Is it love?? 🤔😍or guilt?? 😔😔

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Guys today's part is long as it contains the twist... I mean from anupre starts having feelings for each other..  where their  love story starts... so no talks let's go to the chap directly 😘😘😘

Anurag waits impatiently as he waits for the doctor... he feels really guilty for not giving any attention to her.. he stamps his feets impatiently walking back and forth...
A grandma sitting near him observes him for a few moments later she calls him....
" Beta come here "
Anurag turns around.. he looks at the emergency room then turns back and sits near her..
She caressed his hair and then asked
" what happened?? Is ur wife inside?? "
His heart skip a beat when she mentions the word wife
She sees him lost..
" don't worry nothing will happen to her.. ur love will surely save her.. husbands like u r very hard to find nowadays.... "
He wants to correct her but not a word is coming out of his mouth..
As he was going to say something the doctor comes out..

He runs towards him..
Anu : doctor i-is sh-s-she ok??
Doctor : don't worry mr basu she is fine,  glad that u bought her in right time ☺️or else she would have suffered from hypothermia...
Anu : 😳.. doctor can I meet her..
Doctor : ya sure.. she is resting her condition is good and need 8 hours observation.. if she is okay tomorrow then u can take her..
Anu : thanku very much.. 🤗
Doctor : it my pleasure.. ☺️

That dadi comes to him
" told u na ur love will not be gone unnoticed so god saved her.. now go fast meet her... "
Anurag smiles at her and hugs her
" thanku very much dadi !"☺️ and rushes into the room..

He opens the door and gets in he silently sits beside her...he looks at her and to be honest for a second it felt that he was looking at the most cutest girl ever....
" Is it called sleeping beauty? 🤤 "
For a second he thinks
" what is this anurag basu??  What r u saying?? "🤨
He takes her palm and keeps it between his...
" I am sorry.. very very sorry...😖 I never wanted u to end up like this...😓"

As he keeps his head on her hand and his tears falls

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As he keeps his head on her hand and his tears falls... she flutters her eyes and wakes up...she hears him apologizing.. she feels bad as no one in her life cried for her like he did...

She keeps her hand on his head and caresses it..
He feels her hand and wakes up..
She looks at him bcz she never so an emotional side of the arrogant and introvert anurag she knew...
He looks into her eyes..
They share an emotional eyelock..
She could see and feel the pain behind his wet brown eyes...
Then suddenly mohini enters the room...
She was very tensed and as she saw prerna who was now ok compared to few minutes ago she feels better...
She runs to her and hugs prerna..
Anurag stands up and asks her to sit..
Mohini's stern look towards him makes anurag confused... she keeps her palm on pre's cheeks...

Mohini : pre r u okay ?? How r u feeling now??

Mohini : pre r u okay ?? How r u feeling now??

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