🥳...The fun night...🥳

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Guys so no talks... fast peep into the story 😘😘 we will meet at the end and pls ny dear if u r reading this then surely vote!!...


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Morning.. A ray of sunlight falls on    him and he flutters his eyes...

He covers his face with blanket but she pulls it off...
" pr..prerna let me sleep !"
" no u can't... if u sleep I will be bored.."
He wakes up his hair all messed up and still half asleep...
" today u stay in bed..!!"
" huh really?  U waked me up and now ur telling me to stay in bed..!"
She giggles...
" achcha baba sorry..anyway ur awake so stay awake dont fall asleep...I will bring the coffee!"
She winks and goes away.
" such a weird girl don't know how I will stay with her!!🤪 "
He sighs..
" glad that our relationship has improved.. "
He gets a message.. he looks and sees that it was of nivi di 's
" onu have u wake up?? Babbu how is ur leg...take care..I will come to u after meeting... "
He smiles..
" my crazy di !!"
He takes a pic of his wrapped feet..

 " my crazy di !!"He takes a pic of his wrapped feet

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He types..
"I am ok di... prerna has helped me a lot.. feeling much better.. take care ♥️"
She replies.
"Glad that she was there... and take care of her don't mess up.. and tell her to call ma... love u my dear 😘.. "
She goes offline...
He throws his phone on the bed.. and takes a deep breathe...
He touches his feet and hisses..
" hmm.. much better.. think it would get better in two days.. "
And he stands up on one leg..
And hops up and down to go downstairs...
Prerna was in the kitchen and she sees him hopping towards the dining table...
She laughs..
" prerna.. u r laughing again!!!.. "
She shuts her mouth with her hand and looks away as if nothing happened.. laughing inside..
" y did u come down I would have came up.. sorry that I laughed but u looked very funny !🤣🤭"
They have the coffee..
And they talk a lot and laugh..
And the days of care and compassion passes off..

4days later..
The doctor removes the plaster...
" hmm... ur all fine now.. !!"


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