13 - It Was A Mistake...

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it was a mistake.



4 months have passed and the two of them are getting closer. Because of their closeness and Beomgyu who is no longer 'flirting with others', making others believe that Beomgyu has changed and they will have a happy ending.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

"mwohae?" Krystal asked her little sister who's sitting in front of her computer early in the morning.

"CSAT is next month and I need to study," She replied as her sister nods. Krystal went to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. Suddenly,  Chaeyeon had the urge to vomit so she rushed to the bathroom.

Krystal heard Chaeyeon vomiting in the bathroom. She left the kitchen and ran to her sister.

"Why? What happened?" Krystal asked as Chaeyeon replied, "I don't know.."

"aigoo, you feel sick again?" Krystal helps her sister and they walked back to the living room. "I think so..." Chaeyeon replied. She has been vomiting for the past week, so Krystal was quite w

"Wait here, I'll make breakfast for you." Krystal then left and went back to the kitchen to finish making breakfast.


"unnie, I'm still hungry.." Chae said as she put back her plate on the table. "There's a leftover cheesecake on the fridge," I said as I turned on the TV. She stood up and head to the kitchen.

"Can I call the girls over? We could study together or something.." She came back with the cheesecake on her hand. "Sure thing," I agreed. She immediately grabbed her phone to call out her friends. Soon enough, we heard a knock on the door and Chaeyeon rushed to the door.

"Hi Chae! Hi unnie!" Chaeryeong and the others greeted as soon as they entered. "Hey!!" I greeted back.

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙  ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊

"Should we go out to buy some snacks?" Yuna asked as Lia nodded. "If you're going out-" I got cut off by Chaeyeon who suddenly stood up and rushed to the bathroom while closing her mouth. She's vomiting again? What's wrong with her?

"Yah! Yah! Waeo?!" Chaeryeong got panicked. "Yeji, get her water," I said as she rushed out and came back with a cup of water. I helped Chaeyeon drink the water.

"Are you okay?" Ryujin asked as she helped her stood up. "I'm fine, just a little bit dizzy.." She smiled weakly. Ryujin helped her to sit down on the couch.

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