Chapter 38 - The sky is crying...

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TaeNy’s Apartment,


On that Saturday morning, Tiffany woke up to the nice smell of food. After brushing her teeth, she stepped out of the room and found her other half in the kitchen, standing in front of the oven, cooking. “Hmm smell nice” Tiffany embraced Taeyeon from behind, “what are you cooking?”

“Something nice for my lovely lady” Taeyeon kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. “Had a good sleep?”

Tiffany smiled and hugged her lover tighter. “Always when I’m with you” she answered, her voice coming off more intense than she wanted.

“Seducing me again?” Taeyeon teased, “it wasn’t enough last night?”

“Excuse-me? Who started it last night?”

“Huh excuse-me too, but who exposed her body at the beach?”

“That’s irrelevant!” Tiffany exclaimed, stomping her foot on the floor.

“Nope, it shows that you started it, you made me go crazy” Taeyeon laughed, she loved teasing her girlfriend.

“Oh really? Really?” Tiffany started kissing Taeyeon’s neck, “and how would I make you go crazy Kim Taeyeon?” she continued kissing her lover’s neck, “am I making you crazy now?”

Taeyeon breathed heavenly, trying hard to focus on the omelette she was making, “OK DONE” she yelled before freeing herself from Tiffany’s hold. “Come and eat”

“I love it when you’re all shy” Tiffany said while setting the table, “so what are we going to do today?”

“Yeah, about that…” Taeyeon played with her food, not knowing how to tell her girlfriend the news.


“I have some business to do this afternoon, but it shouldn’t take long” Taeyeon announced.

“You are not working again, are you?”

“No, it’s not work related…” Taeyeon said, not wanting to tell more.

Tiffany knew her lover too well by now, there weren’t lot of things Taeyeon could hide from her. “Don’t want to talk about it?”

“I’ll tell you when I get back, okay?” Taeyeon assured her.

“Fine...I guess I have to find something to do today then”

“Call your friends, it’s been a while since you saw them, right?”

“Well, I saw them this week in school, but we haven’t hung out in a while…I’ll call them” she decided.

“Maybe I’ll join you once I’m done”

“Yeah!” Tiffany clapped, “It’s about time I officially introduce you to my friends”

“Youhou! I’m super excited” Taeyeon said sarcastically, “since your friend Jessica is so awesome” she added, remembering that little moment she spent with Jessica once.

“I still can’t believe you two had a pillow fight…”

“Believe me, I can’t believe it either” Taeyeon rolled her eyes.

“Anyway, it’s Sunday already!!!!” Tiffany started whining, “I don’t want to go to school tomorrow!” she pouted to Taeyeon, hoping maybe, her lover would find a way for her to skip school.

“Baby, school is almost over, just hang in there for a month” Taeyeon smiled gently.

“Easy for you to say, you’re not going” Tiffany continued to pout, resting her head on her fist.

“Not my fault if I’m too smart” Taeyeon boasted.

“But you still have to take the exams, right?” Tiffany wondered, she knew Taeyeon had the privilege of skipping school whenever she wanted to, but exams were a big deal.

“Of course, but even blindfolded I will nail it” with times, Tiffany learned how to appreciate Taeyeon’s arrogance.

“Whatever” she sighed, “there is no cure for you anymore”

“Wow now you sound like me” Taeyeon teased.

“I think we are spending too much time together” Tiffany joked.

Though it was a joke, Taeyeon’s smile disappeared and she became nervous. “A month is nothing, right?”

“What?” Tiffany didn’t understand the question.

Taeyeon seemed to be lost in her own world, “I mean…it goes by really fast…”

Tiffany stared at her girlfriend, not understanding a single word she was saying. “Honey, I don’t know what you are talking about”

“Never mind, I’m just mumbling again” Taeyeon shook her head, trying to think about something else.

“I also love when you are mumbling” Tiffany winked.

Showing off again, Taeyeon smirked, “Just admit you love everything about me”

“I love everything about you Kim Taeyeon” Tiffany grabbed her lover’s hands and squeezed them, “and I can’t wait for our next vacation!”

“Study well and I’ll give you a surprise!” Taeyeon kissed her girlfriend’s hands, “I’m going to get ready now” she kissed Tiffany’s hands again before going into her room.

