7 - You Owe Me

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you owe me.



I woke up in an unfamiliar room wearing someone's hoodie and pants. A boy's room..? I looked to the right to see a clock that shows 8 am in the morning. I saw a black iPhone on the nightstand which is obviously not mine, mine's purple.

I stood up and walked outside the room. "Anyone home..?" I called out. Suddenly a guy came which made jumped in my place.

"Are you okay? You had a fever last night," Beomgyu said. "B-beomgyu? Why am I in your apartment?" I asked back.

He sighed before answering, "You fainted in the middle of the streets and last night was raining very hard. I had to bring you home because I don't know where you live. Does that answer your question?"

"Okay.. and whose outfit is this?" I looked at him as his face went red. 

"M-mine.." He stuttered. "Don't tell me you.." I trailed off as he gulped and nod his head hesitantly.

"YAH!! CHOI BEOMGYU!!" I yelled and hit him with the pillows on the couch. "Chill! I didn't see you fully n-naked!!" He yelled back trying to defend himself.

"IT'S THE SAME!!" I kept on hitting him. He suddenly grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him which made our faces only inches apart. Things got awkward real fast and we end up looking at different directions.

"Imma make us breakfast.." He coughed as he made his way to the kitchen. I walked back into the room and tried to find my phone.

"Ugh.. where is it?" I groaned in annoyance. I decided to use a black iPhone on the desk to call my phone.

Dialing Chaeyeon...

'my number is saved on this phone??' I thought.

"Why are you calling? We're on the same roof..."

"So you're the one who has my phone.. Give it back."

"Nope, I'm still using it... Can't believe you didn't change the passcode after you know that I could open your phone."

"Bitch, give it back now. You better not mess up my phone,"

"Just use my phone, the passcode's xxxx"

"Why would I use your phone.."

"Just use it, I'm still preparing breakfast."

Call Ended.

"Such a weirdo.." I rolled my eyes as I proceed to unlocking his phone.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


After making pancakes, I took both my plate and Chaeyeon's plate and went inside my room. I saw her sitting down on my bed while playing one of the games on my phone.

"Breakfast's ready," I said as I put her plate in front of her and start eating. "Gomawo," She thanked me. I saw her shoving the pancake inside her mouth.

"Does it taste good?" I asked but she didn't give me an answer. She stops staring at the phone screen and just hung her head low, quietly eats the pancake. I held her chin so she could face me and tears were flowing out of her eyes. She then uses her other hand to cover her face from me.

"Why are you crying?" I asked carefully as she wiped her tears with both of her hands. "Geunyang.. your pancakes remind me of mom," She said with a cracked voice. 

I don't know why, I just have the urge to hug her. She suddenly burst out crying and I could only calm her down by caressing her back slowly. Can't believe I'm seeing another side of Chaeyeon right now.. 5 minutes later, she began to stop crying and we released the hug.

"Why are you so huggy all of a sudden.." She chuckled and hit me playfully. "I seriously don't know..? You're the first girl I've ever hug, besides my mom," I said.

"You kissed girls but you never hugged them? bruh.." She rolled her eyes. We both laughed and continue eating our breakfast.

"I owe you one," She stood up from the bed with her plate and walked outside the room. "Wait, does that mean you'll grant one of my wishes?!" I yelled from inside the room, hoping for her to hear me.

"Fine... Only 1 wish!" She yelled back as I jumped happily. I soon finished my breakfast and walked towards the kitchen to wash the dishes. 

"Can I get my phone back now?" She asked from the couch. "It's on the counter," I said as I continue washing.

"Ryuddaeng? Why did you call?" I heard her calling Ryujin I suppose. When I finished washing, I walked up to her and sat on the other couch. After a while, she then hangs up and looked at me.

"Erm.. can you drove me home? My friends are waiting there..." She asked. I just nod and stood up to take my key car.

"Where're my clothes?" She asked as I pointed at my bathroom. "I hang it there," I said as she nodded and took her clothes before we go.


merry christmas everyone!! have a safe holidayy🎄🎄

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