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And atlast his fight with blanket ends he wins.. 😆
He feels very tired..
And as he sits on the couch reading magazine not to drift off to sleep as prerna would need his help in midnight.. the door cracks open...
When he looks up he sees ali standing near the door..
Ali was wet due to rain and he ran towards prerna..
" prerna !! Prerna !! "
Anurag stands up to stop him from waking her up..
Ali turns around...his eyes red and was very angry he holds anurag by his collar and shouts
" I knew it I should not have left prerna with u... men like u don't deserve her..."
He pushes anurag he falls on the couch..
Ali was going to beat him when prerna stops him..
" stop !! "
She stands in front of anurag
" don't dare to touch him !! Who r u to tell which man deserves me huh?? He is the best man.. much better than a betrayer like u !!! AND LISTEN ALI
I LOVE HIM !!! "
Both of them get shocked..
" pre its not like what u think.. pls believe me "
She point him to shut up ☝️
Prerna looks at him..

She looks back at ali " what is the explanation u want to give me huh?? "Ali feels bad and he goes out

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She looks back at ali
" what is the explanation u want to give me huh?? "
Ali feels bad and he goes out..
Prerna feels dizzy and she falls on anurag..
He lifts her up and carefully lay her down on bed...
He caresses her hair..
" u r not like other girls I have seen something is special about u.. "

Prerna wakes up and as she looks around she sees the most funniest scene..
Anurag was lying on the couch with a magazine.. he looked soooo cute with his hair on front...
" he is tired.. bechara he took care of me the whole night.. only my dad cared me like this.."
She takes the blanket and makes him warm...and as she turns to take the jug he holds her hand
" pls don't leave me.. pls "
She smiles and sits beside him
" maybe he is dreaming 😃 "
He opens his eyes and gets surprised to see her who was all glowing in the morning light.. she looked much better than yesterday..
He suddenly wakes up..
She also stands up..
An awkward silence fills the room which was very romantic..
" u r okay now??  "
" yes.. thanks.. anurag.. for taking care of me..an..and pls all the things I told pls told take it seriously 😓"
" prerna.. um..mm..I know its not true.. and its not quiet right to ask but I am curious.. what happened between u and ali..?? "
" I loved him..but"
she bites her lips and looks around her eyes gets filled by tears..
" but...b..but..he.. gave his heart to someone else...and they..b..bo..both "
She breaksdown..
Anurag feels bad as he made her cry...
He comes closer to her and cups her face...
" shssh..ssh..don't cry "
He wipes her tears..

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