn’t wrong but…it happened at a wrong time. Tiffany would have thought that I ran away from her and went directly to Sunye, which was what I did…technically.

“I just can’t believe it…how things turn out this way…”

“Come on Taeng. I’m sure it’s going to be okay. She just need some time, like you did. Once she calms down, you guys can talk”

I let out a sigh. “I guess you want me to leave?”

“Go get some sleep Taeng. I’ll take care of her. I promise”

I hesitated for a while before giving up. “Fine, I’ll leave. Just…just tell her that I’ll be at the apartment…in case she wants to talk” I said before leaving.

I really wanted to see Tiffany but Yuri was right, she needs to be alone. I guess that as long as she is far away from Sungmin, I shouldn’t complain. Speaking of Sungmin, I think it’s about time that I have a serious talk with him.

Tiffany’s POV

Taeng left. Yuri told me she was coming here and I didn’t want to see her. I didn’t want to talk to her or hear her explanation so I was more than happy when Yuri told me she left. A part of me wanted to see her and tell her that I forgive her, that I don’t care about anything as long as we’re together. But…it hurt so much.

Everyone is going to read this stupid magazine and everyone will conclude that they are together and everyone at our school will gossip about this. I shouldn’t care about what other people think but I can’t. When it comes to Taeyeon, I don’t want people to misunderstand. She is with me and only me.

Once I knew Taeng was gone, I went back to Yuri’s room.

“I’m sorry Fany. I tried to tell her she shouldn’t come but I couldn’t” Yuri explained to me once I was back in the room.

“That’s not your fault Yuri” I reassured her.

“Tiffany unnie, are you still angry?” Seohyun asked me innocently.

I paused before answering her. “Only a little bit Seohyun” I smiled.

“Taeyeon unnie was really sorry. She was in a bad shape”

I laughed at maknae’s innocence. “Well, I hope she was”

“So what are you going to do?” Yuri asked me.

“Well, I don’t want to forgive her yet, that would be too easy so I’ll just let her think over it for the night.”

“Wait, does that mean…you already forgave her?”

“I thought about what happened. She shouldn’t have lied to me and I’m angry because she did, but I know that what she did with Sunye wasn’t a bad thing. Like you told me earlier, they were friends after all. I admit that it hurt me a lot when I saw this picture of them and that’s why I reacted the way I did. So…yeah, I forgave her already but I just don’t want her to know yet.”

Yuri gave me a weird look. “You just want her to suffer a little bit, don’t you?” she asked with a smile.

“Don’t you think she deserves it?” I asked back.

“Both of you deserve a lesson. I guess you got yours already so it’s her turn now. Just…don’t be too harsh with her. It’s vacation after all.”

“I know I know” I reassured her again. “Besides, you really don’t mind if I stay here tonight?”

“I promised Taeng I’ll take care of you, so you better stay here” she smiled before turning her attention to the two maknaes in the room. “Ok kids. You two better go sleep as well” she told them.

“We’re officially on vacation” Yoona said.

“That’s not an excuse and if remember correctly, you two have to wake up early tomorrow.”

“Where are you two going?” I asked.

“Our parents gave us permission to go on vacation together for a week.” Yoona said proudly.

“Oh really?? And where?”

“JAPAN! Keroro home country!!” Seohyun exclaimed.

“Japan?” I asked in shock.

“Yeah it’s not too far from here so they got permission”

“Right, not too far…”

“Anyway, you have a plane tomorrow morning, so go to bed now!”

“N.O.W Now!” Yoona said before grabbing Seohyun’s hand and leaving the room.

“Goodnight unnies!” Seohyun could barely tell us before she was dragged away.

“These two are doing extremely well, don’t you think so?” I asked Yuri.

“You bet. They’re still kids but they’re doing way better than us” Yuri sighed. “Their couple is only progressing and getting stronger while we’re all going downhill…”

With what happened these past days, I completely forgot about Yuri and Sica’s situation. When I think about it, I feel guilty…for not caring about their relationship since they’re my best friends. I don’t know if I could have been of any help but still…I should have paid more attention to both of them.

“I haven’t asked you yet, how are you doing? Are things getting better with Sica?”

“Well, we’re still friends…”

“And you’re doing okay with that?”

“Actually…I’m testing a new strategy…”

“And??” I was impatient to know what kind of crazy idea our Yuri came up with.

