♥️First love ♥️

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The next day.. was very exciting.. the day got over very fast... due to practices and studies...
" should I stay back?? "
" Its ok... I can handle... and I am not alone.. mishelle is also there.. !"
" Don't trust her... shs is not that good even though she looks good !"
" achcha baba.. fine... I will handle.. !"
She hugs him..
" bye !"
He waves..
" so u ready?? "
" hmm.. !"
" I have taken the list.. and the first place is the storeroom !"
" k... let's go!"
They both go into the storeroom... she opens the door and it was all filled witb dust.. and many old files..
She coughs..
" lol it looks like they haven't cleaned for a while!"
" a while?? Decades.. !!"
They both look and sigh
She ties her hair high up..and he removes his jacket.. and they start cleaning..
after 5 hours :
They both look around.. and sighs...
They give highfive...



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And during the clean they have become much more closer

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And during the clean they have become much more closer..
She leans to his shoulder..
" haa!!! I want to go home !"
" me too!!"
She looks up at him..
" lets eat hot chocolate !"
" r u sure...?? "
" yes come !"

She closes the door and hands over to the security..
They have hot chocolate..
Days pass.. and manik has started having feelings for her too..

He was more excited to be with her...and never wanted to go away from her...she too had feelings for him..and the autumn fall...says bye to the london city...

says bye to the london city

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