Taeyeon and Tiffany left their apartment at the same time, Taeyeon drove Tiffany to meet her friends before heading off for her important appointment.

Outside in Seoul,

Yuri’s POV

I picked up Jessica at her house before heading to our future home. I was pretty excited to show her our new place, though I didn’t plan on showing her that early. I wanted to wait until our exams were done so we could really celebrate moving in together and buying furniture, etc. But since I “proposed” to her, Jessica was so happy and excited that she begged me to show her the place.

“Where is it? Why does it take so long?” Jessica complained after a 10 minutes ride, “don’t tell me you chose a remote place in the countryside or something” she teased.

“Of course, an old house in the country side with no one around then at night-”

“Oh my god you pervert!” she hit my arm but was laughing at the same time.

“What?” I laughed, trying to pretend I didn’t know why she hit me. “I meant at night, we could sit outside and look at the starry night”

“Yeah right, cause that’s what you want to do at night” she rolled her eyes.

“Excuse-me miss, but why are you making me sound like a pervert?”

“Because you are Kwon Yuri. Don’t deny you don’t think about it”

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I denied, continuing my innocent acting. “But let’s say I know what you are talking about, shouldn’t you feel flattered?”

“What? Why should I?”

“It means I’m attract to you”

“But I know that already” she leaned in and kissed my neck which made me shiver a bit and Jessica noticed it. “I have you wrap around my finger” she said seductively before leaning back on her seat.

Unconsciously, I turned on the aircon, it was getting hard to breath in that car.

Soon enough, we arrived at a neighborhood Jessica was already familiar with, but since she was too busy teasing me earlier, she didn’t realize it. “Why did you drive me to Taeyeon’s apartment?” Jessica looked around, not understanding what we were doing here.

“What do you think?” I asked her before driving to the parking lot. “Guess Jessica guess” I teased her.

“Are we going to spend time at their place? I want to see our new home Yuri-ah!” Jessica whined as I took her hand and dragged her along with me.

We made our way to the elevator and it was when I clicked on the 7th floor that Jessica started to understand the situation. “Don’t tell me-“

“Come on” I quickly dragged Jessica to the 709th apartment, “Look” I pointed at the door.

“What the-“

“Nice right?” I nudged her, proud of myself.

<<Awesome Kwon Yuri & Gorjess Jung Sooyeon>> was nicely written on our door’s frame.

Jessica’s jaw dropped on the floor, not expecting such decoration for our future door. “What if-“

“Nope I won’t take it down” I shook my head, I just loved my idea and there was no way I would change my mind.

Jessica whined a bit but when I gave her the key to our apartment and told her I had a little present for her, she completely forgot the door’s incident. “Honor to you baby, here’s the key”

Jessica unlocked the door and her jaw dropped again. “Huh…okay” she turned to look at me, a puzzled look on her face. “It’s empty”

“Yeah I know” I led her inside.

“Don’t tell me-“

“Yup, that’s my surprise!” I let go of Jessica’s hand and walked to the middle of the apartment. “Tada! This is your new playground!” I clapped my hands happily.

“Baby I love you but you lost me” Jessica scratched her head.

“You love shopping right?” I walked up to her and held her hands, “what do you think about you, me and shopping all summer to decorate our new home?” I kissed her forehead.

Then, it was like magic, Jessica’s eyes lightened up like fire and she went on crazy mode. “Oh my god! Yuri! It’s going to be so much fun!!!” Sica jumped up and down and went running around the apartment. “This room can be our dressing room! I have so many clothes, you can’t even imagine!” she said out loud though I wasn’t sure whether she was talking to me or more to herself.

I followed Jessica around and just nodded at everything she was saying, I didn’t care much about how our home would look like, I was just happy since Jessica was smiling and looking like she was in heaven.

I just couldn’t wish for more. Standing in that apartment, things were pretty clear for me, I could totally picture Jessica and me living there happily until we were ready to take it to the next level.

“Yuri-ah” Jessica called me.

I found my beautiful girlfriend standing in front of a room, a huge smile on her face. “What is it?” putting my arms around her tiny waist, I put a gentle kiss on the crook of her neck.

