💔💔The worst day !!🥺🥺

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He is feeling much better now... and he thought everything is becoming  fine... not aware of his disaster ahead...

He wakes up and he touches the other side of his bed...
" Micky? "
He steps out of the bed... half naked.. wearing a pant..
" Mishelle !"
For his surprise she was trying to cook....
He smiled and sat on the chair... and admired her cooking.. she was wearing his shirt...
And she waited for the milk to get boiled... he stood up and went near her... she looked at him.. He suddenly grabs her by her waist..
" Ur looking hot in my shirt !"
She blushes...
He comes closer to her and tucks her hair behind her ears... he kisses her forehead and then the tip of the nose... he looks into her eyes and then touches her lips with his.. he grabs her tighs and make her sit on the table... he bits her lips and then suddenly she pushes away....
" What happened?? "
She jumps down and nods and starts to stir the milk..
" r u okay?? "
she nods..
" hmm... !"
He hugs her from behind.. but he felt a sense of distance between them...he ignored it...
" Manik.. "
" hmmm... "
" come on eat the breakfast!"
They have the breakfast..
And suddenly she gets a call..
" Hello?? Micky? "
" mickey its been very long since u have come back... ur dad is calling us.. and we have been lying a lot... it would be better if u come back for few days!"
" hmm... I will see!"
" bye!"
"Bye !"

He looks at her...
" What happened?? U look sad !"
"Nothing ! Aa... aa.. its been long right I am staying with u.. and as u have recovered a lil.. I think I should go.. we will meet like we did before!"
He nods..
" Ur right! "
She packs her dress... he was looking at her each and every move... something has changed about her...
" I am going I have kept the sausage in the fridge eat it when ur hungry... bye !"
He was about to give her the goodbye hug... but she moved away..
" Its quite late.. !"
He nods... and she goes away... he closes the door and sits on the couch..
" Y is she acting weird these days?? Maybe just missing her home!"
Days pass he was bored sitting at home was it was winter vacation going on..
Calls from her got lesser day by day... he felt horrible not talking to her..

This was the biggest day of his life.. the singing contest... if he manages to win it then he will have more chances in future... he got ready for the contest.. with his friends.. they practiced.. it was the time for the contest....
The dream of every music lover...
Singers did their performance while he got nervous... his heartbeats increasing and he was breathing heavily... He was waiting for her call but the call never came...
He calls ananya..
" hello ananya?? "
" yes... manik!"
" is micky there?? "
" what??? She didn't tell u?? "
" what happened?? "
" She just left for germany!"
" germany?? "
"Yes... she got a movie... of which she auditioned a while ago !"
" movie? "
"Yes... y didn't she tell u?? "
" I don't know... when is her flight?? "
" its not time yet.... there is half n hour more.. !go and get her!"
" ha... thanks!"
He cuts the call... and was about to leave...
" Maany where r u going... our performance is the third one and it already 5th one!!"
" U get ready I will be back !!"
He runs...
Tears and anger filled his each and every nerve... he ran as fast a he could...
And while crossing the road a car has also hit his arm... but he still tried his best...

( the tune in the background !)

He reaches there and mishelle was unloading her bag from the taxi..
" Mishelle!!"
She turns around and gets surprised to see him..
" Ma.. ma.. manik!"
He goes to her and holds her arms tightly.. he gritters his teeth and bites his lips in anger... his ears and nose were red..
" Where r u going?? "
" leave me !"
" Y r doing this. !"
" I said leave me!"
He pushes her..
And keeps his hands on hia waist and looks away..
" Manik... I know its unfair... but... let's... let's breakup !"
He felt like a hard rock hitting his heart... his heart sank...
He still looked away his eyes filled with tears..
" Manik... I thought I loved u... but... being a actress was my dream.. and it was all a joke right?? "
" joke???  Do u think was joke?? Huh!!"
He shouts..
She holds his arms.. he removes her hands..
" Manik I am sorry !!"
" mishelle... just tell me if someone is forcing u ...?? !"
She nods in no...
" then my... you... god damnit... !!!!"
She sobs...
" If u wanted to break up then y did u love me?? "

 " If u wanted to break up then y did u love me?? "

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" I am sorry... I have to... leave!!"
" mishelle no..  u can't leave me!!mishelle!!!!"
Some bodygaurds hold him.... she walks away crying...
The bodyguards also leaves him alone....
He breaks down on his knees... crying loud... he lost everything his love... his dream.. everything... it rains... and he sits on the road crying like a mad man.... while her flight takes off.... he removes his jacket and throws it off on the road... all broken... he walks on the streets drinking alcohol... their memories haunting him...

---------------------- PRESENT---------------------

He wipes of his tear and drinks pending alchol in his glass..

Bajaj leans to the sofa..
" hmm... sounds sad!! I can feel ur pain.. !"
Anurag looks at him..
" So now u have told about mishelle right... now tell me about prerna!"
" prerna... she... she is like... my painkiller... when I talk to her and be with her... I get a weird type of relaxation... she.. she is different... she has the potential to heal me... and I am falling in love with her... and I don't know how... I have never been in love all these years even though the media is linking my name with others... !"
" hmm... !"
He takes a deep breathe...
" So Anurag...I got to know what is ur problem..."
His changes his gaze from the glass to bajaj..
" Mishelle is ur past...and prerna is ur present.... !"
" but y do I forgot all others except thses two!"
" Anurag...these two women symbolizes two things in ur life...one is the pain and the other is ur happiness.. !"
" so what do u want to tell? "
" pain can kill the happiness...but if u find a happiness it will never let u feel the pain..pain and happiness could never be compared...they come together...but happiness has a advantage... it helps u to carry the pain on each and every step...!!"
Anurag nods..
" and its quite true... everyone wants rainbow.. but not rain... and u can't have a beautiful rainbow without a lil rain... !"
He smiles..

----------------------THE END-----------------------

"..  she is sooo... bad.. !!! She left him like the humans leave a used tissue in the dustbin... !!!I hope prerna will make him happy... and I wish this beautiful couple a happily everafter!!!
Will they or will it be upside down??? "

Guys as many of u requested that u want anupre so I decided to end the flash back fast!!! So... what do u think will happen next??  What will happen in the upcoming most awaited party?? Do u want a spicy love triangle or our cute romance... first??
Loads and loads of love
( one small request if u reading the story just press the vote button... vote karne se kya jaatha hai yaar??? 🤭🤭😘😘😘)

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