😎Did he?? !!!😤

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She walks away... he beats the wall...
" what happened?? "
He turns around
" pippy !"
" is she rude? "
" don't know... someone has given her wrong information and made her believe it !"
" what information? "
" I harassed a girl something like that !"
" really???"
He nods

 someone has given her wrong information and made her believe it !"" what information? "" I harassed a girl something like that !"" really???"He nods

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"She is such an... !"
"Shsssh... calm down.. !let's go and have something I am hungry !"
" ru sure? "
He drags her to the canteen...
Mishelle sits there all pissed of..
" that guy... I will not spare him..avar nan enru nanakiren!!!!( what does he think of me ) caikko!!!( psycho)
" what happened?? Who r u talking about? "
" that... that.. idiot... manik !!"
Everyone stares at her..
" shshs.. talk slowly... everyone heard u !"
" so what?? Is he a god or something.. y should I be afraid of him huh?  "
" what did he do to u?? "
" leave it !I don't want to spoil our mood !!"
They have lunch...
" lets go home !"
" I will come later... I want to go to the office !"
She goes away...
The principal was in there...
" excuse me mam !"
" yes !"
" I have a complain !
" 1st day and complain? "
She tells her the whole story..
" ru sure?? Is it real? "
" yes !"
" think twice before complaining about him... !"
" I am sure !"
"Ok I believe u mishelle.. will call the management tomorrow... !"
" I am ready !"
She walks off..
At home...
He was practicing the guitar... he was not able to concentrate on the music... he sits down on the buggy bag... and thinks of fight..

" y does she believe that I can do something like that

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" y does she believe that I can do something like that...am I that bad?? No no... she is just a girl with full of attitude... !"
He lays on the bed.. and looks at his mothers photo..
" goognight ma !"

" aa... amma... seri... all.. fine !!love u.. appanodu sollu that I miss him too( ok. Ok mom.. tell dad )..
She cuts the call...
" mom? "
" do u love them that much?? "
" yes...I am there only daughter and they r my world...!"
She smiles...

!"She smiles

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" mishelle the principal is calling u..!"
Everyone looks at her..she takes her books and bag and leaves the class..
" manik ! Principal wants u now !"
He stands up...pippy holds his hand...
Her expression makes it clear that she is worried..
" don't worry !"
He walks out..
The class is spread with the murmurs..
He looks back at the class, sighsand goes out..
When he reaches near the room he sees mishelle standing there...
She makes a strange expression...
" I was waiting for u.... Manik  !"
" really??? U can't live without seeing my face..!"
" what do u think? "
She walks into the room..
He also walks in..
" I was waiting for u two.. !"
She stands up..
" so manik...I think u both know y I called u ! Should I repeat? "
" no.. I know...!"
He looks at her..
" ok...so manik...U r one of  the topand brilliant students of our college...both in academics and talents ! Its the first time that a girl has come against u  ! And all the situation and evidence r against u !"
She looks at him and smirks..
He looks back at the principal..
" I trust myself.. and I am sure nothing bad has been done by me !"
" it will be decided by the management.. !" She looks at micky..
" And he will be punished if he is  wrong.. and u too if he is right and haven't done anything wrong  ...for wasting management time and telling bad about him !"
" I am ready for the punishment if I am proven guilty !"
" me too...if he is proven innocent !"
" u two can go and wait.. while the management is here !"
They both go out...He looks at her and smirks..
" y r u smirking at me? "
" huh?? Bcz of ur stupidity!"
" stupid calls others stupid!"
" ho really? Let's see who is stupid and who is genius when we get in there !"
" fine !"
They both stand looking at the nature..
Pippy comes and pinches him..
" sss...aaa!pippy yaar !"
" u promised me to call when U come out !"
" achcha sorry !"
" here take lunch !"
She gives him a small mutka..
He opens it..
" Rasgulla !!!"
" mom send it !"
He was about to eat..she beats his hand..
" not now! First have lunch..!"
She takes the mutka and gives him a box.. he sits
" hmmm...its soo tasty !"
He looks at micky... he knew she was hungry..
He clears his throat..
" take it!"
She looks at him and looks away..
Pippy looks at him..
" she doesn't want it...so u eat !"
" someone is hungry here... And I am not that cruel...to eat infront of them!"
He goes to her and gives her a sandwich..
"No thanks !! I can survive without eating... I won't die...and don't except me to forgive u.. !"

She turns away" forgive me?? Do u think I am that poor to ask u to pardon me ! Its better if u stay hungry !"The security comes out

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She turns away
" forgive me?? Do u think I am that poor to ask u to pardon me ! Its better if u stay hungry !"
The security comes out...
" u two mam is calling !"
They both go in... and in front of them sat a group of old middle aged men and women..
" so ur the so called Manik and mishelle...!"
"Yes !"
They look into a paper..
" hmm...impressive...as a son of the rich father...u don't have a negative remark in ur record...!"
After a long questioning..
" we will look upon it and the final judgment is tomorrow... u two can go !"
They both go out...manik was all pissed off bcz one of them asked him a question which made him angry and he beat the table..
It was quite late and was raining unexpectedly...
They both wait for it to slow down..
He held his..
" sss..ss!"
She looked at him..and his finger had a cut..which was bleeding... she felt bad...somewhere she started feeling that he is not that bad...she comes to him..and clears her throat..
" r u okay? "
" do I look okay??
She takes out her handkerchief..
" here... cover it !"
" no thanks ! I won't die with a small cut !"
She sits near him..and suddenly grabs his hand and dresses it..
" I am not that cruel.. !"
"Do u think this will heal my image which is now getting destroyed?? "
" I believe in truth that's y I am against u !"
" do u think I will do something like this?? "
He looks into her eyes...his intense look made her red... she moves away..
He looks at his finger...
" Thanks !"
" ur welcome !"
" actually now that we have to be together frequently... atleast me can be enemies !"
" I don't even want to be ur distant fan !"
" ok fine ! I am sure u will regret for no being my enemy !"
" its ok!"
They both look at the rain... she moves forward and looks at the rain..he stands near her...
Time flies by !!

----------------------THE END ---------------------

She closes the book..
" its good...but if he hasn't fallen in love with her then what happened that day?? Maybe... let's read later...I am hungry leme eat something... and ine thing don't open the book without me... I want to read with u.. !!! Ba bay !!

She keeps the book and flies of...
What about u sitting here scrolling through the phone... if haven't eat then go and eat..or get a good sleep..!!!

Loads of love

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