3 - Kiss

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"We'll hold an election for the new school president and vice next month. Candidates, please prepare your campaign well." The principal said. After the morning assembly ends, the Math teacher walked inside the class.


"Good morning Mrs. Yoon." We all then sat back down and the lesson starts.

I was focusing on the lesson and wrote things down when Beomgyu decided to interrupt me by borrowing a lot of stuff.

"May I borrow-"

"Geez, just take anything. Just, don't interrupt me!" I sighed in frustration before going back to take notes.

Suddenly, he took my phone from my table. I smirked at him and said, "Hah, you can't open it."

He entered a passcode before looking at me while showing my phone screen. It. Was. Unlocked.

"But I can," He smirked back.

"Bitch, give me back my phone!" I half-yelled at him as I tried to get my phone back. I was annoyed.. Like how could he unlock my phone?! Is he a hacker or something??

"Nope," He teased me.

I realized that we were making some noises that could disturb the others. "Ugh, I fucking hate you..." I finally gave up and went back taking down notes on the board.

"I love you too, darling~" He winks at me which made me disgusted.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

In the middle of English class, Beomgyu left because there was a sudden dance practice. Suddenly.. peace :D wait.. no..

"Calling Jung Chaeyeon and Cha Eunwoo, awaited in the meeting room." I heard Mr. Yoon's voice from the announcer. I quickly asked the class secretary for a leave form. I filled it up and walked up in front to give it to Ms. Sara.

"Before you leave, is there anyone who's going to write down the notes for you?" Ms. Sara asked as she looked at me sharply.

"I will do it Ms!" I heard Lia yelled as she raised her hands. "Sure.. now you can go." She let me go and I bowed to her.

"Thank you sista love youu~" I mouthed her and gave her a flying kiss. "Have fun skipping!!" She mouthed back.

I head to the door and saw Eunwoo peeking inside. Guess he got the permission first..

"Wow, you got permission from Ms. Sara," He gave me a surprised look. "Got my ways dude," I cooly said.

"Let's just go," We both laughed as we made our way upstairs.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


"Why is it so hot here.." Hueningkai whined.

"Is the practice over yet? I need AC," Soobin said.

"Yup, practice is over! You may go back to your class!" Coach said. We thanked him before walking to the changing room.

"Are you guys going back to class?" Yeonjun asked. "It's almost lunch, so I don't think I'll go back.." I replied while putting my used shirt inside my bag.

"I can't, I haven't submitted my homework.." Taehyun said. I took out my phone and chat Chaeyeon.

Are you still at class?

I'm having a meeting

Oh.. when is the meeting done?

In 5 minutes, why?


I took my duffle bag and walked outside the changing room. "See you later guys!!" I yelled.

I made my way to the stairs on the 5th floor and waited for Chaeyeon there. Soon I heard a few voices of female and male students talking while walking out of a room.

"I'll head to the station room," I heard Eunwoo said. "Ok then, see you!" I heard Chaeyeon replied. I saw Chaeyeon walking down the stairs while typing on her phone.

'I don't think she realizes that I'm here,' I thought. I grabbed her wrist as she walked in front of me.

"What are you doing here? Don't you still have your practice?" She asked, surprised.

"It's finished already," I said. Soon, the bell rings and the hallways are getting crowded. I dragged her with me to the school backyard.


I stopped and looked at her, "ssst." She pressed down her lips and I made my way to the school backyard.

There was no one there.. Just the 2 of us..

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked confusedly. I dropped my bag on the ground and walked slowly towards her. She looked at me confused while I kept on walking towards her and pinned her on the wall.


I cut her off by placing my lips on hers. She tried to free herself but I tightened my grip and kissed her rougher. It went on for around 2 minutes before I slowly loosen my grip and break the kiss.

She pushed me away and glared at me. I thought she would slap me for my attitude, but instead, she just left the scene and walked back inside the building. I took my bag with me and walked towards the canteen.

"Here's your food bro," Yeonjun said as he points at another tray in front of him. I sat down and thanked him before eating. I smiled at myself, remembering that I managed to kiss her.

"Gyu, why are you smiling?" Soobin asked as I take a short glance at him before looking back to my food. "I kissed her," I smirked as I proceed to eat.

"You do have guts.." Hueningkai shook his head. "Hyung, she's glaring at us, i mean you," Taehyun said.

"Just continue eating," Yeonjun spoke as he puts more side dish to Taehyun's tray. We were almost finished with our food when Chaeyeon and her girls walked towards our table.

"Soobin-ah, you can come to my house today right?" Chaeryeong asked as Soobin nodded. I glance over Chaeyeon and smirked at her. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'll see you after school," Soobin smiled back as Chaeryeong nods and they all left.

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