😤The mission!!!😤

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He cries... cries his heart out.. all confused all alone and don't know how to react...


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Prerna wakes up... and as she is not in her senses she pats on the bed calling shivi shivi.. and then it hits her that she is no more in her cozy small room.. but rather a comfortable big room...
She walks towards the window and the rays of sun kisses her... she smiles and looks at the beautiful veiw of kolkata...
Prerna : huh...no matter how much chaos and hustle-bustle is their this city has its elegance...its emotions.. and this city and people knoq exactly how to celebrate a simple day into joyous one...truly its our city of joy !!!

She could hear the noise of utensils and could smell the luchi..

She could hear the noise of utensils and could smell the luchi

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She went to her room got freshened
up and as she was got ready... as she walked towards the door she stopped looked behind and gave a slight pat 🤦‍♀️on her forehead she has forgotten to put the bhindi on...
She came downstairs mohini was talking on the phone she just glared at her as prerna looked like a goddess who just came after her bath...
Prerna sees a beautiful lady of about 2or3 years older than her sitting near mohini...she was going through some files when her eyes falls on prerna...

( Niveditha Basu : very outgoing and funny big sister of anurag

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( Niveditha Basu : very outgoing and funny big sister of anurag...loves fun and can die for her family.. stylish but traditional when with family...not married..)

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