“This is our room” she said sweetly, then grabbing my hands, she led me into the room and then stop at random spot, “ok the bed can be here,” then she walked to the next, “and here will be my makeup area,” and she did that for almost all the rooms in our apartment.

We spent hours in this empty apartment, planning out and imagining what our life after summer would look like.

Ice Cream Shop,

Fany’s POV

Since Taeyeon was going to be busy, I decided to call up Sooyoung and Hyoyeon out. Though I started going to school again, we haven’t had the occasion to sit down and talk like old times.

When I arrived to our favorite hangout spot, my friends were already there. Sooyoung was devoring her second ice cream cup, vanilla flavor this time while Hyoyeon was checking Sooyoung and her phone at the same time.

“Hi~” I greeted them and took a sit at the table, “what are you doing?” I asked Hyoyeon.

“I’m timing her” Hyoyeon showed me her phone before focusing on Sooyoung again. “It took her 1 minute and 38 seconds to finish her first cup”

“But…che..firsh..cup…wash…bigger” Sooyoung tried to talk, her mouth full of ice cream.

“Okay…” I tried not to laugh at them for being so crazy and childish. “Excuse-me” I waved at the waitress, wanting to order some ice cream as well.

“DONE!” Sooyoung’s sudden scream startled me, she put her arms in the air, a sign of triumph. “I did it! Less than 1 minute, right? Right?” invading Hyoyeon’s personal space, she tried to snatch the phone away from her.  “Let me see!”

“Calm down you dummy!” Hyoyeon pushed Sooyoung’s face away, “I’m the only judge here” she smirked, “56 seconds! NEW RECORD LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” she showed her phone to Sooyoung and to everyone in the shop.

“AMAJING! People can you see that??” Sooyoung showed off, grabbing Hyoyeon’s phone, she ran to the shop owner, “auntie! Look at that! I beat my own record, don’t you think I deserve some reward?”

“Alright alright, you kids can eat fully today, my threat!” the lady owner told us.

There were a few laughters and eyes rolling from other customers, but most of them were regulars so they weren’t shocked or surprised with Sooyoung and Hyoyeon’s craziness.

“Yo Tiffany! See how good I was? I won us free ice creams!” Sooyoung walked back to our table with 3 ice creams cup. “Come on, eat eat!” she pushed one cup toward me.

“I just ordered one though” I sighed, wondering how on earth I could eat all that.

“Don’t worry, if you can’t finish, I will help you”

“No wonder” Hyoyeon teased, “So Fany, what’s up?”

“Nothing special, I just felt like hanging out today”

“Where is your other half?” Sooyoung asked, looking very interested.

“Huh she is out today”

“Oh so that’s why you asked us out!” Hyoyeon exclaimed, faking a disappointed look. “I’m sad”

“Yeah I’m really sad” Sooyoung joined in.

“Come on guys, you know I am really sorry for forgetting about our friendship this year” I apogolized and used my puppy eyes on them.

“Argh that Hwang Miyoung! We can’t be angry with her when she does that” Sooyoung looked away while Hyoyeon just laughed.

“Anyway, we will forgive you if you promise to not disappear like that again” Hyoyeon stared at me, “I know you are all in love but don’t forget us, it might be a good thing to get away from your relationship sometimes” she adviced me.

I didn’t ask them, but it was obvious they knew my relationship with Taeyeon wasn’t always rainbow and sunshine. I felt bad for leaving them out of my new life, but everyone got a second chance and I wasn’t going to waste it.

“Hmm I should probably tell the same to that lazy Sooyeon” Hyoyeon mentioned Jessica, who like me, kind of disappeared into her relationship with Yuri. “Where is she by the way? Did you call her?”

“She is busy today” I told them. I called Sica earlier today to ask her out too but she said she had something to do with Yuri.

“I’m going to text her and tell her to come join us when she is done” Sooyoung took out her phone, “I’ll lure her with free ice cream”

“I’m not sure it will work” Hyoyeon stated, “just tell her to come or we will beat her ass”

“I also don’t think it’s going to work” I added

“Damn that Jessica is really afraid of nothing!” Sooyoung said in frustration then the three of us laughed.

When I wasn’t with my friends, I didn’t have the feeling that I was missing them, I was too busy dealing with my relationship that I completely forgot about them. But as I was spending time with the two of them, I remembered how great it was being surrounded by these two friends with who I could laugh and joke so easily.

