(1) - Encounter -

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1 - Encounter -

With Boboiboy remaining by the ship, kicking some pebbles by his feet, he sighed and looked up to the mountainous planet of Magterra. He squinted from the bright skies, gently covering a hand by his eyes when he saw something at the corner of his eye. 'What is...' His mind was interrupted by a gust of wind slightly pushing him back, turning to see the trees paving to the side.

He clenched his fist, calling, "Boboiboy Quake!" The Earth-element sprung out as he prepared for any battle, stood firmly, there was a blue blur, soon revealing Ying with a familiar Powersphere, "Gravitybot?! I thought a new powersphere was here?" "So did I, apparently Gijimo's got a copy of some power-spheres and copied this guy!" Ying expressed, looking behind as she hissed, "And a monster is interested in keeping it." He frowned, looking back to see the ground starting to rumble, clicking his tongue when a large monster appeared, swatting away some of the forestry, twisting its head to lunge a bite down to them.

The element coated his arms with quake-fists, "Stand back!" He yelled, pummeling his fist to the creature, a powerful gust emerging from impact as the monster growled, stumbling back as Quake landed on a branch of a tree, looking over to see Ying preparing the ship for departure.

"Eyes on the sky!" A roaring sound made its way to the element's sears, eyes slightly widened to see Fang's shadowy figure using his hands to keep the monster's palm at bay, ruby-eyes glaring to the side, "Mind doing something, Mr. Popular?" Fang interjected as the latter chuckled, using the branch to fling himself to the air, enough distance to see the whole figure of their enemy. He huffed a breath, smirking as a single swat of his hand brought out a new element, a flash of red appearing as his hand held a thunder-spear, spinning it around as he slowly descended, slashing the monster in a swift attack.

Fang propped himself to the ground, transforming back to look and see the monster down after Thunderstorm emerged before it, playing with the thunder-spear between his finger, approaching them. "Where's Yaya and Gopal?" Fang inquired as the element gave him a questioning look, sensing immediate danger, they moved back away from each other, Gijimo's figure flung by their feet, making Fang jut his bottom lip, "Oh here's our troublemaker." They overheard, turning to see Gopal carrying some copied power spheres alongside Yaya who had a pout on her lips, dusting her hands off of Gijimo's residue.

Yaya walked towards Boboiboy with a smile, "We can go now, most of the planet's residents are animals." The rest hummed, moving to the ship as Gopal received some help from Boboiboy, the ship set to go as per Ying's command. Gopal plopped on one of the chairs, huffing a breath, Boboiboy chuckling as he said, "Tired, Captain?" Earning a side glare from the older, sitting up as he argued, "If you saw how much of a jungle parade it was to find that guy, you'd be pretty tired too! Hmph!" "I'm kidding, nice work you guys." He voiced, earning a thumbs-up from Yaya, Fang shrugging with a small smile, still managing some files beside them.

"You think the Admiral's knew about the Copybot? Who knows how many copies the idiot made." Fang inquired aloud, shuffling through the files as the rest contemplated it, coming up with several ideas and discussion on their way back to the main base.

Red lights blared throughout the ship as Yaya returned from the lower shuttle, seeing a holographic screen in-front, all the agents standing straight and saluted to Ciciko. "Fleet Admiral." Fang broke out a plain-greeting, the older alien nodded, "There is a matter to settle nearby Astroma Station, the enemies are growing at a rapid pace and everyone can't comprehend it." Ciciko informed, the tension in his voice prevalent, he adds, "Prepare for battle, Ochobot will need your ships coordinates, pronto. Do you all understand?" "Yes, sir." They chorused, soon the holograph disappeared.

Fang wasted no time in moving to the wheel, sending the coordinates as Boboiboy and Gopal went down to the shuttle with Ying to see if there were any issues needing attention. Fang sent over the coordinates, seeing the screen preparing as he yelled, "Teleporting in 10! Everyone stand-by!" The booming voice through their intercom's snapped them into reality, a faint blue hue surrounding the ship as there was a portal opening before them, Fang pulling the lever to head in, soon hearing loud explosives, Fang handling the ship as the rest gather back in the main deck, eyes widened at the sight.

