Should I??? 🤔🤔♥️♥️

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The party gets over... everyone was leaving..
Ali comes to Anurag..
" Anurag.. stay away from prerna.. this is my friendly request.. "
" Really?? Do u think I will ever listen to u?? "
Ali gets pissed of..
" Listen I love her so just stay away from her.. let's better not ruin our friendship !!"
" I also love her.. and she loves me too... and I don't mind if I ruin our friendship for prerna !!"
" haa ( laughs and keeps his hands on his shoulder) u know what.. I was her first love and haven't u heard that first love never fades from someone's heart !!"
" ( smirks ) I forgive her for her mistake... that she loved u... !!

( removes ali's hand from his ) !!"" Ok fine ur not ready to go back huh!! Let's see who will prerna choose !!"" fine !!"

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( removes ali's hand from his ) !!"
" Ok fine ur not ready to go back huh!! Let's see who will prerna choose !!"
" fine !!"

Prerna sees them together..
" what r they both talking and y r they laughing?? "
She goes to them..
" Hi ali !! "

And turns to anurag " Anurag its quite late let's leave

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And turns to anurag
" Anurag its quite late let's leave.. !"
Anurag looks at Ali who as boiling with anger !!
" ya sure !! "
He shows his hands inorder for her to hold.. and she holds it tight and smiles...
" So Ali.. we will meet later..!"
And they both walk away..
Ali looks at their hand.. as they walk away.. he remembers
When they were in high once they were baking cake with fun.. and they get money after selling it.. and they decide celebrate.. he asks her to hold his hand..
" hold it tightly.. !!"
She holds it and smiles..
" soo..will u leave it?? "
She leaves it..
Ali maked a pout..
She holds it and laughs..
" I will never leave it and will always hold it..bcz if I leave I will not get to eat my choco truffle cake 🤣🤣🤣!!"
And they both walk away..

He takes out a bracelet from his pocket..
" it was all my fault.. but prerna... I will surely win u back..!!"

Meanwhile anurag and prerna would be sitting in the car.. as mohini asked the driver to drop them cause she was afraid that he will drift of during the drive...
Prerna was sleeping but her head falls  forward and it disturbs her sleep..anurag sees it..he moves to her side slowly and she sleeps on his shoulder...
" I will always be ur shoulder to cry on and sleep be my teddy whom I can hug when ever I am sad and happy !!"
He leans his head on hers..and smiles..

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