(4) - Swallow -

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4 - Swallow -

As Boboiboy is requested to return to the main station after Yaya did, he sorts his items alongside Yaya as they make sure all the agents inside the station can be transported back to the main station. Boboiboy heard the door slid open, turning to see one of the main agents, saluting to him as he nodded, "As of now we'll need another 14 hours to refuel the ship, sir." He expressed, seeing the brunet move towards his temporary workplace, grabbing a file as he handed it to the alien agent, looking skeptical. "What is this, sir?" Sensing the darkened gleam of his brown orbs.

"Agents that didn't make it. We'll need to make a report for them." Boboiboy's tone was cold, the agent swallow the lump in his throat, seeing the file as he skimmed through it, slowly disheartened as he shut it, looking down with a sigh, "I'll be checking them and sending the copy to the Medical Team to check, sir." "Thank you, good work." He spoke, the agent giving a pressed smile as he moved back outside.

The brunet removed his cap, brushing his hair back with irritation, huffing a breath. 'Too many lives lost... just who the hell are those guys?' He thought, hearing his power-watch buzzing, moving to answer it and see Fang and Gopal in the holographic screen. He waved them hello, "Hey, so what trouble did you guys make?" The brunet inquired, seeing Fang snicker as Gopal roll his eyes, knowing they meant it for him. Gopal put his hands to his hips, "So-sorry to burst your bubble but we're here to inform you about the teleportation route." The elder stated in a matter-of-factly tone.

Boboiboy smirked as they explained the time the portal would open, asking him of his condition after hearing from Yaya he'd been ditzy. "I'm fine, it's probably... Well, you know where I am. It's just stress. Once I get out of here, I'll be fine." He explained, seeing Fang's furrowed brows and Gopal shaking his head, giving a pointed gaze as he scratched the back of his nape with a small smile. "Honest, it's just the place. Once I return, you'll see I'm fine." He adds, Fang sighing, knowing that his friend was even convincing himself.

"Whatever you say, Binju. I'm going to see what Nut has in-store for the teleportation." Fang voiced, seeing Boboiboy nod as Gopal interjected, "I'm gonna go see what the cafeteria is serving, I heard there'd been some new menu." "Of course you heard that but not when Ying was calling for you." Fang teased as he dodged Gopal's headlock, smiling as he turned to the holographic screen, "Good luck, I'll be teasing Gopal over here!" Fang's line cut as Boboiboy stifled a laugh, slight shaking his head as he stood, stretching his limbs, standing up and his bed, seeing his small bag stuffed with his things.

His ears rang for a brief moment, feeling a shiver run down his spine, looking back to see his reflection on the standing mirror, eyes widened to see his eyes glowing from brown to dark-purple. He rushed towards it, staring at the conflicting reflection as he felt a pang of dizzy hit him,

Boboiboy gritted his teeth, clenching his hands to his hair as he bent down to the floor due to the pain, heaving breaths as he choked out, "D-Decasplit..." Light erupted from him as his elements sprung out, Shadow left to the ground, writhing in pain. Thorn looked concerned as Quake came close, disarming his quake-fists, "Shadow? Hey, are you with me?" He inquired, gently holding his shoulder when he heard him mumble something, "What?" He asked, not catching his words.

 Thorn looked concerned as Quake came close, disarming his quake-fists, "Shadow? Hey, are you with me?" He inquired, gently holding his shoulder when he heard him mumble something, "What?" He asked, not catching his words

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Cyclone looked concerned when he heard, "Get away from me..." in a whispered voice from Shadow as he screamed, "Move!" Cyclone's words made them alarmed as Blaze pulled Quake back as Shadow's scream made shadowy tendrils emerge from the ground, striking around him, a devious sight of blood sputtered on his face flashing.

The dark element let out a breath, slowly getting up as his gaze grew darker, "Who are you... and why do you look like me?" Shadow said in a chilling tone, slowly smirking as he looked at each of the elements, Ice putting an arm before Eclipse who tried to speak and come close, but Ice sensed the off nature of their latter element, his purple orbs looking threatening. "Ah... just playing with you all... you are the cowards that refused to let me kill myself... because you wouldn't let me kill that good for nothing man..." Shadow said with a sadistic grin.

