💖love triangle??? 💖

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Thanku very very much everyone.... !!!
They hug for a long time..
" achcha so my bengali babu..if u hug me like this when will u go to office??"
" I don't want to go !"
She cups his face...
" Anurag...promise me one thing !"
" hmm?? "
" u will never sacrifice ur business or ur working days for me !"
He starts laughing
" actually this is y I think ur different from others.. cause..all girls ask there lovers to stay for them and u r asking me to go to office...!!"
She smiles..
" now go go gooo!!!"
She pulls him out of the bed..
And suddenly he feels dizzy...
" Anurag?? Anurag what happened??" He sits on the bed and held his head...
She sits near him..

" Anurag.... anu...an....wait...let me call the doctor... !!"
He peeps at her and her eyes were already wet.
He laughs...and prerna looks at him shocked..
" u cried for a small thing I was acting !!"
She looks at him angrily...
" achcha...sorry...sorry !!"
And makes a puppy face...
" do u even know how much I got scared !!"
She hugs him tightly.. he caresses her...

" suno ! Queen never cries..!!"
She looks up at him and he nods...and she moves away..
" And king never acts !!"
He laughs looking at her...she looked like a small kid who lost her lollipop !!!
He smiles seeing her cuteness...
" y r u smiling?? "
" bcz my fierce queeen for a moment looked like a cute fairy !"
" really?? "
He nods and laughs... she smiles and kisses his cheeks..
He points her to kiss his left cheek too...
She nods in no..and he acts as if he is angry...and she kisses his left cheek...

The sound read
" everything is going well...but every happiness does not stay like that...it is the beginning of the destruction.. the beginning of the love fire...will this fierce king and this beauty queen unite in the end?? "

He took shower in her house itself as DD brought his dress...he came out wiping his arms...he wore his coat and looked around for prerna...
" prerna?? !!"
He went downstairs and she was keeping the same pack which mohini asked her to keep...
" what is it?? "
She looks at him..
" u came ! I was going to make something that's when Ma asked us to join with them for breakfast...and she said she wanted to tell us something !"
" breakfast?? But I am already late!"
" she said everything is prepared and to come quickly !!"
He sighs..
" fine !let's go !"
She smiles and holds his arms...


" So r u really going to do this?? "
Micky nods...
" But do u think he will love u...?? "
" I am his first love and its special!"
" but micky... he already has a women in his life...PRERNA !! "
She hands her a tab..
" watch this!"
It was the video from the diwali party...it showed anupre holding each others hand.. and many clips from the video...
She keeps it aside...and smiles...
" micky! It was also said that Mohini Basu has announced Prerna as her future daughter in law!"
Nothing seems to affect her...
"Micky r u listening?? "
She nods
" Ananya....u didn't realise till now...it just a plan of mohini basu to make me furious ! And manik...even though he shouted at me last time...I know he still has nxot moved one..!!"
" what do u mean?? "
" its simple....I get him back that's all !"
" what if he says he loves prerna!"
" I don't care...anyone who comes between me and manik will be destroyed !"
She walks away..
They reach home...
Anurag looks at prerna....who has no Idea y they r being called...
They both get down and as soon as they open the door...mohini runs and hugs prerna...anurag makes an annoyed expression..
" ohho!! So now u both r a team??? "
Mohini nods..and laughs while prerna looks at him and makes a proud face..
" come the breakfast is ready!!"
While they all get seated.. prerna serves the breakfast..
" Pre...sit down.. debu will serve it !"
" Ma anyway u have already accepted me as ur daughter in law...and its my duty to serve u first !"
Mohini serves..and thinks..
" I am really lucky to get u as my daughter in law!!!"
While anurag admires her serving each and every thing perfectly !

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