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"Bye Chae!! See you tomorrow!!" The girls waved as I waved back before getting inside my car.

"Woah, what's up with all of those bags?" I asked unnie as I enter the passenger seat.

"I need to do a project at my friend's house and I think I'll be staying there for the night. You okay if I leave you alone?" She asked.

"I'm fine, I'm not a baby anymore.."

"Sure, you're not a baby." She chuckled. She dropped me off in front of the apartment. We bid goodbyes before I walked upstairs.

I just entered my apartment when I heard my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID to see Yeonjun's name pop up on the screen. I immediately answered.

"Hey wassup. Why did you call?"

"Nothing.. just.. Did you made up with Beomgyu yet?"

"Not yet, well at least for today.."

"Owhh.. I wanna ask you something.."

"Sure, go ahead."

"Are you really jealous? Like I mean really?"

"Hate to admit but yeah... sorta..?"

"Oh, hahaha. What do you think about him?"

"I think I like him..? But he's just my 'boyfriend'. Should I just stop it?"

"Hahaha, it's okay to catch feelings. Just... be careful not to get hurt."

"Yeah.. I will."


"Chae, he'll change one day."

"Hope so.."

"Are you going to meet him tomorrow?"

"I don't know.. depends if he's asking me to meet up."

"Hahaha, yea. Sort things out with him k? I need to go now."

"Yeah, thanks Junnie. Bye."


Call Ended.

Well to be honest... there are some benefits by just being Beomgyu's 'girlfriend'. I get to befriend his friends and surprisingly we mingle with each other well, the girls too. They cared for me like how I cared for them. I'm thankful for that.

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