“I’m going to ignore her”

I couldn’t stop myself from laughing at her. It wasn’t funny but just unbelievable.


“Sorry but you ignoring Jessica is just…you’re crazy about her. How are you going to do that?”

“I’m not going to ignore her completely. The thing is…I don’t want to beg her anymore”

“I understand”

I remember how difficult it was, not knowing how Taeyeon was feeling. It should be harder for Yuri, not knowing Jessica’s feelings about her and about Donghae.

“Yeah I don’t know if that’s gonna change anything between us but I have to try”

“I’ve never asked you that but…” I didn’t know if I should ask her about that.

“Go ahead Tiffany”

“What if Jessica goes back to Donghae? Are you going to give up on her?”

“I know I should if that happens but…it seems like I’m crazy enough to wait for her” she said with a smile. A sad smile.

“I wish I could help you. I wish I could tell you that she would never do that but I can’t”

“There is something that you can do though…” she started.

I knew exactly what she was going to ask me. Actually, I’m impressed at how she controlled her curiosity. She asked a couple of questions at the beginning but she has never insisted. It’s quite amazing how much she can endure for Jessica. I hope everything will be alright for them.

“I guess it’s about time I answer some of your questions. But I’m not going to tell you the whole story because I have no right to do so.”

“That would be a good start” she smiled satisfied.

“So where do you want me to start?” I asked.

Yuri suddenly turned serious. “Why him?” I didn’t expect this particular question from her. “I’m not friend with Donghae but I know he’s not a good guy and no matter how I tried to understand her, I can’t. There is nothing good in this guy. NOTHING!”

“Yuri…” I let her calm down before trying to find an answer. “You know, our Jessica wasn’t so cold before. Truthfully, she was more naïve and innocent than me. Hard to believe huh?”

“Kind of…”

“Jessica was a dreamy girl. She really believed in the perfect love story and unfortunately, her first love story was Donghae. Sophomore year in high school, she ended up in the same class as him. You won’t believe it but he was the perfect guy. Whenever we talked on the phone or when we met, she would always always talk about him. How he was so sweet and treated her so well. She wanted a perfect love story and he was the perfect guy.”

“So she fell in love with him…” Yuri whispered.

“He really was the perfect guy; good-looking, rich and funny and knew how to treat her. It was too perfect to be true but she believed it. Who wouldn’t?”

“What about the engagement?”

“This one was rather crazy. About 5 or 6 months after they started dating, he suddenly proposed to her…”

“And she accepted…” she cut me off.

“She was living in a dream and was completely blind by her love for Donghae. I know, it was stupid and crazy of her to accept his proposal but she did.”

“Wait, what about her parents? Did they let her?”

“At first, she didn’t tell any of them. She told them the ring was a simple present from Donghae and since he’s rich, her parents didn’t think much of it”

“The ring…” she whispered again.

“Yeah…the same ring that she saw in Bali…”

“That’s why she was so sad when she saw it. It reminds her of him…”

“They didn’t stay engaged for long though. It lasted what…2 weeks before the beautiful and perfect love story ended. I don’t need to tell you how Jessica was after that. She stopped going to school regularly before changing school for this senior year”

“What happened?”

“...I guess for the last part of the story, you should wait until Jessica is ready to tell you. I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine. But still, no matter what happened, she shouldn’t…she couldn’t have feelings for him anymore.”

“I don’t know what’s going on with them. I don’t know if she is seeing or talking to him again but it seems like she is confused about her feelings. He hurt her, he broke her heart but he was her first love. I guess that means something.”

“It’s like…a race and I’ll always be behind” she stated sadly.

“She will eventually wake up and realize that a perfect love story doesn’t exist. On the other hand, she will understand that she can have a beautiful love story with you. Sooner or later, she will know Yuri…that you’re the one.”

Yuri laughed a little bit. “If only…”

“Come on, we should go to bed as well” I told her before getting off of the couch.

“WE should go to bed?” she asked in horror.

I rolled my eyes. “WE should go to bed. DIFFERENT bed!”

“Oh right” she laughed.

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“I mean…2 minutes ago you were so sad, and now you’re making stupid jokes”

“I have to. That’s my medicine against depression and anger” she said while giving me a smile.

I gave Yuri a hug before leaving the room. It’s not appropriate but Yuri and Jessica’s situation makes me realize how lucky I am. It is not easy to understand Taeyeon sometimes and even though I still have my insecurities, especially when it comes to her past with Sunye, I know she cares about me and I know her feelings are real.