If only Taeyeon was with me…

Min’s Residence,


A couple were about to walk out of their room, the wife tried to adjust her husband’s tie one last time before they had to leave. “It will be okay, everything will go as we plan” the husband reassured his wife.

“I hope so”

“Let’s go, they are waiting downstairs”

In the hall, two young ladies were standing awkwardly near the door. None of them spoke nor looked at each other. Sunye, in her blue dress tried her best to look happy even though she felt horrible. Her parents did what she couldn’t do, bringing Taeyeon back.

“Are you really going to do this?” after a silence that lasted an eternity, Sunye spoke up.

Taeyeon who was leaning against the wall, pushed herself up and walked to the door. “I promised” she said without looking at the other girl, “Let’s go” she opened the door and walked out first.

Sunye looked down, this situation was supposed to make her happy, but she wasn’t, she couldn’t be. “Honey, we are here” hearing her father’s voice, Sunye turned around and saw her parents walking down the stairs.

“Is everything okay?” her mom asked, seeing her daughter’s looking so down. “Where is Taeyeon?”

“I’m fine” Sunye faked a smile before heading to the door, “she is already outside”

A limousine was waiting in front of the mansion, its chauffeur was already inside, ready to drive off as soon as his passengers get in. Taeyeon opened the car’s door when she saw the family arriving. “You go first Sir” Taeyeon told Sunye’s father.

“Thank you again Taeyeon, and I apologize for this litte…change of plan” he patted her shoulder before getting in the car.

Taeyeon simply nodded before getting in herself.

“Well, I hope it will be a nice party” Sunye’s mother said as she looked at her daughter.

“I hope so too” Sunye responded, she looked at Taeyeon but the latter was already lost in her thoughts, far away from the real world.

The limousine drove away from the Min’s residence to its destination, and for Taeyeon, this ride was the longest and most painful one she ever had in her life.

Ice Cream Shop,

Fany’s POV

It was almost 2 hours later when Jessica showed up at the shop, but she didn’t come alone.

“Hey guys” Jessica greeted us with a huge smile, the girl was literally shining. “I hope you don’t mind, I brought Yuri along”

“Hello” Yuri waved at everyone before bringing two additional chairs to our table. “I wanted to tag along” she smiled at Sooyoung who for a long time, didn’t blush like that.

“Of course we don’t mind! The more the merrier” Hyoyeon said happily.

“Yeah and we got free ice cream!” Sooyoung showed off again, “I broke my own record today-“

“She ate a cup of ice cream in 56 seconds!” Hyoyeon stole Sooyoung’s line.

“YA! I wanted to tell them myself!” Sooyoung smacked Hyoyeon who was laughing like a crazy kid, “You babo!”

While Jessica wasn’t impressed with Sooyoung’s abilitiy, Yuri was more excited, “awesome! You and Yoona should compete against each other next time!”

“Who’s Yoona?” Sooyoung asked.

“My lil sister”

“Is she a hot-“

“Hum hum…” Hyoyeon suddenly nudged Sooyoung and tried to change the conversation. “So what did you two do today?” she asked the couple.

“Well…” Jessica hesitated, she didn’t know whether she could announce the good news.

“We can’t talk about it” Yuri told us, a sorry look on her face.

“But I want to tell them!” Jessica grabbed Yuri’s arm and whined, “please baby, let me tell my friends”

“But Taeng isn’t here, you know I have to tell her first” Yuri complained.

“What is it? What is it?” I got excited for some gossips but before Sica could say anything, my phone rang.

“Nooo don’t answer, it’s getting interesting” Hyoyeon tried to stop me from answering my phone.

But I did nonetheless, “hello?”

“Hwang Tiffany?”

“Yes? Who is asking?”

“It doesn’t matter,” a voice I didn’t recognized spoke to me, “just come to Seoul Hotel ballroom now, you are cordially invited”


“Kim Taeyeon is waiting for you, so come, now”


Then the person hung up.

“Who was it?” Yuri was looking worriedly at me, “is everything okay?”

Puzzled, I just nodeed, trying to figure out what that call was. “Hum I have to go”

“Where?” Jessica asked.

