😮😮Fate?? 🤨

277 31 26

Days pass...
And one day mishelle was passing through the library and she hears a familiar wisper..
" yes... yes I have tried my max...but manik has a strong personality here... and if we get caught we will be punished seriously as he has not done anything wrong.... we have chances of getting jailed.. as he is the son of the famous business man...!!!"
She gets shocked and she tries to look through the book...and to her surprise it was...SHREYA!!!yes the same girl who complained to her that he harassed her!! She couldn't believe it...
" I did this only for u to win the band slam against manik...but his fangirls r all strong... some of them attacked..me..!! But thank god that we have got another strong one with us...mishelle !!! If he is the king of the college... then she is the queen.. !!
Her eyes fill up with tears...she believed shreya soo much...
And the suddenly one of the books fall and they turn and gets traumatized to see micky...
" aa..aa...mish...mishelle..!"
She points to shut up...
" u... don't speak a word...its all my fault that I believed u... ur such...an..a**hole...!!!!"
She walks away...she remembers how he looked into her eyes asking if she could believe he did that...
She breaks down...
" its all my fault...I just...thought everyone was honest..."
He was passing by...and he sees her crying.. and it was raining... she was sitting in the rain all wet..
" y is she crying?? No no manik she is the one who complained against u !!"
He looks at her...he couldn't control and he was curious to know what made this strong girl cry..he goes to her and sits beside her..in the rain...she looks at him and looks away..
" r u okay?? "
She nods..
" let's be friends for this moment... u can share with me...even though u won't.. !"
She keep looking ahead and sits silently...
He stands up and was about to leave...
" Manik!! "
She stands up...he stops..
" I am sorry !"
She hugs him from back....
He turns around and cups her face...

The last day of the judgement !

They both stand outside as usual..but this time it was different.. she didn't roll her eyes... instead she smiled..
" u two come in !"
They both look at each other and go in..
" so manik and mishelle... we have reached to the judgement ! So r u ready? "
" yes !"
".... we have decided according to the proofs and situation that manik is innocent... !"

1 hour ago
Mishelle knocks the door...
" ya get in !"
" mam I need to say something..today I saw shreya in the library..  ( she tells the rest ) mam...manik is innocent.. ! And I am ready for my punishment.. !"


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Present :

He looks at her...he was sad...seeing her all broken...
" but u two have punishment!"
They both look shocked..
" but he is innocent !"
" yes...he is !! He is punished for his indisciplined attitude towards the management... and u for complaining without confirming it!!"
They both look at each other allsurprised...
" u two will be doing the charity works after the class every day in the college for the next 1month! Now go!!!"

They both go outside..
" Oh god !!!! "
" I never thought we will end up I like this...!"
" Actually its all my fault... I should not have talked to that man like that..!"
" But he deserves it...don't u remember how he asksd u... that would harass that girl is she was ur mother or ur sis !"
He stays silent...
" Anyway...mishelle.. its a good opportunity for us to be good friends!"
" yes!! Hope we can change our relationship from nowhere to friends... manik !"
He smiles and looks forward...
Something about them was changing she was more good towards him and he was more soft towards her...
She looks at him...
" y do everyone call u manik?? "
" y isn't it good? "
" But ur real name? "
" Anurag...Anurag basu !"
" its way more better than manik !"
" I am the gem of this college !"
" but u look like a trash.. !"
He stares at her....she was the first girl to tell him this..
She touches his jeans and his shirt..
" R u really the son of the trustee...I mean u don't even have a good dress...its all torn !"
" Its style... where r u coming from... r u an alien?? "
" y should I tell u...?? U really look like a trash! "
And she laughs..
His look

He looks at her

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He looks at her...
His Pov :
She was looking beautiful... all the south indian features...of which I have heard but never felt... black eyes...well defined nose...a perfect goddess...her eyes wearing thick kajal was showing of her strength...her eyes shimmering in the evening light...

She snaps..he looks away..
" what...r u lost in my beauty?? "
" beauty??? "
" y Am I not beautiful?? "
" afcourse...........NO !!!"he makes an angry face...and she walks away..
" ok ok fine ur look good...!!"
He tries to stop her and he grabs her hand...and they both fall on the grass..
His hand on her waist...her hands on his hard muscular chest...

She looks at him...
Her pov
I have seen many movies...and has been with many actors...but he... he had all the perfect feature of prince....truly... a bengali babu...he was looking all good without any makeup...his flowless skin...thick thin beard...sharp nose..and dark brown eyes...his silky hair shining in the sunlight...which u get to see in movies...!!"

He slowly takes off his hand from her waist...and looks away..
They both stand up and an awkward silence fill in amid this fun weather...but he loved it and she was blushing..
" ur blushing? "
" what no!( touches her cheeks ) afcourse no!!"
" really?? Ur lucky to be close like a guy like me !"
" I am unlucky and thanks for wastingy time !"
She walks away...

------------------------The end ----------------------

"HOOOO!!! He is falling in love???  It would be interesting to see the north and south fall in love... really excited!!! Coming mom!! Sorry guys wanna go to have some cloud tea !! Will meet u later !!!😘😘😘

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Loads and loads and loads
( *breaths heavily *)
Of love

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