When I think about her lie, it still makes me angry because she should know better that lying wasn’t the right solution. But I know why she did it. She was afraid of my reaction and wanted to protect me like I wanted to protect her. At the end of the day, we both thought the same way and made a mistake.

It’s hard to believe that like Taeyeon, I overreacted and lost control of my emotion at the airport…ruining our vacations. The only thing that I’m still confused about is…Sungmin. How did he know we would be at the airport? And this picture…since when does Taeyeon appear on gossip magazine? That doesn’t make any sense.

Coffee Shop,

Taeyeon’s POV

I wanted to talk to Sungmin as soon as possible yesterday but since it was way too late, I had to wait until today. As soon as I woke up, I called Sungmin and told him I wanted to meet him. I was surprised that he accepted though. I thought he would leave the country as well, knowing that I might kill him if I see him again.

We were to meet in a coffee shop. I’m kind of creepy so I told him to meet me where I spotted him and Tiffany earlier this week. It was quite hard to control myself when I saw him stepped into the coffee shop. How different looking he is now compared to the first day I met him. The tall and gentleman is now replaced with an arrogant and manipulative man. I wonder if Sunye knows about her brother’s creepiness.

Sungmin sat down in front of me. He had a neutral face but I knew that he wanted to smile.


“Morning Taeyeon, how can I help you today? Is it about our project?” he asked me.

“What do you want Sungmin?”

“I don’t understand”

“Why are you so stubborn? Tiffany doesn’t like you. Do you want her to tell the whole world that she doesn’t have any feeling for you?”

“Tiffany doesn’t know yet…”

“What are you talking about? The girl doesn’t give a damn about you! Move on!”

“She thinks you a good girl Taeyeon, but I know better. I’ll make her understand and she will realize that you are no good.”

“If you’re trying to break us apart, that won’t work.”

“Really? Are you back together?”


“See. This is the first step before she fully realizes that I’m the one for her”

“Okay, I tried to stay civilize and handle this matter calmly but since you’re not really cooperating with me…”

“What?” he cut me off. “Are you going to threaten me? Or are you going to wait until night come and then beat me up?” he then smiled, like he wanted to defy me.

“I don’t think you’re worth it”

He laughed at my response. “Really? You mean you are not going to use violence against me? I thought that’s how you usually solve your problems”

“Shut up”

“Oooh our Taeyeon is getting angry…”

I smiled before whispering, loud enough for him to hear my words. “I’m telling you Sungmin. Don’t bother Tiffany anymore. That’s my last warning. I’m not going to beat you up but I can do worse than that and you know it. I have more powers than you can ever dream of.”

“Yeah…hmmm…talking about that, I have something that might interest you. I didn’t plan on showing them to you but since you called me, I thought I should bring them with me.”

Before I could say anything, he took out an envelope and put it on the table. “Please, take a look” he told me.

At first, I thought it was more pictures of that night at the airport…but it wasn’t.

“Do you remember that night? I mean, do you remember what exactly happened before you get to the airport?”

I looked at the pictures. Everything…the car accident, the fight, the run…how did he?

“You’re just looking at some pictures; the video recording is way more…interesting to watch.”

“Are you blackmailing me?”

“Noooo, I wouldn’t dare. I mean, you’re Kim Tae Yeon after all”

“Anyway, your pictures are really well done I must say but I don’t see your point.”
I tried to remain calm. There is no way that I will show him my weaknesses.

“I’m worried about you Taeyeon…or more about your parents and the company”

“What do you mean?”

“You always get away with everything that you do. People consider you as a genius and a perfect girl but I know better. You’re only a spoiled little kid who can’t control her temper and these pictures and the video that I have is the best proof.”

“So what? Are you going to tell your amazing story to some gossip magazine like you did last time?

“Tell me that you don’t care if I do”


“I knew it. What would happen if the world sees this side of Kim Tae Yeon. The perfect heiress is only some delinquent who causes car crash and beat random people before running away. What would happen to the company’s image? I doubt that anyone can clean this mess after you this time. And I haven’t talked about the police yet.”

“If you want to play this game then I will play it with you. But you do know that I’m not going to fall alone, don’t you?”

“Of course, it’s just…I also know that you have more to lose than I do. After all, who am I compared to you Taeyeon?”

