I am in love?? 🤔🥰

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He sees her and moves back...
He doesn't know y but he suddenly feels guilty..

Prerna finds it hard to say something

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Prerna finds it hard to say something...
" aa.an..anu.. anurag u r fine right.. I am going back.."
She smiles but her eyes were filled with tears...she walks back silently and she was not able to control her tears..

Anurag was not able to move..
Mishelle holds his shoulder
" R u okay?? "

He runs towards prerna...
As she walks by the road their memories sorround her..

He runs around looking for her..

DD sees her..
" prerna.. prerna.. !!"
He runs towards her.. and gets shocked to see her crying..
" what happened??? "
She stammers.
" D.. DD.. can u drop me at my home..?? "
" aa.. fine.. get into the car.. "
He drives her to her home..
Meanwhile anurag tries to call her but her phone is switched off.. ..
Meanwhile nivi sees him tensed and goes to him..
" what happened onu?? "
" di.. aa.. pre.. prerna saw me with mishelle..? "
" mishelle?!!"
" ha.. and I don't know where she is now"
" Don't worry onu we will find her.. where else will she go.. let me call shivani.. "

Prerna reaches home.. and shivani gets shocked to see her..
" di.. y r u here.. I mean u even didn't call me.. u should be at home right?? "
" aa.. I felt like coming so I came.. I missed u.. that's y "
" but u look pale.. "
" leave it.. I had stomach pain.. can u bring me water.. "
" ha... sit here I will be back in a min !"
She runs down.. meanwhile prerna sits down on the bed..

She remembers her moments with anurag..
"R u mad.. prerna sharma.. u.. u.. ur crying huh?? But y?? He is just ur temporary boyfriend.. and u r not meant to live with him forever.. he is rich so.. he will have many girlfriends.. y.. y am I crying.. "
She wipes her tears off..
And it so happens that shivani overhears it..
She pretends as if she heard nothing..
" hm.. so here is the water.. "
Prerna drinks it.. and keeps the glass on the teapoy.. she smiles..
" so.. my dear how is ur life without me?? "
" its all messed up.. I feel like my mom went away.. !!"
She laughs.. prerna smiles.. and after a moment of silence..
" di now tell me what happened..?? "
" what? Nothing !!"
" ho. Really do u think I will believe it.. comeon tell me !!"
She asks her a lot..and after a lot of no..
" shivi.. its that I.. I saw anurag with mishelle.. and I felt really uncomfortable and sad !!"
Shivani laughs at her..and takes a book in her hand..
" oh.. god pls pls take me.. my di is soo foolish.. " and pretends to read..
" what did u say.!!"
" my dear di !!! Can't u see that ur in love.. !!!"
" what !!! Shivi stop it !!"
" no di.. its true and u always told me that u should accept the reality.. soo.. this is the reality.. !!"
" no I won't agree !!"
" fine.. let me ask u some questions and answer it truly.. !!"
" no.. no.. !!"
" then u should accept that ur in love !!"
" fine ask !"
" ok 1 question.. Have u been lost in him when ever u see him these days..? "
Prerna remembers how she gets lost in his smile when he talks to other and in phone call and all
" aa.. aa"
" u should tell me the truth !!"
" mm.. aa.. yes !! But that's quite common that u get lost when the guy is handsome.. ! Ok next question !"
" k.. have u ever felt u heartbeats increasing or butterfly effect in ur stomach when he is close to u or he talks to u.. something like that?? "

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