Epilogue - Our First Love Story

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4 weeks later…

YulSic’s Apartment,


It was a shiny Saturday in Seoul, the birds were singing, announcing a bright day ahead. It was almost noon when Jessica opened her eyes, the sunlight disturbing her sleep. She took her phone and checked the time before getting off the bed lazily. Her hair was a real mess, the last evidence of a wild night with her lover, who on the other hand, was already awaked.

Jessica opened the door’s room and called for her lover, “Yuri-ah?”

“In the kitchen, baby” she heard Yuri yelled back.

After she was sure her other half was at home, Jessica went into the bathroom to get herself ready. Today was a special day, they had many guests coming over and it was the first time that they visited.

While Jessica was making herself all pretty for the day, the other occupant of the apartment, Yuri, was up since dawn. Since their friends were coming over, Yuri woke up really early to set the table, cleaned up the living room and prepared the food. It was not like Jessica didn’t want to help, but there was no way she would wake up early to do it. Last night, the couple went out and since they were too tired when they got back, they went straight to bed, though they didn’t sleep immediately…

“Wahhh” Yuri was startled by her girlfriend’s exclamation, “it’s so pretty” Jessica praised upon seeing the dining table. “You did a very good job Kwon Seobang”

Stopping what she was doing, Yuri turned around and smiled brightly, “I know right? I’m so talented in decorating” she praised herself.

Jessica rolled her eyes and walked up to her lover, “yes yes, you are amazing” she said before planting a kiss on Yuri’s lips. “Good morning” she greeted their lips only inches away from each other.

“Morning sunshine” Yuri gave her another light kiss, “slept well?”

Jessica smiled, remembering their last night, “wonderful sleep I had” she said before pouting, “but I’m still tired”

Yuri laughed and kissed her girlfriend’s forehead, “I assumed, that’s why I didn’t wake you up this morning”

“I would have killed you” Jessica turned serious, “like really kill you”

Yuri smiled, amused at her girlfriend’s threats. “I assumed that too”

Jessica’s face softened up again and she embraced Yuri, “but you really did an amazing job, thank you”

“Well, I had to since you are so bad at cooking” Yuri teased.


“BUT that’s why I love you” she quickly added before Jessica could scold her.

“You love me because I can’t cook?”

“That’s one of your charms” Yuri winked, “and after last night, I won’t mind cooking or doing whatever you want me to” she brushed Jessica’s back with her hands and planted kisses on her neck.

Jessica smiled and allowed Yuri to tease her, “yeah, I must admit we were really good last night”

“See, I told you we had to practice again and again and again”

“Stop it, it’s ticklish” Jessica laughed and tried to stop Yuri from teasing her neck, “Behave a little, you pervert!”

“I know you lo-“

*Ding Dong*

The doorbell rang and stopped the couple in their actions, “guess I have to wait until tonight” Yuri said disappointed.

“Who said you will get anything tonight?” Jessica freed herself from her lover’s grip and stuck her tongue out at her, “you had enough already” she teased Yuri before walking to the door.

Yuri followed Jessica to the door, a creepy smile on her face, “I’ll never have enough of you baby, never”

“Shhh now, behave! We have guests” Jessica hit Yuri’s arm before opening the door.

“HELLO!!!” their friends, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon greeted loudly, “thanks for inviting us!” the duo shouted in unison, “we brought you guys some food” they gave Jessica a huge plastic bag.

“Thank you” Yuri stepped aside, letting them in.

Jessica rolled her eyes, “you know, you two don’t have to scream” she told them.

“Ah Sooyeon-ah, I’m sure your neighbors are used to hear loud noises from here anyway” Sooyoung teased, which make both Yuri and Jessica blushed.

“You’re so bad Shikshin, teased them like that,” Hyoyeon scolded her friend, “that place is huge” she said, walking around.

“Yuri will show you around,” Jessica offered, “what do you want to drink?”

“Any soft drink you have is good” Hyoyeon and Sooyoung said in unison again, “by the way, when are the others coming?”

Yuri led the duo to the first room, “I told them noon but they will be late because of my sister, I’m sure”

“Who is picking up your sister?”

“Oh Seohyun’s sister is driving them, you will love her, she is really nice”

After Yuri showed the apartment to Hyoyeon and Sooyoung, they went back to the living room where Jessica had prepared the drinks. “It’s a really nice apartment” Hyoyeon praised, “and I love the decoration”

“Yup, really nice, I bet you did it Yuri?” Sooyoung asked, ignoring the cold glares Jessica was throwing at her.

“I DID!” Jessica stopped herself from punching her friend, but when she saw Yuri staring at her, she corrected herself, “we, we did it, together”

“It took us 3 weeks to get that result,” Yuri explained, “the shopping took the longest, it was a real pain to agree on everything”

“No wonder with Jessica” Sooyoung mumbled, but unfortunately for her, Jessica heard it.

“Do you want me to kick you out?” Jessica glared at her friend.