“Fine, you wanna play this game? I’ll let you make the first move. Bring it on Sungmin. I’ll be waiting for you” I said before paying the note and leaving the coffee shop.

Am I scared? Yes. That night, I knew I crossed the limit, and that someday, I’d have to face the consequences. But it seems like that day is coming sooner than I have planned.

Kwon Residence,

Yuri’s POV

I had a very unpleasant surprise this morning…in a form of a phone call. It was 7 in the morning when Park Gyuri called me. How she got my number is still a mystery. She asked me to meet her later this afternoon but I rejected her. Though I know she isn’t a bad girl, I just have no interest in her at all. And acting like I don’t mind her in front of Jessica is exhausting as hell.

But her call woke me up on time for Yoona and Seohyun’s departure to the airport. Tiffany and I preferred to stay at home. She promised me that if Taeng calls today then she will talk to her.

When we were having breakfast, I told Tiffany about the morning call I got.

“Wow she even got your numbers?” Fany was shocked as well.

“Yeah I know, creepy”

“Why are all the creepy people after us? Sungmin then Gyuri”

I laughed at her remark. “See the positive side, they’re people who like us”

“Lucky us”

“Anyway, what should I do?”

“Huh…I thought you said no already”

“Yeah but then…”

“No Yuri, whatever it is, bad idea”

“It’s vacation and it doesn’t seem like I’m gonna see Jessica often. I just want her attention”

“Not by using Gyuri”

“I’m not going to use her! She is a nice girl.”

“You just said she was creepy”

“Whatever help me!”

“With what?”

“Okay, I’m not going to use Gyuri BUT I’ll act like I did”

“That makes no sense”

“Just make sure Jessica thinks I went out with Gyuri. Can you do that?”

“I think that’s a bad idea”

“I want to know how she would react if I do that. I mean, if she is jealous then it means she cares, right?”

“I suppose”

“Then tell her”


“I don’t know. Try to add that little information in one of your conversation with her. PLEASE” I begged her.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll help you”

“Here I give you my pancake as a reward”

“Wow that’s too nice of you”

“Okay do it now”


“Call her now!” I exclaimed.

“Are you crazy?”


“I’m not going to tell her about a date that you’re supposed to go on this afternoon AND so early in the morning. She is still sleeping and I’m not going to wake her up for that”

She got a point. I know how angry and sensitive Jessica is in the morning, especially if someone wakes her up.

“Then when will you tell her?”

“I don’t know…in a few days I suppose”

“You’re going to forget”

“I won’t. Promise”

“Fine. Don’t forget to make it seems like there is something going on.”

“You’re going to regret this. I tell you. Bad idea, bad idea”

That was probably a bad idea but at this point, I couldn’t care less.

“Anyway, what are we doing today? Wanna call Taeyeon?”

“I said I was ready to forgive her but there is no way I’m gonna make the first move”

“Okay. Want me to call her?”

“No thanks. Besides, what’s wrong with you this morning?”

“Aish…I’m bored. Yoona and Seohyun went on vacation and we’re stuck there with our stupid problems. It’s so boring.”

“Well, we can go out”

“And where?”

“I don’t know. Let’s just drive around”


“Better idea?” Tiffany was probably exasperated now since I couldn’t stop complaining.

“Let’s go”

We took my car and went out. With no particular destination in mind, I drove around the city until one of us got hungry. The whole day was just the two of us driving around the city and talking about anything. That might sound simple and boring but it wasn’t. I quite enjoyed it actually. I love when Tiffany is happy and cheerful.

She was in such a good mood that she insisted to cook for dinner.  Taeng hasn’t call yet so until then, we agreed that Fany will stay at my house.

“What’s that?”


“Tiffany, no offence but this is…”

“What? I did exactly like your mom taught me”

“You sure? Because I don’t remember any of my mom’s soup looking like this”

“Well this is mine so it has to look a little bit different. Try it!”

“I prefer not”


I was going to take a sip when the phone rang. I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy hearing the phone ring. I rushed to pick up the phone, running away from this horrible looking soup that Tiffany cooked. This might be the only thing that I don’t envy Taeng. Tiffany’s cooking skill is just…scary.

“Alo?” I answered the call.

“Hey it’s me. Can I talk to Fany?”

“Thank you soooooooo much for calling Taeng!” I whispered, not wanting Fany to hear.

“Huh?” Of course, Taengoo was a little bit surprised.

