(27) - Time and Space -

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(27) - Time and Space -

As The Bad Shadow faced against Astrostellar, Earthquake, Stormstrike, and Boboiboy Zion, they fought endlessly when Astrostellar and Stormstrike stopped to see that they were surrounded.

"Wanna Fuse?" Stormstrike asked. "Sure. Let's not make this a habit." Astrostellar said as they entered the embled now as Starstrike. "Excuse us." Their echo-y voice said. "Star Sword! Milky Way!" He yelled as he sliced the Shadow Enemies away. Meanwhile, Earthquake and Boboiboy Zion were keeping tabs on The Bad Shadow. "Earth! Crumble!" He yelled as he made the floor break into platforms. Boboiboy Zion jumped down to hit them towards The Bad Shadow.

"Aerial! Smack!" Boboiboy Zion yelled as his blue eyes appeared. He hit them as The Bad Shadow dodged it. Wildfire and Freezeglaze were having trouble with Metal as he dodged their attacks. "Why is he so quick!?" Wildfire yelled as he had Freezeglaze's back. "Remember, Metal is Earth's reflection. He's more of the quick thinker." Cosmicburst said as he dropped down with Steelclad. "No one stops until their dead." The Bad Metal said as he sliced the air only to have Metal Spikes thrown at them.

The four quickly dodge as Cosmicburst landed immediately. "Petal! Hurricane!" Cosmicburst yelled as he made pollen block the enemy's sight. "Got a plan? I can't put the mist for too long." He said as Steelclad remembered a common weakness of the three elements. "Hey. Can you make them pop?" Steelclad asked. "Yeah. Do we do that?" Cosmicburst asked. "Remember, me and lunaclipse even Twilight still have globophobia. If he's similar to us, he'll have it." Steelclad said and the three nodded.

As Cosmicburst made the petal blow, The Bad Metal shivered. He quickly regained composure as he rushed towards Cosmicburst. "Ice Crystals!" Freezeglaze summoned. "Flame! Shoot out!" Wildfire shot the Crystals, making a small bursting sound that made Metal scared. "You are no different." Steelclad said as the two elements fought. Lunaclipse and Twilight faced against the Bad Eclipse as they were bruised by the merciless element.

"Die..." Eclipse said as he made the floor burst with power. Twilight had held his key only for it to start disappearing. "Someone's using it..." Lunaclipse said as they looked at the devilish smirk of Eclipse. "We're introuble." The two said as Eclipse made his dart appear.

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Meanwhile, Yaya and Ying held the keys of their husband and entered the hidden realm

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Meanwhile, Yaya and Ying held the keys of their husband and entered the hidden realm. They woke up on a pool of water as they faced eachother. "So... you've chosen to sacrifice a part of your life." The echo-y voice of a woman said as they both smiled. "Time to return their favors." Ying said as they were sumberged to the floor. They felt nothing. Not drowning, blacking out, anything. They had completely disappeard from the woman's sight.

The water shook as a body flew up with brown hair

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The water shook as a body flew up with brown hair. She opened her eyes and showed that one was blue and the other was brown. "Time and Space, Yang. Go and set on your mission." The voice said as the woman was brought out. It flew to the sky as the bomb had started to fall. "Yaya! Wait who are you!?" Gopal asked as he stood below. "You keep everyone safe. And assure their return." Yang's voice echoed as they placed their palm to the on coming bomb.

"Time Slip." She said as the world stopped. "Space Terra." She said as the bomb was put inside of a shield, including Yang herself. "Time Loop." Yang said as stars started to appear and time continued. "Stars of Time and Dance of Space! Four Gala Shift!" She yelled, making the bomb blow up. Gopal was wide eyed as the world was looking shaky. It was as if time had complete changed direction.

Inside the rift, Fang had gotten the Bad Gopal while the Horned Fang had helped him trap him. "Those women. Had done it." Bad Gopal said as he looked at his hand. He was fading. Fang let him go and rushed to him. "What do you mean? Where are you off now!?" Fang asked as he felt fear to see Gopal fade regardless of who it was. "You here are very soft, very forgiving.... and very understanding." Gopal smiled as his body disappered. "You are truly... a worthy king." Gopal said with his last breath.

The Boboiboy's had reverted back to their original form. Zion and his Boboiboy were next to eachother. Zion laid on the floor, defeated by his brother who sat next to him. "Dearest brother. You are a man of many things. But you do not share your ideals with us, making us fear." Boboiboy said as he felt tears in his eyes. Zion looked at him as he raised his hands to grab the chain on his brothers neck, shattering it.

"Do not cry. It makes me feel... pathetic." Zion said as he swatted his brothers tears. "When we return home. How about we visit mother. And talk to eachother more." Boboiboy said as they both stared at eachother, before Zion broke into a smile. "I will truly... enjoy that." Zion said as Boboiboy had returned to his time. The 10 Elemented Boboiboy stood infront of him. "Be wary... of time. You can never know... where it will bring you." Zion said as he stares to float.

Boboiboy held his shoulder. "Take care of yourself. This time around." He said as Zion smiled. "I ask of you something." Zion stated, making Boboiboy nod. "That woman you love. Does she resemble what you wished for her. Is she truly someone to make you happy?" Zion asked as he started to fade. Boboiboy blushed a bit as he smiled. "She's worth the sun and moon. A woman irreplacable." Boboiboy answered as Zion smiled before he fully faded...

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