“Seoul Hotel”

“Who was it Tiffany?” Yuri asked me again.

“I don’t know,” I admit, “but I should go”

None of my friends understood what was happening, and neither did I, but something was telling me that I had to listen to that person and go to that hotel.

“I’ll drive you” Yuri stood up, “I have a bad feeling about this” she said protectively.

“We will go too” my other friends offered, but I stopped them.

“N-No…I have to go alone…I think”

“Ok, let’s go” Jessica stood up.

“Sorry guys, I’ll call you later” I told my friends.

“You sure you don’t want us to come?” Hyoyeon asked.

“Yeah sure, don’t worry” I reassured them.

Yuri, Jessica and I left the shop, leaving Sooyoung and Hyoyeon behind. I didn’t know what was happening and what kind of surprise I’d see once I got at the hotel, but something was telling me that it wouldn’t good.

Seoul Hotel,


The ballroom was heating up as the DJ started playing his songs, the guests were gathered in small groups, some talking with their friends, some trying to socialize with the upper kids. At the tables, the adults were busy talking business, even though the event wasn’t mean for that.

Mister and Misses Min were trying to entertain their older guests while their daughter took care of the younger ones.

“So Sunye, do you plan on moving back here later?” one of her guests asked.

Sunye smiled and shook her head, “it might not be a good idea”

“Why not?” the same girl asked, then pointing at Taeyeon who was sitting alone at a table, she whispered, “aren’t you and Kim Taeyeon back together?”


“Congratulations Sunye!” Kim Hyunjoong and his girlfriend clapped their hands exaggeratedly, as they walked toward Sunye, flowers in hand.

“Hyunjoong, Seungyeon, you two are late” Sunye welcomed her guests, but her smile looked forced.

“We stopped to buy you some flowers” Seungyeon gave Sunye the bouquet, then pointed at Taeyeon sitting by herself, “Your girlfriend is not in the mood?”

“Leave her alone, please” Sunye warned the two new arrived guests. “Don’t make a scene here”

“We don’t want to Sunye, don’t worry, today is all about you” Hyungjoong gave Sunye a hug before making a sign to the DJ. “What about some romantic song now?” and as he said those words, the upbeat song stopped to be replace by a love song.

“Feel like dancing Sunye?” Hyunjoong asked Sunye but he was looking at the lonely girl sitting by herself.

And before Sunye could protest, it was too late. “Hey Kim Taeyeon!” Hyunjoong shouted across the room, “your girlfriend wants to dance, you wouldn’t disappoint such a beautiful girl, right?”

Taeyeon who until now was sitting quietly at an empty table, praying this party would end as soon as possible, looked up and threw a cold glare at Hyungjoong. “Come on, she is waiting for you” he added, bringing even more attention to Taeyeon.

“It’s okay, I don’t want to dance” Sunye tried to stop the mess but unfortunately for her, her parents joined in.

“Taeyeon, Sunye, you two should open the dance” Mister Min said and then, everyone started clapping.

Relunctantly, Taeyeon stood up and with heavy steps, made her way toward her ex-girlfriend.

Outside of Seoul Hotel,

Fany’s POV

“It’s fine guys, just wait for me here, I will go in and check”

“I don’t like this” Yuri said, a very serious expression on her face.

“It’s Seoul Hotel, I don’t think something bad can happen” I told both of them before getting out of the car.

“Call us if there is anything weird” Yuri adviced me, “we will wait here”

I waved at them and ran inside the hotel. “Excuse-me, where is the ballroom?” I asked the lady at the information desk.

After she indicated me the way, I rushed inside, suddenly feeling excited. Maybe Taeyeon wanted to surprise me?

As I approached the huge double-door, I could hear a love song playing from inside. Cautiously, I grabbed the door’s knob and opened it slowly. Needless to say, what I saw wasn’t what I expected at all.

“What is this?” I looked around the room, trying to process what I was seeing, “Taeyeon?”

Inside the ballroom,


The love song was playing as everyone gathered around the couple of the night; Sunye and Taeyeon.

The ex-lovers were awkwardly dancing in the middle of the room, their bodies not too close to each other, but enough for the dance to not look weird. Sunye knew that Taeyeon would do everything to get out of that place, but being so close to Taeyeon again, she couldn’t help but smile. It felt good and she couldn’t deny it.

