1 - Start of 12th Grade

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start of 12th grade.



The week after orientation week where we started our 1st week of the lesson.. I was just taking my books out of my locker whe-

"Eyo!! Chaeyeon!!" Yeji and Ryujin came out of nowhere while yelling in front of my face. What a great start of the day..

"Jesus Christ.. Can you guys not yell? It's still in the morning!" I looked at them as they both chuckled.

"By the way, are you staying for the meeting after school?" I asked Yeji as I closed my locker and we walked towards our class. "Yep, I am.. You need a ride home?" She asked back.

"I don't know.. I'm gonna ask my sis later if she can pick me up or no," I said as she nodded. We sat down on the 3rd row and continue to talk about random things.

"GUYS!" All our attention turned to Lia who's yelling as she enters the class. "I can't believe we're in the same class!!" She smiled widely as we did a quick group hug. 

"Dude, what time is it now?" Yeji asked as I looked at the clock displayed on my phone screen.

"7.15..? OH SHIT!" I realized that we both be at the radio station in 5 minutes. I took my phone as Yeji took her notes out. 

"See you guys at the first period!!" We both yelled as we ran outside the class and to the radio station.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


Right now, me and Chaeyeon are heading downstairs after announcing some announcements at the radio station.

"Yeji, do you want to go to the canteen first before heading to class?" Chae asked as we walked down the stairs.

"Yeah yea, I need to drink.." I agreed as we both head to the canteen. We decided to buy some flavored drinks from one of the stalls.

"Finally! My throat isn't dry anymore!" Chaeyeon said after finishing half of her flavored drink. "Refreshing enough.. Let's head back to class," I said as we both walked upstairs, to the locker section.

As we walk to class, we saw a girl and a boy making out on there, in the locker section. It was Beomgyu and Minji. We just walked passed them and made our way to the class hallway.

"Disgusting.. Do they really need to make out there? ugh.." Chaeyeon rolled her eyes.

"Let them be.. probably they'll break up soon," I sighed.

"Hahaha, yea. Because it's the school playboy," We both laughed and enter the classroom.

"Yep, Yeji and Chaeyeon are here already. Yeji you can sit next to Wonjin, and Chaeyeon you can sit on the empty chair over there," Ms. Jang said as we nod our heads and walked to our own seats.

"Is everyone here?" Ms. Jang asked as Jiwon, our class captain replied, "Choi Beomgyu isn't here yet."

"Aish.. that guy.. Anyways let's start with the lesson, shall we?"


We were just simply listening to Ms. Hwang who's explaining in front of the class when suddenly the door was opened and revealed... Choi Beomgyu.

"Sorry ms, I'm late," He simply said.

"Ok, you can sit next to Chaeyeon. So, as I was saying..." She continues teaching.

Hold up..


So... the thing is, I've been trying to avoid being his 'next target' for the past 2 years. But somehow, Ms. Jang here isn't cooperative enough and made him sit next to me! Great! Chae, let's just ignore him.. *sigh*

"You're the one who sees me making out with Minji, right?" He asked as soon as he sat down on his chair.

"So?" I asked back without taking my eyes off my phone.

"Aren't you suppose to see the person you're talking to?"

Hah. Attention seeker..

"I don't want to, what are you going to do about it?"

"Interesting..." I could see him smirking from the edge of my eyes. He suddenly held my chin to face him and leaned closer. I furrowed my eyebrow at him and keep my face away from him. I saw him smirk again before going back on my phone.

"Yah! Give me back my phone!" I tried to take it back but he was facing the other way which made it harder for me.

"Why are you chatting with him? He isn't attractive enough.." He faced my way.

"None of your business..." I snatched back my phone as soon as I caught him off guard.

Throughout the next 2 lessons, he was trying to flirt with me but I tried my best to ignore him. He was scribbling on my book, staring at me instead of the whiteboard, whispering 'disgusting' sweet things, anything to get my attention.

"Beomgyu, stop," I said sternly and glared at him.

"You're pretty.. and interesting.." He caressed my hair. I grabbed his wrist and removed his hand from my head, "I said stop."

I put back his hand on the table before resume taking notes. Soon the bell rings, showing it was time for lunch. I stood up from my chair and head to Ryujin's table. Beomgyu ruffled my hair as he walks past us.

"See you after lunch, babygirl~" He winks at me as I got disgusted.

"Disgusting.." Ryujin rolled her eyes as she stood up.

"Can't seem to understand why most of the girls at our school fell in love with him," I said as we all walked out of the class.

"Maybe you'll know once you fell in love with him," Lia laughed.

"Never ever..."

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