22 - His Story

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his story.



"Do you want to know what actually happened to him?" She asked as I just stare at her blankly. "You must be tired, sleep here," She said as she pats her lap. I lay down and put my head on her lap. She's treating me like her real daughter.. Beomgyu must've been so lucky to have someone like her..

"It was at his last grade of middle school when he started to change.." She began the story about him. 

"At that time, me and Beomgyu's dad were fighting because of his work. Beomgyu on the other hand, couldn't do anything. Every time he went home, we would fight and shout at each other." 

"One day, he decided to just walk out of the apartment and meet her ex-girlfriend."

I raised my eyebrow and give a questioned look. She chuckled and said, "But I've never met her before."

"That night, Yeonjun called me that he stayed the night at his place. He told me that Beomgyu broke up with his girlfriend because she cheats on him with another guy," She said as I frowned hearing that.

"I was so worried that it would affect him badly. The next day, he came home with puffy red eyes."

"He was about to tell me what happened when his dad called both of us to the living room. We discussed if Beomgyu wants to join us to go back to Daegu. He refused to say that he could take care of himself. He's such a stubborn guy," We both giggled.

"The next day, me and his dad went back to Daegu as he stayed in Seoul. I couldn't meet him every day so I asked Yeonjun and Soobin to report to me whenever something bad happened to him."

"That is when he changed and starts to play with the girls' hearts. Soobin told me that he dates a girl and then breaks up with them at the end of the week. I was sad hearing that, but I couldn't do anything to help him. He's a teenager," She said as I just nodded along.

"I tried visiting him every once a month, but whenever I came, he would act like nothing happened to him. He would just tell me that nothing happened at school and he was doing great," She said.

"You're sad when he told you that.." I said as I played with her fingers. "I did honey," She smiled sadly as she caressed my hair.

"He never told me about the girl he dates every week, but I always know what's happening thanks to Yeonjun and Soobin. But one day, he suddenly told me about you," She said.

"He was never transparent to me. He keeps his problem to himself and acts like nothing happened in front of others. I wasn't expecting him to get someone pregnant, but you know?" She asked as I hummed in response.

"I ain't complaining. I mean, if he didn't get you pregnant then I wouldn't have met you, right?" I chuckled at her words and nodded.

"He loves you so much, he cried to me the day you said you don't want to meet him," She said as I frowned.

"Please don't leave him when he's at his lowest point.. He needs someone to support him and I regret that I couldn't do that for him," She begged me and I hugged her. "I won't eommonim. I love him so much, I can't leave him," I said as she caressed my back.

So, that's what happened to him..

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


"Will she like it?" I asked as Krystal noona nodded. "She's gonna love it.." She pats my back.

"Have you told your mom about this?" Lia asked as I nod. "She's with Chaeyeon at home right now."

"Great, so tomorrow I'll be the one who brings the bouquet and the engagement ring," Krystal noona said as we all nodded.

"Someone's getting engage, I'm jealous," Hueningkai sulked. "Yah! You're still a kid!!" Yeonjun smacked him.

"Go get yourself a girlfriend before getting engage, don't do it the other way around," Yeji told him as we laughed.

"Meet you guys tomorrow at school," I said as I took my key cars as the others were about to go too.

"Bye!! See ya!" They waved at me as I walked out of Krystal noona's apartment and drove back to my apartment.

"I'm home."

"How's the preparation?" My mom asked and I saw Chaeyeon sleeping on her lap. "Everything's good mom," I smiled seeing her sleeping peacefully. I walked towards her and kissed her forehead.

"Carry her to bed, she must be tired," Mom said as I nodded. I carried her to the bed and covered her with the bedsheets. I turned off the lamp and closed the door before walking back to the living room.

"What did you guys do while I was gone?" I asked as I leaned my head on my mom's shoulder. "Just talking about how stubborn you are," She said.

"Mom!!" I complained as she laughed. "Ssh, she's sleeping!!" My mom hit my arm playfully.

"You're very lucky to have her," My mom sighed as I nod, "I know.."

"Don't you dare lose her again," She said sternly. "I won't, I'm making her mine tomorrow," I said as she nods and stood up.

"Go sleep, you'll have a big day tomorrow.." She said as I nod and stood up. "Eomma," I called out before she walks inside the guest room.

"Hmm?" She hummed in response and turned around to look back at me. "When will dad arrive?" I asked.

"Once you both wake up, you'll meet him," She said as I chuckled, "Okay.. good night mom."

"Good night,"

I walked inside my room and lay down next to Chaeyeon. I hugged her and pulled her close to me. She turned around to face me and opened her eyes a little before letting a sigh.

"Beomgyu? Are you back already?" She asked quietly as I hummed in response. "Your mom told me why you play with girls' heart," She grabbed my hoodie on her hand tightly. 

"I'm sorry.." I whispered as she smiled. "What for? No one's to blame.." She said as I pecked her lips, she chuckled.

"I love you.." I whispered as she smiled and whispered back, "I love you too.."

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