(5) - Family -

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(5) - Family -

In the morning, Boboiboy woke up next to Yaya. He was wide-eyed, immediately sitting up and holding his hand. Yaya was awoken from the shuffling and sat to tend to her husband. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked as she grabbed his head.

His eyes dropped tears as she wiped it off. "What's wrong? Do you not feel well?" She asked as she pressed the back of her right hand on his neck, feeling his temperature. He held her left hand on his cheek, breathing steadily. "I... I just had a really bad--horrible, even--dream." He said as he looked at her concerned face.

She smiled and held his head in her hands. "Whatever that is, when you're ready to explain it to me, I'll be ready to accept it." She said as she smiled at him. He gave a small smile and heaved a breath. "You're right. Thanks, Sweetie." He said. "But now--" He said as he pulled her close to him, pecking her lips. "-- Goodmorning, Sweetie." He said and she blushed.

"Y-Yeah, Goodmorning." She said, looking away. He looked at the time. "It's time to get up, we need to be by the control room in two hours." He said and stood up. She looked at her husband's disappearing silhouette into the bathroom. She gave a sadden smile and remembered what Ying had said before. 'Boboiboy's Admiral Amato's Son. They didn't have too good of a memory, that's mostlikely why he felt tensed before.'

"Sweetie?" Boboiboy called her, swatting his hand infront of her face. She was snapped out of her daze. "Yes?" She asked. He raised a brow, shrugging it off for now. "I wanted to ask if you could make breakfast for us?" He asked, still infront of her. She nodded. "Sure, you prefering juice over coffee?" She asked and he nodded.

"Okay, I'll--" She was cutoff when the door emerged open, revealing their 14-years-old son, Yazack or Zack with a tailing 12-years-old, Brianna. "Dad! Mom!" She greeted with a smile. Boboiboy and Yaya stood up, giving them both a hug. "Zack? Why are you both here?" He asked his son. "Some Big Mister told us to go! He had a metal mask with Golden Highlights." Zack answered in detail.

"Maskmana?!" The two exclaimed and right on time, the Admiral came in the room. "Hello, Admiral. Commodore." He greeted and looked down. "Hello, Mister! Thank you for bringing us!" Anna said as she held his hand, smiling. Maskmana became flustered with her generosity. Yaya giggled as she saw his tensed shoulder. "Yeah, Thanks Mister. We really wanted to visit, but Uncle Sai and Aunt Shielda didn't want us to disturb you." Zack said, looking at Maskmana.

"Y-Yeah. You two are welcome. But Boboiboy, I have given you instructions." Maskmana stated, making Yaya raise a brow. Boboiboy remembered what he said last night. 'You and Fang aren't allowed to sleep in one room. It's courtesy of others. I don't want your identities of marriage to be publizied. Avoid calling eachother your endearments while on training.' Boboiboy facepalmed. Yaya on the otherhand wondered what is wrong.

"I need a word." Maskmana excused him. "Yes, Sir." He answered and followed him out. The three watched Boboiboy leave. "Is Dad introuble because of us?" Anna asked as she looked down, feeling guilty. "No, it's something I did, Daddy is just discussing it with Maskmana." She said as she patted her daughter's head.

"Mom, I saw another guy on the way here. He looked like a human and had the same hair features as Anna and Dad. Does he know us?" Zack asked with suspicion. Yaya was shocked, but regained composure fairly quick. "I don't know, Zack. Maybe you should ask Dad once in a while?" She said. Meanwhile, Boboiboy was receiving a scolding for sleeping in one room with his wife.

"I'm extremely sorry, Sir. Something came up last--" "Last night, I was aware. Ochobot had given me some details, not fully. I want to hear some from you though, Admiral." He interrupted. Boboiboy was worried and looked at the side. "In my case, my mental state is currently a major problem. As I'm sure you are aware of me and Sir Amato." He answered. Maskmana in his mask wore a sadden face as he mentioned Amato as a superior rather than a father.

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