“I was joking! You know I love you” Sooyoung tried to save her life.

*Ding Dong*

Yuri stood up and went to open the door. “Welcome kids!”

“Who are you calling kids?” Yoona pushed her sister aside and ran into the apartment. “HELLO guys!” her voice could be heard.

“Hello Yuri-unnie, thanks for inviting us” Seohyun, the opposite of Yoona, greeted politely before stepping in too.

“Yo Yul, what’s up?” Sunny entered the house, “we brought you guys some fruits” she handed them over to Yuri.

“Thank you, I forgot to buy some yesterday” Yuri walked her new arrived guests to the living room, where the others were sitting. “This is Sooyoung, Hyoyeon and this is Seohyun’s sister, Lee Sunkyu but call her Sunny” she introduced them.

“Lee Sunkyu?” Sooyoung repeated, wanting to laugh really hard.

“You laugh and I choke you” Sunny warned her before she could do anything.

Sooyoung gulped and leaned back on her chair, “No comment on your name”

“Aren’t you Taeyeon’s cousin?” Hyoyeon, who was checking on Sunny since she entered, asked.

“Yup, how do you know?”

“I know everything” Hyoyeon replied.

“Okay…” Sunny said a little freaked out.

This time, Jessica showed them around.

“I’m hungry!!!!” Sooyoung complained, “can we eat already?!?!”

“Yeah I’m hungry too!” Yoona joined in.

“Calm down you two, I prepare so much food that you can’t even finish” Yuri said.

“Excuse-me? Is that a challenge?” Sooyoung asked seriously.

“Yeah, are you challenging me? I can eat everything if I want to” Yoona said with confidence.

“Yeah me too!” replied Sooyoung.

Then the two shikshins looked at each other, fire burning in their eyes. “Want to compete with me little kid?” Sooyoung defied Yoona.

“Bring it on!” Yoona accepted the challenge.

“Ok” Sooyoung walked to the kitchen and opened the bag she brought for Yuri and Jessica. She opened it and took out 2 bags of chips, “here, a little starter” she threw one to Yoona and went back to her seat.

“You will regret this” Yoona said, opening the bag and starting to eat.

“Gosh, remind me again why we invited them?” Jessica whispered to Yuri.

“We need them to finish all the food you wanted us to buy, Miss I-don’t-know-how-to-measure-quantity” Yuri whispered back.

“You-” Jessica was ready to give her lover a scolding.

“Let’s eat!” Yuri ran to the kitchen to avoid getting hit by her girlfriend. Soon enough, everyone was gathering around the table, ready to appease their hungry stomachs.

“Yuri cooked all that?” Sunny asked, her eyes amazed by all the dishes.

“Impossible, since when my sister can do this?” Yoona teased.

“That’s the magical effect of living on your own” Yuri answered.

“I can’t believe that in all Seoul, you were still able to pick an apartment in Taeyeon’s building” Hyoyeon stated.

“This building is good and it’s a good area too. Not too far from downtown and not too far from my parents’ house” Yuri explained, “it’s like in the middle of all the places we want to go”

“And I don’t mind living near my best buddy” Jessica said, thinking about her best friend.

It has been a month since Jessica and Tiffany didn’t see each other. One was busy decorating and moving in her new apartment while the other flew around the globe for vacations.

“THANKS FOR THE FOOD!” everyone shouted in unison.

As everyone started eating and chatting happily, Jessica looked around her and felt emotional. She couldn’t believe that she was really sitting there, happy with her friends. A year ago, she was still lost within her past relationship, trying to believe in love again. And now, she has found Yuri.

Jessica stared at Yuri and smiled to herself. So many things happened between them, they went through so much to finally be together like this and Jessica didn’t know which of her lucky star she had to thank. Yuri was the happiness that was missing in her life.

“Are you okay?” noticing that her girlfriend was staring at her, Yuri held Jessica’s hand and squeezed it gently.

“Yeah~” she showed her infamous eyesmile, “I-I just can’t believe we are here”

Yuri smiled and bringing Jessica’s hand to her face, she kissed it gently, “I love you”

“Hum Hum there is people around” Sunny coughed, stopping the couple’s little moment.

“You will understand us once you find your other half” Yuri teased her.

“Oh you’re single shorty?” Sooyoung asked.

“Call me shorty again and I choke you” Sunny warned again.

“Okay guys, let’s cheers for Yuri and Jessica on their new life as roommates” Sooyoung stood up, ignoring Sunny’s glares.

“Cheers!” everyone cheers together.

“And let’s cheers for Tiffany and Taeyeon who aren’t there with us.”

“Cheers!” everyone cheered again.

“Talking about Taeyeon, I really can’t believe what happened to Taeyeon, she nearly died, right?” Hyoyeon asked. She heard lot of gossips going around that Taeyeon nearly got into a car accident but she wasn’t able to learn more about it.

Yuri and Jessica looked at each other, remembering that crazy day their friends told them about. Each detail of the story was burned into their memories.

Our first love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