20 - School

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*alarm sound*

I turned off the alarm as soon as I heard it rang. I turned to Chaeyeon who was sleeping peacefully and kissed her neck.

"Babe, wake up" I hummed. She only turned around, still not waking up. I pecked her lips as she slowly opened her eyes.

"Hmm?" She hummed. "Wake up, it's 6 am." I caressed her cheek. She hummed as we both got up. She walked out of the room to make us breakfast as I got inside the bathroom and take a quick shower.

After taking a shower, I walked towards the kitchen to see Chaeyeon cooking breakfast. I gave her a back hug and kissed her shoulder.

"You smelled nice," I smiled. "I haven't take a shower, I'm stinky," She eyed me as I let out a chuckle. I let go of her and helped her with the platting.

"Imma takes a shower," She kissed my cheek before walking back inside the room. I ate my breakfast while scrolling through my phone. I finished eating and proceed with washing the dishes.

I walked inside the room and changed to my uniform. I lay down on the bed while playing my phone as I waited for Chaeyeon to finish showering. Soon, she walked out with her robe while her hair was fully wet.

"Want me to dry your hair for you?" I offered as she walked towards the closet. "Sure," She smiled before walking inside the closet to change to her uniform. After changing, she walked out and I told her to sit down in front of the dresser. I plugged in the hairdryer and began drying her hair.

"Gyu," She called out as I hummed in response. "I think I need to wear a hoodie to school," She said as I finished drying her hair. She stood up and looked at her tummy in the mirror. 3 months have passed and her tummy was getting visible.

"Hmm, yeah. It's pretty noticeable," I said. "I'm eating," She said as she exited the room. I walked towards the walk-in-closet and try to find an oversized hoodie that Chaeyeon could wear.

"I think this will do," I said as I took a red hoodie with me. "This will fit right?" I asked as she nods her head. Soon we're all set up and we head to school.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

"Meet you in class," I smiled as she walked out of the car. I parked the car on the school's parking lot before walking inside the school through the basketball court.

"Hey Beom! Catch!" Soobin said as he passed the ball to him. He caught it and throw it to the ring.

"How's Chaeyeon? She's doing alright?" Yeonjun asked as I nod my head. "She's coming to school today. She also didn't vomit in the morning," I explained.

"Good then," Soobin said as we head inside the building.

"It's her 3rd month, I think her tummy might be noticeable already," Yeonjun said as I nodded. "She's wearing a hoodie today. But guys, I'm not sure if it could hide her bump until we graduate.." I sighed.

"Don't worry, we could hide her bump. One month to go!" Soobin pats my back.


"Chae, feelin' better already?" I asked as I stand next to her locker, watching her take her books for class. She smiled at me and nod her head. "Hey girls!!" Lia came with her books on her hand.

"Chae!!" Chaeryeong hugged her as she hugged her back. "By the way, Chae," I called out as she hummed in response.

"Yesterday, when you were absent.." I haven't finished yet but the two girls were laughing already.

"Yeah, what happened yesterday?" Chaeyeon got curious. She closed her locker and we walked towards the class. "You should've come and see Beomgyu's face. He was so so lonely when you didn't come yesterday," I laughed.

"Really?" Chaeyeon chuckled. "Oh! oh, Ryujin has the video but she hasn't come yet.." Chaeryeong said.

"What video?" Ryujin suddenly came out of nowhere. "YAh! You surprised us!!" Lia hit her arm playfully.

"Show her yesterday's video," I told Ryujin as she looked at me with a confused expression. "Aish, that Beomgyu video," I literally want to squish her -3-

"Oh, HHAHAHAH, wait, wait.." Ryujin laughed as she took out her phone and showed the video to Chaeyeon. We all laughed so hard rewatching the video.

"He did that? All day?" Chaeyeon asked as we all nodded. "He changed tho, drastically.." Lia smiled as I nod my head.

"Yeji can you accompany me to the teacher's room? I need to give this letter to Ms. Hwang," She said as I nod and accompany her to the teacher's room while the others left to class.

"Mrs. Hwang, here's the letter. I'm sorry I was absent yesterday," Chaeyeon apologized as she put the letter on her desk. "It's okay," She smiled at us.

We were about to walk away when she called us again. "Chaeyeon, are you okay these days? I feel like you're gaining weight a little," She asked, concerned.

We both looked at each other and gulped in nervousness. "Uh-uh.. I'm totally fine Ms," Chaeyeon laughed nervously.

"I think she's a little bit stressed due to the preparation for college," I tried to explain as Ms. Hwang nod her head in understanding.

"Yeah, I've been eating late snacks lately. I think that's why I gain weight," Chaeyeon continued as she held my pinky.

"Ah, I see.. You should just take it easy, you'll be graduating next month. I'm sure that you both could enter the college you guys wanted, you guys are the top students after all. Well, if you need anything, you could always find me," She said, full of concern.

"Yes Ms, thank you for your concern," We both bowed and leave the teacher's room and immediately walked back towards our class.

"We didn't get caught right? I didn't right?" Chaeyeon asked nervously as she squeezes my hands. "I don't think so.." I said which hopefully calmed her down a little bit. We walked towards the guys and take a seat.

"What, what? what happened? did something happened?" Ryujin asked as we both let out a sigh. "I think we almost got caught," I said.

"Got caught what??" Beomgyu asked loudly. "Calm your ass down, boi," Soobin said.

"So.." I explained everything to them and their reaction was priceless. "Then what did you tell her? Don't tell me.." Yeonjun trailed off as I lightly hit his arm.

"No, of course, I didn't tell her that. You think I'm stupid?" I rolled my eyes. "She told her that I'm a little bit stressed and have been eating a lot lately," Chaeyeon said which made everyone sighed in relief.

"Phew.. I thought something bad's happening.." Beomgyu said.

"We're in this together guys, one month to go," Lia said as we all nod our heads.

"Let's just hope nothing bad will happen throughout the month," Soobin sighed.

A/N : i don't know if it's just me but i fell like it's getting boring as it reaches the end. sorry guys, i'll try writing a good one next time :v

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