Solar's lips twitched into a scowl, glaring beneath his spectacles, "You know we shouldn't do that, Shadow." "Really now?! You are going to defend him–you of all of us?!" Shadow exclaimed as he stormed towards the light element, Thunderstorm held him and pulled him aside with an angered expression, "You can't do this right now. Do you realize what'll happen when he recalls." Thunderstorm stated, his body emitting red thunder sparks.

Shadow wheezed a laugh, looking at them with disbelief, pointing to them all, "You all would've disappeared if we hadn't found out what he planned to do with Ochobot. You, you all of you!" He exclaimed, landing his pointer finger to Eclipse who remained silent, making him smirk. "And Eclipse would've been gone first because he caused problems..." "That's enough, Shadow." Metal voiced in a stern tone, Shadow continuing to taunt the red-moon element. Quake reiterated, "Shadow! Stop it!"

A flash of red emerged as they were alarmed by Shadow's scythe colliding with a transparent pointed arrow, Shadow's eyes darkened with his grin as Eclipse's lips twitched with a smile, "You not listening... idiot." Eclipse uttered, soon twisting his body to kick the element back, the impact heavy as they went through the wall, alarming the rest.

Metal and Quake looked to each other before the rest, barking orders to stop the two from hurting anyone or themselves.

The elements rushed out the room, hearing panicked agents as they followed the loud thuds and explosions to see that they were fighting mid-air, Eclipse creating his red-hued attacks whilst Shadow sliced and commanded his shadowy tendrils to attack. "Stop it you two!" Cyclone screamed as he looked concerned, leading the two to look, annoyed as they attacked the wind-element, "Cyclone Sphere!" He defended as the attacks were deflected to the side, Metal saw one of the attacks pointing to the spaceships, hissing as he stomped the ground, "Metal Bend!" He pointed his finger up, somehow moving the ground to defend the ship as another heavy blow was made when Blaze tackled Shadow as Eclipse was being tied down by Thorn.

"What is going on!?"

Quake was wide-eyed, huffing a breath to see Maskmana and Amato present. "No, of all the people!" Blaze exclaimed as Shadow smirked, "Shadow Shredder!" He summoned black slashes as Blaze was hit, pushed back as his figure collided with Metal. Shadow landed down to the secondary area, Amato's eyes widened, sensing the animosity of the element as he recognized the figure, his eyes turned to see Quake shaking his head with a worried expression.

"Look out!"

Amato wore the mask of his mech-armor, but a flash of light appeared as Shadow's weapon and Solar's broad-sword collided, Blaze climbing from the wall as he jumped Shadow, "Blazing Punch!" He pummeled a fiery fist to the element who hissed as he attempted to meld with the floor, "Like I would!" Solar exclaimed drawing him back as they were pushed away from each other, landing by the bar of the balcony, "You really should've stayed away!" Solar yelled to Amato as his golden orbs gleamed with anger, turning back as he skillfully walked the slim-bar, striking Shadow back as Thorn was being pulled away as Eclipse tried to free away and attack Shadow.

Thunderstorm hissed as he pressed the tip of his thumbs together, spreading them to create a thunderspear, "Thunder–" he spun the weapon around, pointing to Eclipse with a scowl, "Vortex!" He used his speed to arrive by the figure, heterochromatic eyes widened by his presence as he strikes the electric shock to the red-moon element, seeing him falter as Thorn pulled faster, Ice helping as they retrieved the element, hearing him breathe as Thunderstorm landed beside Cyclone who was busy defending the station from being ruined.

Solar alongside Blaze were still in an intense match with Shadow when the dark element felt a strike to his chest, head dizzy as he completely froze in place. Metal turned to the balcony area, eyes widened. 'No...' There eyes glowed as memories seeped through as Quake gritted his teeth, "Get back in the watch!" Quake yelled as all the elements grew wary of the memories, Metal sighed as he looked to see that they'd done minimal damage and didn't affect the station.

Ice walked towards Amato with a darkened gaze, grabbing his shoulder with a pressing strength, "Get away from me..." Ice spoke in a growl, slightly shoving away the man he once called his father and turned to the rest of the element all turning into orbs of light and returning to Shadow, revealing a fainted Boboiboy in its place.

An Encounter Of A Lifetime | TIMESLIP | BOOK 3✔Where stories live. Discover now