♥️♥️Life is complicated 🥺🥺

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Everything seems to be upside down... everything changed in one night...the person whom she believed and loved... now doesn't even remember her...she felt lost and her heart sank....helpless and lost in her thoughts she stood there still...

" pre...pre !!"
Nivi shaked her...
" ha..aa..."
" what happened?? Don't worry !!"
She stays silent..
" let's talk to the doctor...!"
She nods..
" ok do one thing I will drive u to basu bari !"
" I... I want to go to my house.. "
" fine..... "
She nods...
Nivi drives prerna back home...
While anurag is all confused...he calls DD
" hello? "
" hello ! Dd! Come to me now !"
" but...what...hello hello?? "
He cuts the call and quickly grabs and key and drives back to villa..
Anurag thinks of prerna..
" who was that girl?? Y was she with me?? Oh god it all sooo complicated.. !!"
Nivi steals a few glance of prerna while driving... she was lost and silent...
" pre? "
She wipes of her tears and looks at her...
" hmm..?? "
" u okay? "
She nods and makes out a fake smile...
The car stops in front of her gate...
Nivi turns to her and keeps her palm in hetr red cheeks..
" pre...its fine...he will be alright...!"
" ya.....I hope so.. !"
She slightly pats on her cheeks... and prerna gets off...she drives away as she waves...

" di !!"
Shivani stood there surprised...
" di what r u doing here?? "
" aa...shivi I am hungry... !"
" k get in let me serve the breakfast !"
She smiles and keeps her hand on prerna's shoulder and makes way to the hall..

The door bell rings..
" come in !"
DD gets in..
" Anurag is everything ok?? "
" no...everything turned upside down..!"
" but...( he pauses and his eyes widen in shock) u... mem...memory loss?? "
He nods...
" but... how...wait where is prerna?? "
" who?? "
" prerna... !!!"
" which prerna I don't know anyone named prerna !"
He sits near her..
" u... u...forgot her?? "
" who is she?? Don't make me more sick...let me get ready we need to go to memory bank..!"

" What r u talking?? "
" yes mam its true.. !"
Mishelle stood up and looked out of the window.. while a man in science lab suit stood near her..
" mam...he is suffering from rainy weather hetrosexual amnesia...and he never forgot u... and that girl prerna..!"
" oh...this prerna she comes in between everything !!"
" And I have a special news to u.. !"
"Spit it out fast !"
" He has a memory bank...which is a secret like his amnesia...its on high security... that room has all his memory.. everything about a women whom he meets...!"
" sounds interesting..... "
She smirked.. twirling her hair...

" Ma....I feel like onu is hiding something from us... "
" y? "
" I mean he... he.. said he doesn't know who prerna is and asked her to leave...!"
Mohini's gaze moves to nivi from the newspaper..
" what r u saying...?? "
" ma I think I need to talk to him...!"

Anu moves some books from the cupboard and finds a button he presses it and the cupboard splits open leading to a hallway...they both go in and he scans his finger and the heavy metallic door opens leading to a room full of screens....and prerna and anurags moments were on the screen...

and prerna and anurags moments were on the screen

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