“If I hadn’t left, maybe today would have been a happy day for both of us, don’t you think?” Sunye whispered into Taeyeon’s ear.

“Maybe, but I like how things are now” Taeyeon answered, while trying to keep a certain distance between them.

“Because you have her” Sunye said sadly.

“She is the best thing that ever happened to me” Taeyeon said with a smile, the only thought of Tiffany brought a smile on her face, and she probably didn’t even realize it.

But unfortunately, that smile was the cause of another heartbreak.


With the music playing, Tiffany’s voice was only a whisper, but it was a whisper that only one particular girl could hear, even with the music, even among millions of other voices.

“Tiffany?” Taeyeon let go of Sunye and turned to look at the girl she had hurt again.

“Who is she?” Seungyeon asked loudly, while her boyfriend told the DJ to stop the music.

“She doesn’t look like she belongs here” a girl commented.

Tiffany was standing there, alone, facing all these people and she couldn’t move. Her eyes were fixed on Taeyeon, tears ready to fall.

“What’s your name again?” It was Hyungjoong’s turn to speak, “are you here to bid farewell to Taeyeon and Sunye who are going to leave for America tomorrow?” he revealed all with a smile.

“That voice…” Tiffany had the impression that she heard his voice earlier, but she wasn’t sure.

“Tiffany” Taeyeon took a few steps toward her girlfriend but Sunye’s father was faster, “Excuse-me miss, were you invited?” he walked up to Tiffany and asked her.

Realizing the situation, Tiffany smiled sadly, her teary eyes never leaving Taeyeon’s. “Nobody…I’m a nobody…” she said before storming out of the room.

“TIFFANY!” under everyone’s amazement, Taeyeon ran after her girlfriend.

Outside of Seoul Hotel,

The sky was grey, an early sign of the tragedy that was coming. Little drops of rain welcomed Tiffany as she ran outside of the hotel, holding back her tears, maybe the sky was waiting on her to let the rain fall. Tiffany wanted to run awayso badly, but her legs wouldn’t want to carry her further.

“Tiffany!” that voice that brought a smile to her face whenever she heard it, was the same voice that she was trying to run away from at the very moment. Tiffany didn’t want to turn around and look at the love of her life. Somehow, she knew where this was going. Deep inside her heart, she already knew the outcome.

She tried again to run, but this time, it wasn’t her legs that didn’t obey her. A pair of strong arms encircled her waist, forcing her to stay on the spot. “I am so sorry” Taeyeon whispered, “You weren’t-“

“Let me go” Tiffany ordered, she freed herself from Taeyeon’s grip and pushed the older girl away from her. “What do think you are doing Kim Taeyeon?” with tears in her eyes, Tiffany was ready to face Taeyeon.

“I know it sounds bad but-“

“No, you lied to me AGAIN, you hid something from me AGAIN. It doesn’t sound bad Taeyeon, it’s too much”

“I made a promise to her parents, I had to keep it” Taeyeon tried to defend herself.

“And what about the millions promised you made to me? Don’t they mean anything to you?”


“I’m tired of all this Taeyeon-ah, we can’t keep doing this”

“We don’t have to, it will be over in a month. After I come back, it-“

“When were you going to tell me by the way?” Tiffany was furious, “once you are
out of the country? Did you think I wouldn’t notice you went missing?”

Truth was, Taeyeon only learned today that she had to leave on Monday morning, when Sunye’s father announced it to her, she was devastated, she couldn’t believe that she had less than a day to bid farewell to her girlfriend.

“I wasn’t supposed to leave tomorrow, I thought-” Taeyeon tried to explain.


“I couldn’t find the right time…we were so happy, I-“

“You had to ruin it…again, why Taeyeon, why?” Tiffany looked defeated, “why do you keep doing this? Giving me happiness then takes it away”


“I don’t want you to go” Tiffany wasn’t giving her the choice, it was an order.

“You know I have to”

“No I don’t and I don’t want to know.” Tiffany shook her head, not wanting to understand or compromise. “Yes, I’m going to be selfish and mean here but don’t go!”

