16 - I Don't Want To See You

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i don't want to see you.



"For today, we could try to bring the two together. But if noona doesn't want to, we can try the other day," Taehyun said as they all agreed. They then left school and went to Chaeyeon's apartment. They parked their car a few meters away from the building.

"I'll try calling Krystal unnie first," Yuna said as she took out her phone and dialed Krystal.


"Eo, Yuna-ya."

"Beomgyu oppa wants to meet Chae unnie, do you think she would want to?"

"Not sure, she's currently crying inside her room and I can't do anything about it."

"Wait, where are you guys right now?"

"In front of the apartment," 

"I'll head downstairs,"

Call Ended.

Soon, Krystal showed up in sweatpants and hoodies. She crosses the road and heads towards their car. 

"Hey," Krystal greeted as they lowered one of the car's windows. "Noona, is she o-okay?" Beomgyu asked as he nervously bites his nails.

"I can't say that she's okay tho.." Krystal replied. "Noona, I'm sorry.. I-It's all my fault.." He apologized.

"It's okay, you should apologize to her, not me." Krystal let out a chuckle. She continued, "If you want to meet her, try calling her."

"But, noona what if-"

"Just give it a shot. You won't know what happened. I'll head upstairs in case she needs me, see you guys!!" Krystal waved as she heads back inside the apartment.

"Call her," Yeji said as Beomgyu took out his phone and dialed Chaeyeon. He tried calling her a few times before she finally answered.


"What do you want." She said coldly, but her voice was hoarse, maybe because she had been crying.

"I'm so sorry.. can we meet up? I'll explain everything.."

"No. There's nothing to explain."


"I don't want to see you."

Call Ended.

She then ended the call and his tears began to flow out of his eyes. He felt his chest clenched knowing that Chaeyeon cried because of him. A text from Krystal comes in which makes his phone vibrated.

I'll talk to her
You guys should go home, it's getting late.

Okay noona..

With that, they all went home.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


"Chae, can I come in?" I knocked on the door. I peeked in and slowly came in. She was on top of her bed, curling up under the sheets.

I sat down next to her and slowly remove the sheets. She immediately hugged me and cried out. I hugged her back and caressed her back.

"Unnie, he called me.. He said he wants to meet up.." She sobs.

"And then..?"

"I'm not sure if I want to meet up with him. What if he says sorry just for show? What if he knew that I was pregnant and humiliate me? What if-"

"Sshh.. None of that is going to happen, trust me."

"Unnie, I'm scared.."

"Chae, look at me." I said as I broke the hug and she looked at me with her puffy red eyes. "Try to meet him, you can't avoid him forever. Everyone deserves a second chance right?" I asked as she hesitantly nodded.

"If he's going to leave you, you know that me and the girls are here for you. Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, Kai too." I said as she snuggled her head on my neck.

"If it's going to happen, and you couldn't stand staying here in Korea, then let's move back to USA. The both of us, you and me." I said as she shook her head no.

"Come to think of it, Beomgyu must've wanted to see his baby. The baby too needs to receive love from his father." She frowned.

"Give it a try, okay?" I kissed her forehead and hugged her once more before putting her to bed.

"Aigoo, you've grown up Chae..." I smiled as I turned off the lights and closed the door. I went inside my room and dialed Beomgyu.


"Noona..." I could hear him sobbing from the other line.

"Beom? Are you okay?"

"Noona.. I bet she doesn't want to see me ever again..."

"I regret everything," He cried and whimpers were heard.

"Sshh... I've talked to her and she's willing to give it a try. Just wait for her okay? She needs time to heal herself," I said.

"Are you home alone right now?"


"I'll call Soobin to accompany you for tonight."

"But noona-"

"It'll be great to have someone next to you at times like this, trust me."

"okay noona.."

Call Ended.

"Soobin.. Soobin..." I mumbled as I searched his contact on my phone. I immediately dialed him as he answered the call straight away.

"Waeo noona?"

"Soobin, can you accompany Beomgyu for the night? I don't think it will go well if he stays the night alone."

"Beomgyu? Arasseo noona."


"Anything," He chuckled

Call Ended.

I hope it's working..

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