10 - I'm Jealous

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i'm jealous.



It has been months since they've started their relationship and they were actually enjoying it. They are getting closer, plus they are also seatmates. Her group of friends and his, also slowly getting closer which was unexpected.

Chaeyeon was starting to be honest to her heart, being honest that she actually has feelings for him. She even forgot that she was one of his 'targets'. Meanwhile Beomgyu, he too actually grows feelings towards Chaeyeon but he doesn't admit it. Probably because he thought he needed to finish the game he started...


*bell rings*

"Are you coming with us to lunch?" Chaeyeon asked as she took out her phone and wallet from her drawer.

"Umm.. uhh you can go first. I still need to do something," I said as she nods and left with the others.

"Beomgyu? Isn't he coming?" I heard Soobin on the front door. "No, he said he need to do something, let's go," Lia said as she pushed out the boys and walked away.

I put my phone and wallet inside my pocket before walking out of the class, towards the basketball court. I met up with Kangmin, Samuel, Junho, and Seonho there. 

"Let's play 2 on 2?" I asked as soon as I got there. "Sure, I'll be the refree," Kangmin said as he picked a basketball and get ready to jumpball. I'm with Junho and Kangmin with Samuel.

"Oh, there they are! Let's cheer for them!!" We heard a few girls running towards the court and sat down on the side of the court.

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After we finished one round, the girls came running to us with our bottle which we put at the side of the court previously.

"Wah! You guys are cool!"

"Beomgyu! You look so handsome when you shoot the ball!" A girl said as she offered me my drinking bottle. I took the drinking bottle for her and thanked her.

'Wish Chaeyeon was the one who complimented me...'

Wait. What the hell am I thinking?! I think I'm going crazy.

The girl, whoever her name is.., keeps on staring at me like crazy.. But when I stared back at her, she looked away and blushed. I slowly walked towards her until she bumped onto the wall and I trapped her.

I looked into her eyes and slowly lean closer, just to tease her. Our face wasn't even that close but she already closed her eyes and pursed her lips, waiting for me to kiss her.

'She's so whipped for me. Tch.'

"Tch. He skipped lunch just to flirt with another girl."

I looked around to see Chaeyeon folding her arms and rolling her eyes, and the others looking at me with a disappointed face. Before she could walk away, I grabbed her wrist to prevent her from going.

"Let. Go." She growled and yanked her arm. At the same time I was about to catch up with her, the girl grabbed my arm.

"Gyu.." She said. I took off her hand from my arm and I ran towards Chaeyeon.

"Chae!!" I yelled and tried to run towards her but Yeonjun and Soobin held me. "No dude, you've messed up." They then walked away leaving me alone.

'Can't believe my boys said that..'

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10 minutes before lunch ends, I walked inside Yeonjun's class. I walked towards them and I could tell that he was disappointed.

"Guys I-"

"Don't talk to me.. I'm not in the mood to." Yeonjun stood up before I could explain. Soobin sighed and said, "If you want to talk to us, go apologize to her." He then walked away with Yeonjun. I run my hand through my hair frustratedly as I walked towards the class.

I see her sitting there while preparing her books. She may put on a poker face, but I could tell she was really mad at me. The girls were glaring at me too.

"Chae, I-"

Before I could talk, she raised her hand. She said, "Ms. Go, can I exchange seats with Chanhi today? I don't think I can focus well today if I sat here."

"Sure, go ahead if it is fine with Chanhi," Ms. Go said as she put down her books on the desk.

Chae then picked up her belongings and exchange her seats with Chanhi.

'Great.. Now she's avoiding me.'


Can't believe I just got jealous over a situation like that. Yes. I admit. I'm jealous..

The girls suggested me to exchange seats for the rest of the day since they knew if I stay next to him, won't bring any good.

"Chae, I-"

I raised my hand and asked, "Ms. Go, can I exchange seats with Chanhi today? I don't think I can focus well today if I sat here."

"Sure, go ahead if it is fine with Chanhi."

I took my belongings and exchange seats with Chanhi.

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