“Tiffany, I don’t have a choice! This will be a crucial surgery for her, if I don’t go and she dies…how am I going to live with that?” Taeyeon pled, she wished she wouldn’t care about Sunye’s well-being, but she did.

“Don’t you understand? It will never be over! You will always feel guilty when she is around, she will always be a part of your life, of our lives! I can’t do this, it’s too tiring Taeyeon-ah”

“Please, trust me” Taeyeon begged, trying to get closer to Tiffany.

“I don’t believe you anymore,” Tiffany looked down, the little drops were now getting bigger, the rain was ready to fall heavenly, like Tiffany’s tears. “I-I just can’t anymore, it’s too painful Taeyeon-ah…”

“Fany…” Taeyeon tried to hold her lover’s hand but she pushed her away again. “Just a little longer, please…”

“If you leave,” Tiffany looked up, the tears were falling now “it is over, you and me, over”

If Taeyeon wasn’t stubborn, if she wasn’t trying so hard to be responsible, if she could close her eyes for a second and forget that guilty feeling that consumed her years ago, she would have run to Tiffany, hug her and tell her that there is nothing more important to her than them being together.

But she couldn’t. A part of Taeyeon knew it was wrong, she knew Tiffany had all the right to react the way she was, but it was too late to turn back. There was no guarantee the guilt would go away once she fulfilled her promise, but she had to try.

“I’m so sorry Tiffany” those were the only words Taeyeon could say in this situation, the tears were also forming in her eyes.

The two lovers were soaked wet because of the heavy rain falling on them, though it washed away their tears, it couldn’t wash away the pain in their hearts.

“I know you meant what you said earlier, but Fany-ah,” Taeyeon hold back her tears, “it won’t be over, I will never let you go, I will come back, no matter what happens, I will come back and fight for us” she said, her voice cracking a little.

Taeyeon turned around and with a broken heart, walked away from the girl she loved the most.

“KIM TAEYEON!” Tiffany gathered all the energy she had left and yelled her lover’s name. “I-If you leave now…w-we are done…” the desperation in her voice was heartbreaking, but it wasn’t enough to hold back her lover.

“I’m so sorry” Taeyeon whispered as she walked away like a zombie. How did they end up like that? After all they have been through, she couldn’t believe it was the end of their relationship.

If I heartbreak could kill, Tiffany might have died right there. Like the time she lost her mother, then when she lost her father, she felt the pain slowly killing her from inside. Watching Taeyeon walking away from her, felt like a thousand knives were cutting through her heart.

“Don’t leave me…Taeyeon…don’t leave…” Tiffany pled, but it was over. There was nothing else she could do but break down and cry, cry like she hasn’t cried in a long time.

And as if heaven was sharing her pain, the sky got darker, and it rain harder, like it haven’t in a long time.

Inside the ballroom,


Taeyeon walked back to the ballroom where everyone was enjoying their night like the incident earlier didn’t happen at all. From head to toe, she was completely wet because of the rain but she didn’t care at all. When they saw her, everyone stopped whatever they were doing and stared at her, like she was some crazy girl without manners.

“Hey Kim Taeyeon, what happened to you? Is it a new fashion trend?” Kim Hyunjoong said with a smile, happy of the scene.

Without a single word, Taeyeon walked like a lifeless body toward the bar where she took a sit and ordered everything the barman could offer her. The whisperings and stares didn’t disturb her at all, everything around her was empty. She couldn’t see anything, couldn’t hear anything, couldn’t feel anything…

The only thing that remained was the pain of losing the one she loved the most.

Kwon’s Residence,

Yuri’s POV

One of the worse days in my life…when I saw Tiffany running out of that hotel and Taeyeon trailing after her, I knew it was bad. Jessica and I followed them and we witnessed everything. I felt like we intruded in their private lives since it was so emotional, so raw and we couldn’t do anything. We were hiding there and didn’t stop that tragedy, we couldn’t stop it. When Taeyeon turned around and walked away, my heart broke with Tiffany’s.

I wanted to follow Taeyeon back inside, to find out what the hell was going on with her, but I couldn’t let Tiffany alone. She was kneeling on the ground, crying her heart out. Jessica and I immediately rushed to her once Taeyeon was gone and we tried to get her away butTiffany didnd’t move, didn’t say a word, she was only crying and it took us a long time before we could walk her back to the car so I could take her home.

