🤩🤩DESTINY??? 🤩🤩

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Its morning and prerna as usual does her aarti....
Meanwhile Anurag gets ready for his office....

Phone rings Prerna rushes to attend the call hoping for good news.... she picks it up and its the landlord..

LL: Hello !!! Is it u?
Prerna : ummm.... uncle I told u to give me some time...
LL: There are people who are ready to buy it for higher prices but I was waiting for u sisters.... but now I think it will be a huge loss if I wait for u two !!!
Prerna : pls pls... hello? hello?...
Shivani : what happened di? U look sad in the morning itself?
Prerna walks into the room silently and closes the door... she cries
Prerna : Ma y did u leave me? I am not able to pay it !!!

 she cries Prerna : Ma y did u leave me? I am not able to pay it !!!

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Meanwhile in basu bari

As anurag is going through the files he notices a bracelet on his table...
Prerna and anurag in the hospital
Prerna : I am going bye !!!!
As she walks her bracelet falls down
Anurag picks it up..

Anurag smiles at it and is dreamy..

Mohini comes in and looks at him Mohini : Onu don't be late its ur first meeting

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Mohini comes in and looks at him
Mohini : Onu don't be late its ur first meeting... onu.. onu are u listening

Anurag gets surprised and looks at her

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Anurag gets surprised and looks at her...
Mohini ( smiles) : what is the matter? U look so happy?
She sees the bracelet
Mohini : oh!!... a girl...who is she?
Anurag:ummm...errr...she is my friend.
Mohini : friend?
DD enters.
DD: Boss meeting is going to start in galf an hour if we don't go now we will be late !
They go away...
Mohini : who is she? ..

Meanwhile in Delhi...
Mishelle is packing dress and a photo drops out of her dairy...

 Mishelle is packing dress and a photo drops out of her dairy

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She remenbers
4years ago....

She was getting ready and then she types...
Where are you?
I am getting ready !!!
Get in time its a special day !!

She looks at the mirror and smiles

She looks at the mirror and smiles

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Misheal : hmmm...I look enough beautiful...
Meanwhile anurag who is then a college boy... takes his gift and run towards a hotel...
They both meet each other anurag gets dreamy on seeing her...

He takes out a gift and gives it to her...
She opens it and Its a phone..
She gets overjoyed and hugs him..
They take a selfie... and they have lots of fun...
They would be walking back..
Anurag: so my cutiepie did u like this...?
Micky: this is tge best memory I will have and the best day I have spent...
Suddenly it thunders and it rains...

Prerna finds a way...
Anurag's girlfriend??
She is back !!

How was the episode from now on the story starts pls comment....
As u have read it pls vote !!!

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