4 - Bad Start of the Week..

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bad start of the week.



After lunch, we walked back to class and I was still feeling weird about the kiss earlier. Such a great way to start the week..ugh.. I sat down on my chair as my girls sat down around me.

"You were glaring since earlier, what happened?" Lia asked. I sighed and said, "He kissed me.. Fuck him, my first kiss.."

They gasped. "Who? Is he someone in our class?" Ryujin asked as she looked at me straight in the eye.

"Eo, it's Beomgyu."

"Hmm.. Unnie, he's targeting you, 100%" Yuna said after slurping her bubble tea. "Aish, why does he have to sit next to me.. It's going to be hella awkward.." I sighed.

"Just keep cool about it sis, he'll get confused. You know, he thought that he succeed in winning your heart but if you keep cool about it, he'll get confused and asked himself whether he succeeds in winning your heart or no," Yeji said as Chaeryeong nodded.

"He's a playboy after all.." Chaeryeong commented.

Speaking of the devil... He walked inside the class after waving at his friends. He sat down next to me and my friends decided to went back to their seats.

"We'll go first!" Yuna and Charyeong said before walking outside of the class. I took out my books from my drawer and began to review the materials before class started.

Beomgyu blew my book until it flips a few pages away from what I was reviewing, it bothers me. "Stop bothering me," I warned him but he kept on bothering me. I was about to stand up from my seat but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in place.

"Are you trying to walk away from me? Is it because of the kiss earlier?" He smirked at me as I scoffed at his words. I leaned into his ear and whispered, "Are you sure it's because of the kiss? What if I told you that I've kissed a lot of boys before?"

He looked kinda surprised but tries to cover it up. I smirked at his reaction before proceeding to walk to the back of the class to throw my trash.

I glance over my girls and give an 'ok' sign to them. They nodded at me. 

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


After school...

"Lia, shoot.. I forgot to bring my laptop.." I facepalmed myself. "Where did you left it?" She asked, surprised.

"At home.." I replied.

"You bring your car, right? Let's go to your house to take your laptop. I'll tell the others that we'll show up directly at Chae's apartment." Lia took out her phone and began to text the others. We got inside my car and quickly drove towards my house.

"Ryu, let's stop by the market near my house. We need to buy some chips and drinks." She said as I nodded. I got off the car for a while to enter my house as Lia waits inside the car. 

"Why are you here? Aren't you having a sleepover at Chaeyeon's house?" My mom asked confusedly as soon as she saw me running inside the house and inside my room. I took my laptop and hurriedly ran back to the front door.

"I forgot to bring my laptop, See you tomorrow mom!!" I kissed her cheeks before walking back to my car.

"Here," Lia hand out her hand and took my laptop from me. She puts it in her lap as I wear the seatbelt before driving away from my house. Lia's house isn't that far from my house, just a few blocks away. So when I'm bored, I fetch her at her house.

"We're here~" Lia hummed as we both took off our seatbelt and walked outside the car. I locked the car and we enter the market.


"Ryu, isn't he someone from our school?" Lia nudge my arm and point at somewhere.

"Hmm," I responded as I gave the money to the cashier before looking at what Lia pointed. Beomgyu?

"Aish, why can't I remember his name..." Lia clicked her tongue as she crossed her arms.

"Beomgyu? What is he doing in this neighborhood?" I said as I took the plastic bag with me and we slowly followed Beomgyu from behind.

"I've never seen him here tho.." Lia mumbled. I asked her, "Do you want to follow him?"

"I'm curious, so yeah."

We immediately ran back to the car and drove away, following Beomgyu who's walking on the street.

"Where is he going?" I mumbled as I drove slowly to follow him. He soon enters an apartment and we stopped in front of the building.

"He lives here?!" I exclaimed.

"Why do I never see him here??" Lia asked confusedly. "Weird.." She mumbled.

"Aish, let's just go. Probably the others are waiting for us already," I did a U-turn and directly went to Chaeyeon's apartment to meet the others.

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