“Is Tiffany alright?” my mom asked me when I went to the kitchen to take some drinks.

“I don’t know, she doesn’t talk at all…” I said, taking a seat at the counter.

“And where is Taeyeon?”

“She is not answering her phone…”

“What did that kid do again…”

“She is going to Los Angeles tomorrow” my dad popped into the kitchen, “Sunye’s parents are holding a farewell party at Seoul Hotel right now”

“And why is Taeyeon going?” my mom was shocked, and so was I.

“Sunye is going to have a heart surgery in a few days and Taeyeon is going with her…a lucky charm I guess” my dad informed us.

“That’s ridiculous!” my mom couldn’t believe it. “Did they trick her into doing it? I’m sure they used her feelings again, I-“

“Let it go” my father said, “there is nothing we can do, that’s Taeyeon’s choice after all”

I knew too well how Taeyeon felt about Sunye, how she has been feeling all these years. The guilt she has been holding into is not easy to let go. “So I guess they broke up” I said.

“How did you know about the party?” my mom asked.

“Some people at the company were talking about it. Gossips again”

“I can’t believe she didn’t tell me about it” I got angry, “I’m her best friend!”

“Honey, maybe she didn’t know how to tell you”

“What an idiot!” If Taeyeon was in front of me, I would have punched the hell out of her. “What are we going to do with Tiffany? I can’t believe it”

“She will need her friends” my mom adviced me, “and I know she can count on you”

I simply nodded, not knowing how I could be a help for Tiffany during Taeyeon’s absence. I didn’t want to take a side, but it was really hard for me not to be angry at my friend for hurting Tiffany like this. I’ve known Taeyeon my whole life, and I knew too well what she had to go through in the past, but it was still hard for me to accept that decision of hers.

Even though the one she left behind was Tiffany, I was still feeling betrayed by my childhood friend, but the thing was, I couldn’t let it affect me because I had to be strong for Tiffany.

Incheon Airport,


Like she has announced, Taeyeon left the country on Monday morning with Sunye and her family. She had tried to call Tiffany all night, but the latter didn’t pick her phone, even her best friend Yuri gave her the cold shoulder. Taeyeon knew this time, she went too far and that her relatives and friends wouldn’t simply approve of her decision. It was with a broken heart that Taeyeon stepped inside the plane, looking outside of the window, she thought about the next month, when she will come back. She wondered whether her relationship with Tiffany could be saved, because as much as she didn’t want to admit it, they weren’t together anymore.

“I’m sorry for what happened to you” Sunye took the seat next to Taeyeon’s.

“You are not sorry” Taeyeon replied coldly.

“If you are going to be like this, why are you even here?” Sunye asked, hurt at Taeyeon’s words.

Taeyeon looked at Sunye, knowing that at some point, they would have to talk about it, “I had to” she started, “If my presence could help you go through this surgery and be alive, I’ll do it. I don’t want to regret it later if…anything happen to you”

“And do you think you’re going to help me by being so cold?”

“I can’t do more that…you want me to be nice? Be affectionate? Hug you? Comfort you? I can’t! The girl I want to hug and love right at this moment doesn’t want to talk to me anymore,” Taeyeon got frustrated, “I come to support you, because it is an important and crucial time in your life and you said you need me, but I really can’t do more than that”

Sunye nodded, defeated, it was the best she could get of Taeyeon. “I see…but you know Taeyeon, nobody is blaming you anymore,” she took Taeyeon’s hand and hold it tightly, “what happened to me years ago, wasn’t your fault, and if coming with me this time is the only way for you to let go of that memory, then I accept it, I won’t mind you going with me to free yourself from the past instead of you coming with me because you love me”

Knowing she went too far earlier, Taeyeon tried to apologize, “Sun-“

“I’m fine,” Sunye smiled weakly, “I will go through this with the people I love by my side, then I will let you go” she then leaned in and kissed Taeyeon on the cheek.

“And, I really am sorry for you and Tiffany” Sunye said sincerely, beforegoing back to her seat. After she left, Taeyeon found herself at the verge of crying. She missed Tiffany, she missed her friends, and she was scared that a month later, she would not get her old life back.

A month, a whole month away from the one she loves.

Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