♥️Memories ❤️

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He clicked on the video and the parking area came on the screen...
Ali and prerna were talking...
" y is she with ali?? He is my business rival... "
He banged on the table amd walked away...

" Ali pls... Y r u doing this? "
Anurag hide behind a pillar...
" pre... I love u.. Y r u not loving me... Iam ur bestfriend.. I have money... I have everything then y? "
" I love Anurag and that's it!"
Anu's eyes widened on hearing it...
" but he doesn't evem remember you...! Y r u loving someone who will forget u after a simple rain!!!"
" He may have forgotten me.. But his love still exists and I know that.. I believe him... I know one day he will remember our love...!"
" when? "
Prerna stayed silent... Ali's eyes got filled with tears... He knelt on his knee and held her hands...
" pls love me... I am desperate... I want u... I know its late... Anurag is the only one who has the right on u..... But... "
He broke out crying...
Anurag listened to everything and he was not able to cry... She loved him but he even can't remember her existence...
Ali stood up..
" I hope u get what u deserve!"
He left her hand.. She looked at him.. And moved back...
Anurag quickly wiped his face...
" prerna were... Were u? "
She got a lil surprised seeing him..
" aa... I was talking to my friend...!"
" oh... "
They looked at each other...
He acted like he didn't know anything...
" prerna...lets go... Its late...!"
They both walked towards the car.. And their hands brushed past each other...
Wait! U may expect a girl to blush but here its vice-versa!
Its out bengali babu who blushed... She giggled... He tried hard to hide his embarassment...
Suddenly he stopped and he held her hand... She looked at him surprised.. He smiled...
He pulled her behind him..as he walked ahead...
They got into the car... He moved towards her... She could feel his breathe..
" An.. Anu.. Anurag what are u doing?? "
He looked at her..
And looked back at the seatbelt.. He pulled it and fixed it...
She looked out of the window... Y is he soo hot to resist...
They reached the office...
As they walked into the entrance she tripped on one of the floor tiles...
He held her...
The employees in the office started looking at them... And murmured...
" what's it?? "
" are they dating? "
" god...!"
They both moved back..
He cleared his throat..
And walked ahead...she followed him..

She sat on her table..
" come in!"
She looked at him..
" I have a lot of work.. And want ur help!"
She nodded... Strange... Has he regained his memory or something...
They worked for few hours.. It was evening... Everyone was gone by now..
" prerna let's go out!"
She looked at him closing the file..
" tired? "
He nodded like a baby and smiled...
" one more file left.. Let me complete it!"
He nodded and leaned to the chair...
He stared at her eyes.... which was moving while reading.. Her hair flew in the air.... And her face shined in the light...
She turned to him and he moved his gaze... And cleared his throat..
She felt a shiver.. It has been so many days since he stared at her...
" done!"
He nodded
" let's go!"
They walked out and she breathed in...
She felt warm after coming out of the cold room...
" where should we go? "
She asked him..
" come with me!"
He held her hands and pulled her..
" but where!!"
They reached a crowded place.. And she was surprised... It was... THE FAIR!!!
Her favourite place to hang out...

" how did u know that I wanted to come here? "He remebered one day while she was not there in the office as she had to go to the manager

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" how did u know that I wanted to come here? "
He remebered one day while she was not there in the office as she had to go to the manager... He came to her table and saw a small diary..
He opened it and saw some wishes.. And this fair was one of them..

" I felt like u would like it!"
She smiled and looked around..
" let's go and play!"
She pulled him... They played around...
And they saw a hair band stall... She saw a bunny piece.. She took it and made him put it..
She laughed a lot while he looked at her...
He never saw her soo happy...
After playing she saw ice cream..she pointed towards it... And he got a call..
" u talk.. let me buy it!"
She walked away while he attended the call..
" hello DD!"
" how are you.... Is it working?? "
" ya pretty nice! But its a lil strange that I feel good walking around common people!"
" ya.. You will feel good when she is with u... Now that u have realised ur love.. I want to tell u something tommorow..!"
" hmm.. ( turns around and sees prerna coming ) she is coming let me cut the call!"
" ok ok bye!"
He turned and saw her talking to a girl...
She bought the girl with her... She looked familiar... Yes she was the same girl he met in the mall.. KUKKI!!
Prerna played with the girl and after sometime... Her nani came to take her home...
She kissed prerna.. And asked anurag to knelt down.. She kissed him on the cheeks suddenly he some blur images came into his mind...
Prerna said I love u to him... And they kissed... He was laughing... She cooked....
He sat down..feeling dizzy... Tears rolled down from his eyes... He touched it.. Y is he crying??
She came to him.. " these people they are soo greedy for ice cream!"
He suddenly wiped of the tears..
She handed him one... But it fell down..
She made a pout.." Its fine take it!"
" no... U can have.. I don't like ice creams!"
He knew she felt bad when she heard he doesn't like ice cream..
She started having it and he suddenly started eating it from the other side..
And she didn't realise it as her eyes were closed... And then...
There lips touched.... She opened her eyes...
Suddenly she moved back..
" aa... I am sorry..!"
Suddenly he grabbed her and kissed her... She was shocked...
He could taste the ice cream which was on her lips.... Its was sweeter..
They kissed for long....
She slowly moved her hand and caressed his ears... He held her tight...
A passionate kiss... She never felt it before... It had emotions in it...
Confusion... Love.. Care... Complications... Many thing..
He felt a strange peace when his lips touched hers... He felt like his pain and stress were fading..
It was winter... And his lips were making her warm...
She didn't want him to remember their moments perfectly she just wanted his love... And now she is sure that their will be forever....

----------------------- THE END --------------------

So guys how was it... I am lagging or is it becoming cringy or still the excitment exists...
Ur feedbacks help me a lot..
And pls this is for those who never vote but read the story.. Pls vote.. I hope u will understand..
Loads of love
Aliya ♥️♥️♥️

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