21 - His Mom

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his mom.



"Chaeee!! Chaee!!" Beomgyu yelled as he ran from the living room towards the bedroom. He plopped on the bed as I hummed in response, continue to read a pregnancy book.

"My mom's coming here tomorrow for the graduation," He said as he looked up in the ceiling. "oh- WHAT?!" I was surprised.

"She's going to stay with us for the whole week," Beomgyu said as my eyes widened. Suddenly, it all became silent. "Have you told her about me..?" I asked quietly.

"I.. have, a few weeks ago.." Beomgyu confessed. "H-how's her reaction? I mean what if she doesn't like me or something?" I was panicking. Like literally, your boyfriend's mom is going to have a sleepover with you and your boyfriend.

"When I talk with her over the phone, she doesn't seem surprised..? Instead, she couldn't wait to meet you," Beomgyu smiled at me as he holds my hands. "are you sure..?" I said with an uneasy look.

"Don't worry, come here," He said as he pulled me towards him and kissed my forehead. "How about your dad?" I asked as I playfully traced lines on his chest.

"He won't be staying for the whole week, he'll just come on the graduation day and the next morning he'll need to go back to Daegu because he has works to do," He explained as I nodded. 

"Do we need to prepare something for her?" I asked as he thinks for a while. "Hmm, just cook for her. I'm sure she would love your food," Beomgyu said as I just hummed in response.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

"Eomma!!" Beomgyu ran to his mom as soon as she walked out of the taxi with her luggage. I bowed at her.

"She's your girlfriend?" I heard her mom asked him as he nods. "You're lucky, she's so pretty," She playfully hit his arm as he chuckled.

"Eommonim, I'll bring this for you," I said as I offered to bring her luggage. "Aigoo, no need. Beomgyu can bring it," She said as I just nod. Beomgyu smiled at me for no reason that made me smiled back.

"Your name is?" She asked as we entered the apartment. "Jung Chaeyeon," I smiled at her.

"Such a pretty name for a pretty girl," She said as I got flustered. "A-ah, k-kamsahabnida," I laughed nervously.

"Eomma, she already cooked you lunch," Beomgyu said as her mom reacted, "Really? Did you help her?"

"He did, eommonim," I chuckled. We reached Beomgyu's apartment unit and walked inside. I helped to bring her luggage to her room as Beomgyu escorted her directly to the dining table to have lunch. I quickly joined them and sat next to Beomgyu.

I held Beomgyu's hand nervously as his mom taste the food that I was cooking. I wasn't expecting to get a really good reaction, but...

"This is delicious! You should teach me how to cook this so I could cook it for my husband," She smiled widely then continue eating. Our eyes widened to see her unexpected reaction.

"See Chae? I told you she would love it!!" Beomgyu exclaimed as we joined her.

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That night, Beomgyu has to go out to meet Yeonjun and the others. He said they need help to do something, so I stayed with his mom in the apartment. I was quite nervous but, let's just hope this goes well.

"Chaeyeon-ah! Come here!" His mom called from the living room. "Ne, eommonim?" I quickly exited the bedroom and approached her.

"Do you need anything?" I asked as he just pats the seat next to her. I was guessing she asked me to sit next to her and I did what she told me.

She looked at me and then cracks up, leaving me dumbfounded. "Aigoo, why are you so tensed? Loosen up, I'm not going to bite you.. I just want to have some 'we time' with my future daughter-in-law, can't I?" She asked as I felt my cheeks heating up when she called me her future daughter-in-law.

"Waeo? Are you blushing?" She chuckled as I realized that she might've noticed my red cheeks. I quickly covered them with my hands and denied them, "A-aniyo eommonim.."

"Why are you sitting so far away? Come here, I just want to talk to you," She said as she pulled me closer and put my head on her shoulder.

"Just relax," She said as she held my hand. I fixed my sitting position and get comfortable with her. "How many months is it?" She asked.

"3 months.." I answered quietly as we both kept our eyes on the television. "Do your parents know about this?" She asked as I felt uneasy but tried to answer.

"My parents have passed away 3 years ago," I answered. "Sorry to hear that... Then who are you living with before you moved in with Beomgyu?" She asked.

"My sister." She nods and said, "She must be as pretty as you." I chuckled at her comments.

"Who knows about your pregnancy accept for me, your sister, and Beomgyu?" She asked as I answered, "Just my friends and his. We're trying so hard not to get exposed at school." she nod her head in understanding.

"Can I hug you?" She suddenly said as I agreed and hugged her. "I've always wanted a daughter.. I'm glad Beomgyu finds someone as pretty as you. He's lucky," We broke the hug and I placed my head on her shoulder again.

"Eommonim, you reminded me of my mom," I chuckled sadly as she caressed my hair. I miss her...

"You can treat me like your own mom," She said as my eyes sparkled. "I can?" I asked once again as she nodded. I smiled happily.

"You must've had a hard time dealing with Beomgyu, huh? He's such a handful.." She said. "A-aniyo eommonim," I answered.

"Aigoo, just be honest with me, it's okay. You must've cried while dealing with him, especially when he breaks up with you at that time," She looks at me as I was starting to tear up.

"H-how do you know?" I hugged her and cried on her shoulders. "He told me everything. He told me that you were pregnant with his child and he regrets everything. He said that his world feel like collapsing. He felt so stupid to let you go that time, he was so desperate," Her mom told me everything. I feel sad..

"Do you want to know what actually happened to him?"

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