15 - The Fight

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the fight.



On Monday...

"Let's just wait for him to come," I said.  Everyone was furious, including me. Like how could he do that to her?!

Soon a pair of girls walked inside the class. They were talking, but more like gossiping, very loudly and we happened to hear one.

"Hey, have you seen Beomgyu earlier?  think he's a bit ill." The girl said. The other one responded, "Yeah, he's wearing a mask and his eyes are kinda red.."

"He's here, let's go," I said as they all nodded and we walked out of the class. We're guessing he's currently at his locker, so we walked towards the locker section.

"Yah! Choi Beomgyu!" Ryujin yelled and brought all the attention on us, including Beomgyu. She raised her hand and was about to slap him but someone else slapped him right before she could. We gasped realizing who it was, Chaeryeong slapped him. It was quite loud and it echos in the hallway.

Beomgyu held her cheeks with his hand. "How could you do this to her?!" Chaeryeong cried and yelled. "Chaeryeong-ah, not here.." Lia tried to calm her down.

"She might've not slapped you but I will, for her," Chaeryeong said before leaving. "Lia, Yuna, catch up with her. And you, you're coming with us." I said as Lia and Yuna quickly left. Me, Ryujin, and Beomgyu decide to talk on the rooftop.

"D-did something happened to her?" He asked, stuttering. We both let out a deep sighed. "She's pregnant..." I said with a shaky voice. He looked very shock, it was visible in his eyes.

"why didn't she tell me..." He said with a small voice. "Can I meet her after school?" He asked. Guilty and regret, it was all visible.

"We're not sure if she wants to meet you, but we'll try to convince her." Ryujin said.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊


After school, Beomgyu runs into Yeonjun at the back of the school. It was just the 2 of them there. As soon as Yeonjun saw Beomgyu, he was furious. He immediately grabbed his collar and push him against the wall.

"I've warned you, haven't I?" He then punched Beomgyu's face. He fell to the ground and his lips were bleeding. Yeonjun grabbed his collar again and punched him again.

Luckily, at that time Soobin was searching for Yeonjun and he happened to search for him at the back of the school. His eyes widened as he saw the 2 boys fighting. "Yah! Stop! Yeonjun!!" Soobin tried to split up the two but they weren't stopping.

He thought that he'll just get hit if he tried to split the two boys, so he decided to call the others for help. Everyone immediately come and helped to stop the fight. Taehyun and Soobin tried to held Yeonjun up, meanwhile, Hueningkai and the girls tried to get Beomgyu away from Yeonjun.

"YAH! CHOI YEONJUN! CHOI BEOMGYU! STOP!!" Lia yelled out of frustration. Soon they all stopped and looked at Lia who's blood is boiling.

"You!" She pointed at Yeonjun. "You can get mad at him, you can be disappointed at him, but not like this!" She yelled.

"You!" She then pointed at Beomgyu. "Yes, you are stupid enough to break up with Chaeyeon, but no, you're not stupid to let Yeonjun punch you!" She glared at him.

"Seriously! What's wrong with you guys?! You guys are friends and friends don't do these kinds of things, just because of a single mistake!"

It became silent real fast. Yuna decided to spoke up, "Oppa, if you really, really love Chaeyeon unnie, tell us how much you regret."

"I-I regret it so much..." Tears were flowing out of Beomgyu's eyes as he falls down on his knees. "I don't feel peaceful at all.. I can't sleep, I can't eat, I don't have the energy to do those things. No matter how much I tried to tell myself that I'll be fine, I'm not fine at all. I feel miserable, I miss her..." He cried out.

Yeonjun's gaze softened at him. "But I've told you, we all did.. You should stop playing with girls' feelings, but you didn't listen. We know that it happened to you too, but you gotta stop.." Yeonjun said. "I'm sorry..." Beomgyu sobs. They soon makeup and did a bro hug.

"Let's get you both treated," Yeji said and they head towards the school clinic. 

"It will sting a little bit," Yeji said as she puts an ointment on Beomgyu's wound before she covering it with a plaster. He hissed in pain.

"How about the other knuckle? Is it bleeding too?" Chaeryeong asked after she wrapped Yeonjun's hand with gauze. "No, it's fine. Thanks, Chaer," Yeonjun thanked her as she nods.

"Now we need to find a way to bring Beomgyu to Chaeyeon and talked to each other," Ryujin said as she crossed her arms. "She must hate you now.. If you had the chance to confront her, you need to explain everything to her.." Soobin said as Beomgyu nodded sadly.

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