A Month without You... - 2nd week

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S1 High School,

The time students hated the most was there; examinations. The school was filled with nervous, stressed out students everywhere, and amongst them, was Tiffany. After Taeyeon had left, she poured all her time and energy into her studies.

It surprised everyone and even herself how easy and fast she could memorize and understand subjects that she almost failed during the year. Maybe it was the sadness and the little bit of anger that helped her but Tiffany was ready and confident.

She couldn’t fail. Her relationship was already a failure and she couldn’t allow herself to go through another failure so soon.

This new motivation was not an indication of Tiffany’s mood though. The girl was still unstable emotionally and would often cry at certain things that reminded her of her beloved lover. Yuri and Jessica became her chaperon as they rarely left her side.

Tiffany walked with confidence inside the classroom. Students were chatting among themselves before the examination started but Tiffany ignored the noises and tried to concentrate.

“Is she going to be okay?” Hyoyeon was watching Tiffany from her desk.

“She has to. The girl worked like crazy to get ready.” Jessica was sitting on Hyoyeon and Sooyoung’s desk since they still had a few minutes left before the exam started.

“We are going to party tonight to celebrate. You coming?” Sooyoung asked.

“Why do you want to party? Maybe you will screw up.” Hyoyeon teased, her eyes still focus on the lonely girl a few desks ahead.

“Yah! I studied really hard. I’m confident. I’m going to nail it today.”

“Where are you guys going?”

“Not sure. I heard about this new club in town. We can try it out.”

“I’ll see if Yuri wants to go…and Tiffany too.” Jessica nodded toward her best friend who was still focus on her books.

“I bet she will study like crazy for the next exam.”

“I think so too but I’ll ask her anyway.”

The bell rang and everyone got back to their desks. Yuri who was still outside quickly ran into the class. Tiffany looked up from her books and saw the teacher walking to the front of the class. She closed her books and put them back into her bag.

The silence that filled the room was nerve-wracking. Few students began to sweat and shake even though the teacher hadn’t opened his mouth. As the papers were passed around, Tiffany quickly turned to look at the familiar faces that were her friends as they mouthed ‘good luck’ to each other.

It was the beginning of an intense and stressful week. Leaving behind her personal problems, Tiffany took a deep breath as she wrote down her name.

She couldn’t mess up.


Heavy sighs, cheers and words of support could be heard as students walked out of their classes. The hallways and staircases were filled with senior students talking about the examination they had just taken. They compared their answers and sighed every time their friends didn’t pick the same choice even though no one knew the correct answer yet.

Our small group of friends made their way out of the building rapidly. All the talking inside was giving Jessica a headache.

Each of them exhaled loudly as they stepped out in the school’s yard. The sun was shining and some of them took it as a sign that things weren’t that bad.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 21, 2012 ⏰

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