“Nothing. Wait, I’ll get you Tiffany” I told her before walking back to where Fany was sitting.

“Who is it?” she asked me when I gave her the phone.

“You know it”

“I’ll go in the living room BUT when I come back, that bowl better be empty” she said, talking about her soup.

“Of course”

Tiffany left the kitchen and as soon as she stepped out, I threw away the soup.

Kwon Residence, Living Room,

Tiffany’s POV

I don’t know but I felt nervous when Yuri gave me the phone. I have forgiven Taeyeon but the thought of talking to her made me really nervous.


“Tiffany…” she whispered.

“Hi…” I didn’t know how to start the conversation.

Should I let her talk or tell her right away that I’m fine?

“I’m glad you agreed to listen to me”

“I’m listening Taeyeon”

There was a short silence before she started speaking. “I…I know I hurt you, badly, but believe me, nothing happened between Sunye and I. Nothing”

“Then why did you lie?” I asked her.

“B-because I couldn’t tell you…how could I tell you that after our argument, I went to see Sunye? You would have taken it the wrong way…”

I cut her off. “So lying was the solution? Taeng, you saw what happened to us when I lied”

“I know but everything was so perfect. I didn’t want to ruin the moment.”

“You still lied…do you know how I felt when I saw this picture?”

“I’m so sorry Tiffany”

“We were going on vacation. I was so happy Taeyeon”

“It’s not too late…we can still go on vacation…”

“I don’t know Taeyeon”

I wanted to say yes. I wanted us to forgive about all that and go on vacation like planned, but I didn’t tell her that. It’s childish, definitely childish of me to let her believe that she wasn’t forgiven yet. I just…I just wanted to let her fight for me a little more.

“What can I do? How can I regain your trust? Or prove to you that with Sunye it is really over?”


“Listen, our trip to Greece is still available and I want us to go there together”

“I’m not sure I want to go with you”

“I…I’m going to wait for you, tomorrow at the airport. I’m going to wait”

“What are you talking about?”

“Yeah it’s a bit cliché and dramatic but I’m not going to leave until you come. Take it as a proof that you’re the only one. I changed the plane tickets and if you don’t come tomorrow, then I’ll change it again and again until you come and we board that plane together.”

“Don’t be crazy Taeng”

“The plane is at 1pm at Incheon airport. I’ll be there until you come. Bye” she said before hanging up.

What happened? I don’t believe she will do that…she won’t really do that. I went back to the kitchen and told Yuri about my conversation with Taeng. While I didn’t believe Taeng would really do that, Yuri did.

“She’s going to wait until you come Fany so think about it. If you have already forgiven her then please go” she told me.

That night, I couldn’t fall asleep. The decision should be so easy to take. I should just go with her but it seems that a part of me is still holding back. I have forgiven her but this lie is haunting me. I was starting to believe she would never hurt me again but this happened.

Now, I don’t know anymore…

Next morning at Incheon Airport,

Taeyeon’s POV

I couldn’t sleep all night. Now that I think about it, I haven’t fully slept this week…since my first argument with Tiffany. Issue after issue, it seems that we were cursed this week. I didn’t have to pack anything since I told the airport to keep our luggage for us. Besides, I don’t know if Fany is going to show up or not…I will go at the airport, bringing my passport and wait for her.

Needless to say, driving to the airport is lonely and nerve-wracking. I didn’t put on any music so the silence is dreadful. I’m wondering what Tiffany might be doing…like in those drama where the scenes are overlapping each other, I’m driving and at the same time, there is Fany who is getting ready to join me at the airport. I wish that’s what she is doing right now.

I wanted to call Yuri this morning but…I don’t think she can tell me anything so I didn’t bother her. I feel relieved that Fany stayed at their home…they can keep an eye on her…and at least, I know she didn’t run in Sungmin arms.

At the airport, I parked my car and walked inside. When I walked to my spot, I naturally looked around but I knew I wouldn’t see her.

So here I am, standing in the middle of the airport, waiting for Tiffany to show up. Being there alone make me wonder…How did I get there?

I haven’t counted the days but it’s been around 6 months since we’ve met each other. From total strangers to lovers…who could have predicted that? Not me. I was Kim Tae Yeon, the independent and strong Taeyeon, the one who didn’t shed a tear when her parents left…and now? I’m ready to stay in this airport for day and night waiting for a girl to come…just because…just because I can’t live without her.

Please Tiffany, give me another chance…

Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