THE NEW START !!🙈🙈♥️♥️

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Guys I have started the cute romance of our I won't bore u with my into the story..and when u start feeling the romantic vibes or reach the romantic part just close ur eyes and hear this song imaging our anupre!!...🙈🤭

" prerna u can look around and get familiar the security is on leave today so let me go and take the luggage.. 😊"
She smiles in a nod..
She walks around..
" wow never thought a boys house would be sooo beautiful and organised... u should be ashamed prerna sharma u can't even compare ur room with his "
She gives a slight pat on her forehead..
And as she goes ahead she sees a stair leading to upper floor...

And as soon as she keeps her feet on the steps..
" ouch !!"
She hears a scream...
" Anurag !"
She runs back towards the door...
She couldn't control her laughter..
Anurag was standing on his one leg and was making strange faces.. 😂😂
She bursts out...
" what !! U laugh at someone who is in pain!! Kaise ladki ho yaar tum... such a weirdo !!"
" achcha achcha sorry !!"🤭
" aah !!"
" Anurag !!"
Now she knew it was serious as she could feel his pain..
He sat down holding his feet and hissing...
She bows down..
" Anurag r u okay "
And as she looks at his feet it was red and swallon...
She presses the swallon part slightly..
" ouch !! Yaar prerna !! What the hell r u doing? !!"
He shouts...
" sorry sorry !!"
" u do like this when someone is hurt huh?? "
She frowns
He grins..
" y r u giggling? Aren't u in pain?? "
" ur frowning makes the situation funny🤣"
She beats him on his chest...
" ouch !!"
" sorry sorry !!"
Both of them stare and then burst out laughing...
After a while...
" sss...anurag ur feet is all red.. let me help u towards ur room.."
She helps him get up..
She puts his hand around her...
And as she helps him to climb the stairs...
He looks at her and realise how close they were...
He could feel the concern and worry in her breaths...
" what do you eat huh?? God u look fit but ur very heavy !!"
" really? "
" yesss! Start going to gym !!"
And they both laugh !!
She helps him towards his room..
And as she helps him lay down..she trips.. and both of them fall on the bed...
And in the impact of the fall...their lips smash with each others... 🙈
His eyes widens... she shuts her eyes..tightly..
But for a second he pains fades away..
He could feel the strange sweetness spreading all over his body slowly taking over his cells in his body...
This was the feeling he wanted... the feeling which he missed sooo badly for all these years...

But he knew it was wrong so he tilts his head towards side...
" sorry sir!!"
They hear a sound...
And they knew it was not theirs...
They both look towards the door...
It was the security..
" sir...I told u na..I would come today...I came here to tell u then saw all the bags on ground so I came up to check whether all was okay... AND DON'T WORRY..NO ONE WILL DISTURB U BOTH...GO ON... AND THIS ROOM IS SOUNDPROOF...☺️☺️"
Anurag and prerna look at each other and knew what he was thinking... and it was wrong...
Still holding prerna in his arms..
" R..r..ram..ji !!"
The sec has gone...
He looks at her..
She wakes up quickly...
She moves her hair...
" I... I sorry !!"
They avoid eye contact and look around... 😳
An awkward silence fill around the room...
Anurag decides to break the silence...
" all happened accidentally so.. forget it ! "
" hmm...I will go down and get some hot water..."
She walks away quickly... and he wipes his face with a towel..

He touches his lips and smiles...
" wait.. what anurag !!u have feelings for prerna?? No.. no that can't happen...Anurag remember ur here to show ur apology towards her...!!"

Meanwhile prerna was heating the water....
" y is he soo different... and y do I always fall in his charm.. no no prerna control ur hormones.. behave my girl don't be silly...ur here to be his temporary girlfriend... and make his condition better !!"
She smiles...

" r u sure...ur going to meet manik huh?? "
" yes !! I am.. I am sure he will forgive me "
" but don't u think its ur playing with his feelings.. !"
" sanjana he loves me...and even though it has been years I am sure his love for me has never faded..and no other women could capture his heart..."
" but..."
" me a help..pls call the stylist for the photo shoot...and tell her to come early.. the first thing I am going to do is meet anurag...☺️"
Sanjan nods and goes away...
Mishelle sits on the buggy
" I know anu u still love me..."

Meanwhile prerna brings the water and keeps it near her...massages it...
After few minutes..
" done !!"
He looks at his foot... it was wrapped in white piece of cloth...he felt much relieved
" thanks!!"
" ur welcome ☺️"
" by the way how do u know this?? "
" aunt does the same whenever our ankle gets sprained... "
He touches his foot...and he gets a call...
" hello? "
( other call = oc)
" yes tell sudeep "
" no no... sudeep actually I have sprained my ankle soo..I won't be able to come...cancel all minor meetings for 3 days..and let nivi di handle the major meetings.."
" ok..bye !"
He cuts the call...
And looks at prerna who was switching off and on the lamp...
She looks at him..
" dear...what will we have for dinner?? "
" will order something... what do u want? "
" anything is fine !!"
She orders the food...
And they talk a lot and laugh...

And after a long talk..she gets a call...
" what !!! Really ok I will come to u tomorrow !"
She cuts the call...
" what happened.. u look so happy !"
" I got the music video for which I was waiting for all these days... and shivi got job as accountant in a company !!"
They both hug...
And smile...

And a sound read..
" And this day was marked as the starting of the new journey.. their love..with was as sweet and pure as nectar.. and as painful as the thorns... "

So guys this was my small gift for u all on behalf of INDEPENDENCE DAY..🇮🇳🇮🇳...
Let's all be united no muslims no hindu nor any christians only we THE INDIANS 🇮🇳🇮🇳...
Vote and comment down about the chapter and ur feeling for our India...
Lots of love
Aliya ♥️♥️♥️

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