The battle raged on within debris by the station as several agents were compromised and an unfamiliar ship was present. Boboiboy walked down to the hanger, the doors cracking open as the shift of gravity forced wind to exit the shuttle, he winced slightly as he feigned away from the flash of lights from the battle.

Boboiboy gritted his teeth, looking down to see the enemies preparing to launch another attack, making him turn to see everyone present aside from Gopal who'd be docking the ship, "Ready?" He voiced, seeing the determined expressions, Fang nodding with a smile as he mirrored the confident expression, turning back as they heard a loud buzz, a green light emerging as Gopal voiced, "Dive!"

Boboiboy got a running start, jumping down as the rest followed, the gravity of the nearby planet against them as they were pulled to the battle, Yaya speeding herself down as she landed with heavy impact, the ground chipping away as enemies got pushed back, Ying caught one of the nearby spaceships, seeing a helmet wearing alien, commanding to attack her as she sped off to enter their open hanger, kicking some guys off to infiltrate the aircraft. Fang's eyes gleamed red and blue, exclaiming, "Light Chariot!" A carriage appeared, carrying him over the battle, enemies chasing him as multiple attacks came, he lifted his hands, "Shadow Unlimited!" The black tendrils emerging from his hands, shooting out to the enemies.

"There's one of the reinforcements! Get them!"

As they pointed their weird weaponry, Boboiboy smirked, holding his wrist that had his power-watch, "Boboiboy Penta-split!" Light shone as the five elements appeared. The enemies shot to the sky alarmed when a pale red-tint acted as a barrier, seeing Eclipse's amused expression, "Red Pressure!" He pushed the barrier towards the ground, acting like a boulder as some were defeated, the smoke settling to reveal another element, looking irritated. "Something on my face?" He lifted his arms, summoning two pairs of chakrams, coating them with fire as he threw them towards the enemy lines, seeing them engulfed in flames.

Moving to the main battle, Solar was ambushed by a large iron-cladded figure, dodging the slash as it growled, making him take some steps back, showing faux amusement, ticking off the figure as it brought up its large axe, plunging it downward when it was coated in ice, earning a surprised grumble from the figure. Solar furrowed a brow, hands on his hip as he looked down to see Ice approaching him, yawning while swatting his ungloved hand, "What're you doing here, Solar? Weren't you supposed to find the leading agents?" The latter element shrugged, "I was til this guy blocked me, mind handling this, Icy?" Solar voiced, hearing Ice hum as he took his spot, Solar moving off to the nearby TAPOPS Shuttle that currently housed wounded agents.

"Admiral!" Solar turned to see the wounded commander, painfully saluting as he nodded, telling him to ease, "The enemies came out of nowhere, we are unable to subdue them permanently, but their numbers are slowly dwindling." The Commander voiced, making Solar nod, "Get your men to retreat here, create a defensive position while we try to figure out their source–"

A large explosion erupted, both looking up to see one of the ships falling down, a buzz from Solar's intercom made him press a finger by it, "Ying to Comms, the aliens are forming a tactical retreat! Most are gone already!" "Where are you right now?" Solar inquired, looking to see Yaya's power coating the fallen ship, keeping it from harming those below as they moved back, Solar hissed as he flew up to see the enemies were disappearing into hidden ships, already too far for him to launch a counter-assault. "Admiral B, enemies have retreated. Emergency Dock to Astroma has been Signaled." Fang voiced through the comm, his other hand pulling a defeated alien as he shoved it to the pile he'd retrieved.

The elements returned to Solar, looking around with irritation as his original form appeared, looking back, "Prepare to dock to Astroma Station! All men move in!" "Yes, sir!"

An Encounter Of A Lifetime | TIMESLIP | BOOK 3✔Where stories live. Discover now