💔who are you??? 💔

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Mishelle pats on her shoulder..and smiles....
Anurag comes out...and they both look at him..
Mishelle comes to him..
" Manik I need to give u something !"
She searches in her bag..and takes out something.. a black handpiece...
" do u remember this?? U promised me to never leave me..."
" I never left u but it was u who mistook me... afcourse its true I loved u...but u thought that I would be ur servant and wait for u... u left me when no one was there for me !"
He goes to prerna..and she looks at him with her cute and innocent eyes...
" Prerna, u wanted to go somewhere right? "
" how did u know?? "
" I just felt !"
" yes...I wanted to show u something !"
" let's go !"
Suddenly mukesh enters the cabin..
" mukesh pls take care of mishelle.... !"
He turns to her..
" u can stay if u want.. !"
They both leave...mishelle feels frustrated..
" how could he do that?? No no he is just showing off !!! I will never let that girl take over him !"
She leaves...

Meanwhile Anupre reach a place..
"Prerna what is this?? "
She stands there looking at a abandoned house..

"Prerna what is this?? "She stands there looking at a abandoned house

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Shd turns around and points him to get out...he gets down and stands beside her..
" who's house is this?? "
" ours !"
" yours? "
She nods..
" all these years I have been fighting to get this home back !"
" All these years?? "
" no more talks let's get in!!"
They explore the house..

" all these years I have been fighting to get this home back !"" All these years?? "" no more talks let's get in!!"They explore the house

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She touches the burned photos and things and her eyes get filled up...
" Those golden years everything is now just a memory...they burned it... and destroyed me and my family !"
He looks at her... her eyes were red in anger...he saw a different prerna there...a prerna who is broken yet beautiful !
They walk into the hall... everything was beautiful... indeed she used to live like a princess in here that's for sure...
During the explore they share some romantic moments... all alone in the abandoned house...no one to disturb....they belonged to each other....tired they sit on the steps looking at the sky...
He looks at her... her face was glowing in the moonlight...
He leans to her... and she looks at him..
He makes her sit on his lap...gently caresses her hair...
She feels butterflies in stomach...she was sitting on the lap of a real prince charming !..
He pecks her neck.. and she closes her eyes...they both come closer to kiss and then her phone buzzes...
He makes an annoyed face..
She got a message from Ali...
" pre...I am coming to ur old home...I know ur there pls wait for me !"
She looks at anurag...
" Ali wants to see me...he is coming.. !"
" but...how did he get to know we r here? "
" actually he knows that if I am not at my house and urs then I will be here !"
Anurag sighs...
" I wanted to spend time with u !"
She cups his face..
" I will be always with u so y r u sad??"
" pre !"
They turn to find ali...
She quickly gets off his laps..
" aa..aa..ali "
" pre can u come with me?  I need to tell u something ! Pls come with me !"
She looks at anu...he nods even though he didn't want to let her... he sensed something bad !
She smiles at him and walks off with ali..
Anurag stands there as prerna and ali slowly disappears from his sight...
He scrolls down his phone and suddenly cold waves blew...the weather changes...he gets into the car...

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